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Tessa Jowell is innocent??


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If she really is innocent and didn't have a clue as to what her oh was up to, but trusted him implicitly to deal with all financial matters, then it could make complete sense that they separated. she was so angry that he had been dishonest that she kicked him out.

mind you, believe that and you believe anything.

has she ever been to see him since he moved out?

has there been any contact between them?
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[quote user="J.R has gone native"]

All you ladies that are being open minded are missing the point I think.

[/quote]Why do men call women ladies (or girls.. grrr), when they are about to be patronising?  I love you really, JR![kiss]

I haven't come down on one side or the other (I'm not a great one for either trial by newspaper or the guilty until proven innocent theory) - I was simply pointing out that not everybody has a handle on the household finances.  My o/h is a very long way from stupid too and has held down a well-paid job where budgets were all important but he really cannot be bothered with our own. 


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Have they been staying in Paris together ?

All this means the present work going on by senior civil servants is going to be needed They are working on setting up what is required for smooth transition after the next election towards the country being run by a governement with the Liberal party holding the cards ...The antics of both Labour and Conservative MP,s over expenses is making a hung parliament more and more likely
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[quote user="Frederick"]Have they been staying in Paris together ? All this means the present work going on by senior civil servants is going to be needed They are working on setting up what is required for smooth transition after the next election towards the country being run by a governement with the Liberal party holding the cards ...The antics of both Labour and Conservative MP,s over expenses is making a hung parliament more and more likely[/quote]

"Work" and "civil servants" - these words can rarely be used together in a single sentence especially when the reference is to Whitehall staff, unless the context makes it clear that the former is total anathema to the latter.

The only other group of employees that I can think of who get paid for equally obviously doing little work are Fleet Street journalists (yes, I know they're not in Fleet Street any more), but at least they are not rewarded with high salaries, inflation-proofed pensions, and honours for not doing their jobs properly.


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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="J.R has gone native"]

All you ladies that are being open minded are missing the point I think.

[/quote]Why do men call women ladies (or girls.. grrr), when they are about to be patronising? 


Gentlemen call 'women' ladies because they (men) are gentlemen.

Would you expect a man to walk into a room full of women and say (eg) 'Good Morning Women', no, it would be 'Good Morning Ladies'

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

Yes, I must agree, Steve.

Imagine a speech starting:

" Your Royal Highness, My Lords, women and men...........!

Now that would have the Left Wing PC mob leaping up and down!


[/quote]I'm a pc leftie and I hate being referred to as a lady in the kind of context quoted above by the lovely JR.  It has a "you ladies don't know what you're talking about" ring to it.  Of course I got the point.  And if I didn't agree with the premise, it was nothing to do with my sex, more my sense of hatred for judging people based on "facts" fed to us by the media.

As far as Ms Jowell is concerned (and why the h*ll should she take her husband's name if she doesn't want to?), this and other incidents going on at the moment remind me of the way UK politics felt when the Tories were coming to the end of their tether and all kinds of "scandals" hit the headlines.  I'm not convinced that many of the politicians involved in these were all treated fairly then, and the same is happening again.  When the country gets tired of a government's worn-out policies and the oposition begins to smell blood, the media then resorts to attacking their personal lives when it runs out of sensible political argument.  Sometimes it is justified, sometimes not.  But I'm not prepared to judge anybody based upon what newspapers tell me.  I used to work with the media and was rarely, if ever, quoted verbatim, and often journalists put words in my mouth which I had never uttered, and wrote utter rubbish about the business I was in.  Thus I trust them not one little bit.

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Now, I must confess, JE, I did have you in mind as I wrote that! And thought to myself, "Now I bet that jerks old JE's chain!"

It is great to see you entering the lists once more, which to me is a sure sign of just how your recovery progresses. Great to see.

I agree, calling the fairer sex "ladies" can be men in patronising mode.

However, in English as she is correctly spoken , it is correct and not patronising to refer to women as "ladies" in certain specific instances: as it is incorrect to call women "ladies" in others.

Referring to women as "Ladies" is a sort of wannabee Middle Class error which to me is the same as referring to the lavatory as the "Toilet".

I for example, cannot stand my wife and I being referred to collectively as "Guys" as recently happened when visiting our bank in the UK.

My wife isn't a geezer: and I don't think I resemble Guido very much: I don't own a floppy pointy hat for one!

I agree totally about inaccurate media reporting: worse now than ever.

Whilst I agree to an extent about governments approaching the end of their term, I also believe the reason so much negative reporting occurs about the players, is simply the appallingly crass incompetence of their judgements and management tends to emerge, as effects, after a number of years.

And this is precisely what is happening right now.

Forget all the words and speeches and high sounding rhetoric, reality is coming to pass in leaps and bounds.

As it is wont to do................


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Hailing from Lancashire as I do, I have always rather liked lads and lasses as ways of distinguishing the two sexes.  I agree it's a bit weird to refer to both men and women as guys but I can see how it happens - laziness, possibly; or maybe just an attempt not to be sexist which doesn't come off.  Much as I use the word "loo" in preference to toilet which I also detest.  Then I hate myself for judging people by the way they refer to the bog.  Not an aspect of my personality I'm particularly proud of.

I'll give you your take on the way governments (or at least some members of them) can fall into traps and get involved in "scandals" (even by implication only) at the end of very long terms.  Complacency sets in and they take too much for granted, including the voters.  Being a leftie I've always been very sceptical of New Labour and not a devoted fan thus I'm not trying to defend Ms Jowell for the sake of it.  I just think we should still allow for the possibility that there might be two sides to this story.  But of course, that's no fun is it?  And it's a typical wishy-washy feminine reaction to boot.

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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="Gluestick"]


[/quote]I'm a pc leftie and I hate being referred to as a lady in the kind of context quoted above by the lovely JR.  It has a "you ladies don't know what you're talking about" ring to it.  [/quote]

Have a heart for us poor blerks not knowing whether to call you girls, women or ladiees, its a confusing world even more so now that  I know that Cooperlola enjoys hearing swear words.

Perhaps I should have tried "bl**dy non specific female gender types"

Oh and I am compelled to comment on  being called the lovely JR


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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="powerdesal"]Gluey,

Am I, or have I, missed something here?

Why do you refer to Copperlola as 'JE' ?
[/quote]In joke. Think Cooper.  Think Lola.  It makes sense, honest.[;-)][/quote]

That has always intrigued me, the answer broadly makes sense!

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Chatting via PM, Coops and I discovered we shared a passionate interest and affection for the "Real" racing cars of the 60s: and of course the incredible personalities.

They truly were halcyon days when the drivers had to work very hard: and most of the time you could see them in "The Office" working as they zoomed by.

And if you went into the paddock, crises apart, they had the time and kindness to chat, in majority.

But then, it was still a sport: a real one. Not an over-publicised media fest run for the benefit, in the main of one poison dwarf.


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JR (as opposed, of course, to JE), I understand your problem.  What makes it more difficult is that many women do not feel as I do and don't mind being called ladies.[:-))]  I think the problem occurs (for me anyway) when the word is used just as a chap is about to insult my entire sex.  As though calling us ladies will somehow soften the blow.  "Lady drivers" is my particular favorite expression.  Goes down a treat.  Not.  Thus I felt I should be a true hypocrite and call you lovely just as I was telling you off.[:)]

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Coops, I understand entirely about the "ladies" bit.  Unfortunately, my poor sainted husband was born in an age in Wales when ladies were ladies and women were....I'm not sure what.

You might be interested to know that I once had the misfortune to be Research Assistant to a moderately well-known professor in a Media Department (who should have known better and didn't).  After 5 months of his introducing me to all and sundry as my "lady assistant", I'd had enough and resigned.

Cost me a Phd but, if I'd stayed on, I would probably have strangled him with his own tie (yes, he wore suits and ties).

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="powerdesal"]Gluey,

Am I, or have I, missed something here?

Why do you refer to Copperlola as 'JE' ?
[/quote]In joke. Think Cooper.  Think Lola.  It makes sense, honest.[;-)][/quote]

Now I am understanding Sah,

Gluey you have a weird mindset [:D]

Not at all: once Coops explained how she had derived the handle, "Cooperlola" it was quite logical to me, that I used the two designer's Christian names in initial: i.e. Cooper (John): Lola (Eric- for Eric Broadley) and thus John-Eric became JE.

Which, as a fellow affecionada of the era, Coops got immediately.

In those far off days, the founders and designers of their marques were all ex-racing drivers and heroes in their own right.

And all done with slide rules and nary a computer in sight.

I still well remember the first Racing Car Show I attended: Royal Horticultural Halls, 1960.

Both Broadley's first sports racer, with handbeaten ally aerodynamic body (A total work of art) and Cooper's FI car which had been driven by Brabham to the World Championship in 1960 were there.

And you could actually touch the cars!

I gently rolled Brabham's Cooper back and forwards a couple of inches on its stand with one hand on the rear wheel: it was very light.

Wondrous days for a young man, set on somehow being involved in the sport.


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Sorry to hear that, Dog.  Doesn't matter how long ago some of these things happened, you never forget the important people and events in your life.

Gentlemen/chaps/blokes/guys/geezers/men: Here is a tip for you (and quite nicely linking to the Gordon Ramsey thread):

You can always tell a lady because she only swears when it slips out......[Www]

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