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Tessa Jowell is innocent??


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And co-signs huge mortgage committments without bothering to question the minutiae of the obligation and affordability................


Or perhaps, that might be why the spending on the Olympic facilities has soared now to probably 3 X original budget?

Heh! It's only taxpayer's money! Who's counting?

We'll just add it to the expected £200 Billion and rising PSBR.............................



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I have absolutely no idea as to the truth of this so cannot judge one way or another.  However, what I do know is that my o/h (before my accident at any rate) never had any idea of the true state of our finances - it's me who did all the tax returns, budgets etc.  He never even knows which date he gets paid on.  It's not his thing and  it's left pretty much to me to fix up, outside his own bank account which is seperate and to which I send a fixed amount each month.  I could very easily have dug us into heavy debt without him ever having noticed.
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In my working life I attended many management training courses. By far the most useful was a course I attended at Bournemouth Uni, on 'Body Language'.

Anyone who has done similar will know exactly what I mean, and where I'm going with this.

Innocent..................., pah!!!


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[quote user="cooperlola"]...my o/h ... never had any idea of the true state of our finances - it's me who did all the tax returns, budgets etc.  He never even knows which date he gets paid on.  It's not his thing and  it's left pretty much to me to fix up...[/quote]

It's the same in our house.

Mr Clair doesn't deal with ANY paperwork whatsoever. He signs where and when I ask him to and wouldn't know i if I arranged for a mortgage or sold the house.

Based on that, I will not make any judgement of guilt by association.

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Back in the post Boom-Bust days of the almost equally insane late 1980s, where (usually wives) had co-signed mortgage and second mortgage and secure loan contracts with little or no knowledge of the true ramifications, it was possible for a co-signatory to avoid the debt, on the basis that they did not wholly comprehend the risks and dangers associated with their action.

Indeed, we acted for a number of injured clients (usually in divorce where the lender was trying to seize the asset - a house -  by foreclosure) and successfully achieved avoidance of the debt obligation.

Since then, mortgage and second-mortgage process and the compliance issues have been seriously tightened.

Thus I'm afraid I must remain highly cynical about Ms Jowell's claimed "Innocence".

All of which calls to mind a rather vulgar joke.


Husband comes home one evening and finds a large new larder fridge in the kitchen.

"Where did that come from?" he asks.

"I won it in a raffle!" says his wife.

A few days after, there is a new top-of-the-range washing machine.

Same story.

Well, this goes on until the house is full of new things. One evening, the wife says,"I'm going to have a nice soaky bath!"

"Ohh! Be careful, dear!", says the husband.

"Careful? In the bath? Why?"

"Well, we wouldn't want you to get your raffle ticket wet, would we!"


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="cooperlola"]...my o/h ... never had any idea of the true state of our finances - it's me who did all the tax returns, budgets etc.  He never even knows which date he gets paid on.  It's not his thing and  it's left pretty much to me to fix up...[/quote]

It's the same in our house.

Mr Clair doesn't deal with ANY paperwork whatsoever. He signs where and when I ask him to and wouldn't know i if I arranged for a mortgage or sold the house.

Based on that, I will not make any judgement of guilt by association.


But I think most people would notice if £350,000 suddenly appeared in the account and/or the mortgage was suddenly paid off....................[Www]


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[quote user="Bugbear"][quote user="Clair"][quote user="cooperlola"]...my o/h ... never had any idea of the true state of our finances - it's me who did all the tax returns, budgets etc.  He never even knows which date he gets paid on.  It's not his thing and  it's left pretty much to me to fix up...[/quote]
It's the same in our house.
Mr Clair doesn't deal with ANY paperwork whatsoever. He signs where and when I ask him to and wouldn't know i if I arranged for a mortgage or sold the house.
Based on that, I will not make any judgement of guilt by association.

But I think most people would notice if £350,000 suddenly appeared in the account and/or the mortgage was suddenly paid off....................[Www]

[/quote]How, if they never look at bank statements?  I kid you not, before my accident he never had any idea how much money we had. 

I'm not saying that's what happened here, I am only telling you that I know it's possible for one partner to have absolutely no idea what's going on in the family budget!

A friend of mine, for instance, did not know how far in debt they were until a bailiff called one day to reposess their belongings because neither the mortgage nor any other debts had been paid for nearly a year.  And her o/h was stealing from his employer.

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On a slightly different tack.....

On a golf course about a year or so back there was an interesting three ball ahead of us comprising....... David Mills, Alastair Campbell and Robert Rubin (among other things, Secretary of the Treasury under the Bill Clinton administration).  I'd have loved to be earwigging their conversations.

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So, if you, JE, suddenly announced that you and he were moving to a large maison de mâitre, replete with swimming pool, stables, 10 hectares of grazing and forest, six chambres, and etc, Mr Coops would not question the how and why?

(Of course I may be misguided here, 'cos you might already live in one! [:)])

Jowell co-signed a £408,000 loan, let's recall: which mysteriously was paid off a few weeks later.

After all this lady was a Cabinet Minister and still is a Minister: and is in charge of the olympic budget!

She had the benefit of a public school education; then Universities of Aberdeen and Edingburgh and then Goldsmith's College.

Under current statutory law, aiding and abetting Money Laundering and personally profiting under The Proceeds of Crime Act, are serious criminal offences.

Conspiracy under either or both is even more serious.

Ignorance is no excuse under English law.


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I do understand what Coops is saying about Coops2.  My OH is similar with regards to money matters in many ways.  Doesn't know and not particularly interested.

Mind you, if I suddenly started shopping at Intermarche instead of Lidl or Waitrose instead of Tesco and started choosing the €25 menu instead of the €10 in restaurants, I think he would notice.  Not that he'd say anything because he's a generous man and he never questions my spending decisions.  But, I do think he would sit up for a change and might even start watching what I do.

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All you ladies that are being open minded are missing the point I think.

It is not a man that did not know what his wife was doing with the finances but the opposite, and a very shrewd and well educated lady to boot.

Do you still think that she knew nothing?

I have not seen the UK news in several years but I remember when she was grilled about it a long time ago (must have been pre March 2004) thinking that (to her credit) she was not a very good liar, unlike a lot of women that I have known including my sisters!

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Am I the only one who suspects that the separation of the Mrs Jowell and Mr Mills (what is all this nonsense about different names anyway) may be nothing more than a sham and convenient political ploy to protect her from the fallout of his mendacity [blink]

As for her not knowing what he was up to I don't believe a word of it. Someone so prominent in public life simply cannot afford to claim ignorance of what her spouse is or was up to. They would be a moron.

Denying it later has the obvious consequences.

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Yes, yes, JR and Erns, I do not believe for one nano second that she was innocent.

All that fringe of hair to hide behind and the so-called separation did not fool me.  But, I just wanted to kinda show that I had an open mind, see?

I don't really, it just looks less blinkered that way![:D][:P]

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The classroom sneak undoubtedly!

Convenient how she washed her hands of her old man's grubby dealings when she had enough of her own lurking in the background waiting to bite her bum!   Cannot help but feel it will all be shoved under another carpet to join the mountains of other muck the govt. have stashed away from prying eyes.

Cynical????   Moi??????


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