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Other topics or the lighter...


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I was reading various things on here the other day and came to the conclusion that, at times, it can be very quiet until suddenly somebody posts a subject which can start off the rest of us to reply.  Then again, a subject crops up which nobody is particularly interested in so it gets no reaction.  What I have noticed is that sometimes it can be something seemingly trivial that provokes a reply.  It can be something like...Oh I don't know... like,  did you know that before topics became topics they were called marathons or snickers?.  Or it could be, Kit Kat have made a new lighter bar called senses?  Now either of those could start off  debates about, the topic one being in The Lighter Side and the Kit Kat one being posted in the Other Topics.  Somebody else might say, for example, that topics and marathons should start with capital letters.  I never know exactly which category I should post in if it is not to do with finance, renovations or one of the other things that are more obvious, which is why nowadays I confine myself to putting the odd thing onto the music section started off by Frenchie.  Please bear with me then for posting this item about cows in this section and not under Pets.

Why are cows such sullen creatures. You just have to look at them to see they have some sort of chip on their shoulders and why that should be I don’t really know.  They have all the food they can eat, they have no decisions to make and they are not bothered particularly about the changes in the weather.  Perhaps all they have to think about is… where to wander off to next.  Next time you see cows in a field just take a look; if you are close enough to speak to them you will notice that their expressions never change whilst you do so.  The only possible reason to be so sullen that I can see and, come on, you only have to look at the expression on their faces to see it written all over them, is that they eat, sleep and go to the toilet in the same place, in fact to be indelicate I have noticed many times that they can be eating and going to the toilet at the same time.  Just imagine that! Could that be the reason for their sullen expressions or is it something else?

This all started me off by Wooly posting about protecting a nickname.  So, did you have a nickname that you are now glad that none of us know about?  Why don't you tell us!


Please keep to the topic as well.


Edited.  Sorry about the spacing, It aint nuffink I have control over.








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weedon you just can't generalise with cows. I know some wonderful cows. My friend has a pet Guernsey - she is so beautiful with the longest eyelashes and a smile on her face. And my daughter got a TOP job by talking about why she has always like cows.

Some, like Friesians can be really nasty and dangerous and have killed several people in last few years in the UK, usually dog walkers.

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[quote user="odile"]weedon you just can't generalise with cows. I know some wonderful cows. My friend has a pet Guernsey - she is so beautiful with the longest eyelashes and a smile on her face. And my daughter got a TOP job by talking about why she has always like cows.

Some, like Friesians can be really nasty and dangerous and have killed several people in last few years in the UK, usually dog walkers.

The description of your friend Odile sounds delightful, but tell us more about the Guernsey cow?  The trouble with those nasty Friesians is probably due to being introduced to Holstein Pilsner in an effort to increase milk output, alcohol just doesn't agree with some.  I knew somebody back in the UK who had rights of way across his land and he was often having trouble with walkers, I shall tell him about Friesians.

I don't actually keep any animals Ben but if I did I might consider pigs as people who do keep them speak very highly of them.

It may surprise you to know Twinkle that I don't have any hobbies at the moment but I am always open to suggestions, Oh! by the way I never did thank you properly did I for sending me a PM some months ago when I was being sullen about never receiving PMs from anybody and you were the only one to respond[kiss] At least I think it was you.

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[quote user="Weedon"]

It may surprise you to know Twinkle that I don't have any hobbies at the moment but I am always open to suggestions, Oh! by the way I never did thank you properly did I for sending me a PM some months ago when I was being sullen about never receiving PMs from anybody and you were the only one to respond[kiss] At least I think it was you.


I trawl the forum looking for poor mis-guided souls like yourself Weedon and the odd miserable old cow in the hope that I will somehow brighten their day. 

It's a hobby of mine[:)]

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[quote user="Burt"]

Why are cows such sullen creatures. You just have to look at them to see they have some sort of chip on their shoulders [/quote]

Burt, Cows do look sad indeed, and I don't think I have ever seen a happy cow in me whole life (except me own personal cow I had in Kildare) How would you look if you knew that some big bloke was going to come along everday and pull on your nipples to get milk for himself and his girlfriend? Then when he has sucked all the milk out of you he murders you and then eats you, would you look sad at that prospect? Poor cows are so gentle and so good to people. I have not heard of a cow deliberately killing a person, but I know a lot of people kill cows on purpose, and that's not right!

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