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This is almost too sick for words


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[quote user="Cat"]

Care in the community?

I don't know, but how could someone do something like that and not be mentally ill?  What possible other excuse can there be?


Sadly some sickos confuse notoriety with fame.

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In our PC society lots of kindly liberal types put evil nutters out on the street - as it's kinder, fairer ...

We had a next door neighbour, a psychiatrist (a medically trained shrink) and he told us that what was inside was totally looney, and sometimes allowed out.   He left to lecture at Manchester University, now a Prof. as he could not longer cope with what's inside.

Sadly they are still letting them out.  Husband played golf  a while back with a probation officer who told him that southern England was awash with released pedophiles.

Something to be said for bringing back the death penalty for a crime such as that in Belguim.


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They say the twenty year old Belgian didn't get out of anywhere.

"C'est un Belge de 20 ans, pas d'origine étrangère. Il ne s'est pas évadé d'une institution psychiatrique. Il n'était pas sous l'influence de l'alcool ou de stupéfiants", a précisé le magistrat, démentant ainsi un certain nombre de rumeurs qui avaient circulé sur l'agresseur dans la journée."



Can't comment on it, it's so awful, but I know what I would like to say.


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It feels too awful to address, almost too sick for words, I agree, but we, as a society, need to address it.

Dunblane, the nursery near Wolverhampton... those were both in the UK in 1996. These offences reach the international headlines, many don't because they harm just one child, if the child dies the story may reach the national press. 

I think we have a problem with violence towards children. Mental illness or not, our society is producing these individuals.

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While I completely understand the 'sick to the stomach' feeling  people have expressed, I don't understand the surprise/shock.

It's not as though this is the first (or last) time someone has been so vile/brutal in acting out either their own demented  'desires'  or 'urges' let alone  those acts done on behalf of an 'organisation' in the not distant past...think about the mutilation of children in Rwanda as a relatively recent example.

Things as horrifying/disgusting as this have always happened: we are just exposed to them more these days.

There is no massive upturn in this sort of tragic and horrible event, done in this case by someone who appears to have been deranged. We just get to know about it so quickly.

What sometimes gets me, is that we gasp with horror at each most recent 'story', and then quickly move along to the next; there are so many to choose from.[:'(]


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It's difficult to say that someone who has a serious psychiatric disorder is de facto evil.  If, because of their illness, they no longer have normal emotional or rational responses then it follows that they can no longer make a choice to do or not do something.  Someone who is evil chooses to do something terrible with the full knowledge of the consequences of their actions. 

As an aside I would include a lot of heroin and crack addicts in the first group - they, too, have lost the ability to make rational choices.  These people need help.  Sadly for them (and society) 'help' costs money...money that Governments are unwilling to spend.

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I don't think there was ever any any suggestion that he was foreign, was there?

Where did you read that the killer has a history of mental illness, as the ... "Selon le magistrat, le suspect, inculpé depuis hier d'assassinats et de tentatives d'assassinat, n'avait pas d'antécédents psychiatriques".

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Yes you're correct, misread the French.

But, some possibility of mental illness emerging - on one of the news bulletins this morning - can't remember which as I was 'zapping' around.


Yes I know that mental illness and evil don't go together - that's why I said:

"Clearly, someone must be very sick and evil to do such". 

 Lots of mental illness around in gentle,  kindly people, but sadly in this instance I think we will find out that this man is sick - and evil.



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It's quite possible that he is simply evil - from what Cat said it seems there was no history of mental illness.  However psychiatric illnesses don't all evidence themselves in a gentle way from gentle people.  Some are harsh and brutal.  My sister cares for severely (mentally) ill patients, and the behaviours of some would fall into the harsh and brutal category.  For example, one of her patients pulled all the finger nails out of a young female and then ate part of her arm.  The act was evil; he wasn't.  He was seriously ill and incapable of viewing what he did from the perspective of normal outsiders.

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They say he is refusing to talk or eat and is on a drip.  Apparently he had three knives, an axe and was wearing a bullet proof jacket.

"Nous n'avons pas un indice. Il n'a rien dit. Nous ne pouvons que supposer", a dit le procureur. "Quand vous êtes face à un jeune homme qui a fait cela à des bébés, qui était armé de trois couteaux, d'une hache et qui avait un gilet pare-balles, vous ne pouvez que supposer quels étaient ses mobiles."


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[quote user="Dog"]It now seems he had murdered someone earlier in the month - so how was he on the streets?[/quote]

He is now suspected of having committed another murder a week before.  Rumours are circulating that his DNA matches that found at the scene of an earlier murder. 

He wasn't suspected of the first crime until after his capture for the second.  That's how/why he was on the streets.

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[quote user="Cat"]

[quote user="Dog"]It now seems he had murdered someone earlier in the month - so how was he on the streets?[/quote]

He is now suspected of having committed another murder a week before.  Rumours are circulating that his DNA matches that found at the scene of an earlier murder. 

He wasn't suspected of the first crime until after his capture for the second.  That's how/why he was on the streets.


Thanks for the info I didn't get the whole story.

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