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This has really, really, really hacked me off.


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 These Muslims should read our history a bit more.....I was once told that we British can be the most formidable bunch of people if provoked enough ...We  take a lot to provoke normally ... but they are doing a good job of doing it today.... But...  if and when it kicks off  it and I think its very likely to ....I would not want to be around ...

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Agreed. Although I am not sure that the younger generation are or will be as formidable as you may like to think. If (and it is a big 'If') the situation reaches breaking point I rather suspect it will be the 40 to 50 year old generations who will snap, together with ALL the Military (and ex-Military) who are becoming more than a little pi**ed  off with the lack of appreciation / consideration / recognition by the general public. It could get very ugly indeed.

Perhaps (sad to say) its what is needed.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Weren't they called Fifth Column dans le temps?

Perhaps the order might have been Halt, platoon one, left turn, platoon two,right turn, fixed bayonets. Platoon one go for the journalists, platoon, go for the .........


I believe it would be ' Company Halt' 'Left and right Ranks outwards turn'   'Charge'

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Wouldn't you prefer people to have a peaceful legal demonstration than start suicide bombing?

Afganhistan is a stupid war that cannot be won -  and is costing the UK dear.

The only people winning are arms suppliers.

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Perhaps those doing the protesting should reflect on the fact that they could do so without being arrested/tortured/killed and that those they were protesting against were putting their lives on the line in far-off countries to (in part) enable those same rights to freedom of speech.

If the protestors had thought about that, they might have hailed the soilder as heros.


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I haven't seen it on the TV and cannot view it on the net but from what I have read the families of the troops were a violent lot and attacked the peaceful protesters.

Iraq and Afghanistan were an illegal war and an unwinable war that has cost the UK dear.

Why does the UK have the 4th largest armed forces in the world for a tin-pot nation?

As a kid I was really shocked when soldiers would march into the Cathedral with guns - in what was meant to be a place of peace. Peculiarly they always sang John Browns Body lies a Mouldering in the Grave.

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Well, me with my really cynical hat on wonders.....

Are we being 'prepared' for a troop withdrawal?  The result of withdrawing troops will mean absolute chaos in Iran/Afgahistan until the biggest thugs and warlords divide up the countries and get on with growing poppies again because let's face it, the only reason to invade was to try and break up the drugs trade - some hope.

So, with demos like this, it is easy to say 'they don't want us there anyway, let them get on with it'

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Indeed Dog.    Maybe the troops should be deployed on the streets of UK instead of NI, Afghanistan, Iraq?    They are just as likely to get shot there with the open warfare between gangs,  the gangs versus the police, and kids shooting or stabbing each other as its "cool" to be armed like an urban terrorist.   Maybe I'm cynical like Pierre ZPF?

Looking back through history have these three hotspots ever had a lasting peace though?   NI has simmerred for centuries erupting occasionally like Mount St. Helens, only its not a natural disaster or Act of God - its down to men and women who do not want peace.   The Warlord mentality.

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Everyone has a right to free speach but to do this in front of the troops who are only doing their job is despicable. A protest to the government would probably have carried more weight and antagonised no one. I agree that this war in Afghanistan is a futile one and I for one have reasons to be against it having family members out there at this moment in time but our lads are trying to do the best job they can. I am sure none of the lads really want to be there and would rather be at home with their families and I totally dissagree that the  government quoting "Protecting Queen and Country" as the UK does not have an impending threat of invasion from the Taliban. The severe terrorist threat  to the UK has only taken place since the illegal war in Iraq. I do feel so sorry for most Musims as they live in fear when a minority do things like this.
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I think it is deliberately provocative for soldiers to march in public with a band.

It is obvious that most people are against this useless war and to taunt the people that have to pay for it is a smack in the face.

How do they find time the to waste marching about haven't they got something better to do?

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  I am sure the French population and their sons serving in Chad and other places will be happy to know your views on the military Dog.....I am sure they will be pleased if you demonstrated as a foreigner how much you are against them.....try it !..get your placard  made ..... your local market day will do for a start....

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