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Jade Goody


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[quote user="Quillan"]The reason I decided to post this is because I am not sure what to make of it. Death to me is a personal/family thing and would not relish it happening under the full public gaze. Perhaps I am the one that is odd, which is why I thought I would post how I felt on the subject and wondered if I am alone in my feelings and thoughts?[/quote]

Why should Jade Goody go quietly? by Justine Picardie

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The reason why people like Jade Goody get rich, and that Max Clifford is always in work, is that people want to read about celebritiers, their lives, worries, romances, and other stuff. Actually magazines like Heat and Closer are just full of celebrity tittle tattle but, heck, they're best selling weekly magazines and someone must buy them.

You couldn't make up the story of Jade Goody: born to a one-armed lesbian drug addict, raised on a sink estate, came to fame on Big Brother because she was uneducated and showed her 'kebabs', turbulent relationship which produced two children, became involved in a race row on TV, then went to India to appease people there and go on their Big Brother but, just at the start, is informed that she has cancer and suddenly becomes the brave heroine and opinions change. You really couldn't make it up. But good luck to her for exploiting her fame and trying to leave some money for her kids.

But she's only getting rich because the general public pays money to read about her. And that says a lot more about us than it does about her!
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Yes, it was a good article BUT if it happened to you or I would we have the same opportunity to make money for our children and would we also receive such a large amount of public interest? Still at the moment its not being rammed down our throats too much on TV and it does seem there are early indications that many younger women have having tests carried out which can't be a bad thing.
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[quote user="nectarine"]The reason why people like Jade Goody get rich, and that Max Clifford is always in work, is that people want to read about celebritiers, their lives, worries, romances, and other stuff. [/quote]

I take issue with this statement, nectarine and fundamentally disagree.

People, in the majority have been cynically and most effectively brainwashed by a dumbed-down approach in media, which was intended to be a shrewd and venal commercial strategy.

Celebrity is a product: nothing more and nothing less.

It is all part of a globalised "Entertainment" business.

People read what they are cleverly coerced into reading.

Perhaps what worries me most with all this puerile nonsense, is that those feather-brained celeb besotted cases of arrested development, can vote and produce children.

And now we see the social results.


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good point, but the fact is that the magazines are bought by the public. Whether they are brainwashed into reading them or not, the fact is that we/the public buy this stuff and make these people rich. If the magazines weren't bought then PR people and their clients would go out of business. If everyone voted with their feet (or purses) then Max Clifford and his clients would be history ... but I doubt that will happen.
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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="nectarine"]The reason why people like Jade Goody get rich, and that Max Clifford is always in work, is that people want to read about celebritiers, their lives, worries, romances, and other stuff. [/quote]

I take issue with this statement, nectarine and fundamentally disagree..........

Perhaps what worries me most with all this puerile nonsense, is that those feather-brained celeb besotted cases of arrested development, can vote and produce children.

And now we see the social results.



Makes you wonder how those who claim they don't read or know anything about these so called celebs know all about them, sufficient to comment on their upbringing and background, now for me its Jade?  Jade who??  [Www]

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Unfortunately, if you have english tv or glimpse an english newspaper (any english newspaper) you will be assailed with the details of Ms. Goody, of her difficult upbringing, her life, her wedding and of course her coming departure from this mortal coil.   Unless you have your head in a bucket of sand with no contact with uk media then sadly you will know precisely who Jade Goody is - there is no escaping her nor knowledge of her at the moment - especially as dear 'ol Gordy has leapt onto the bandwagon to issue statements wishing her well and Jack Straw lets her criminal boyfriend out on special licence for their wedding.   It has even overtaken everything on the news.

Two young men were  stabbed  to death last saturday night in London in seperate incidents.      Ah but Jade's getting married, thats far more newsworthy isn't it????     Hide the terrible news behind the veil of "Jade's Joy at her Wedding".      Yeuch........................[+o(]  

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[quote user="Ron Avery"][quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="nectarine"]The reason why people like Jade Goody get rich, and that Max Clifford is always in work, is that people want to read about celebritiers, their lives, worries, romances, and other stuff. [/quote]

I take issue with this statement, nectarine and fundamentally disagree..........

Perhaps what worries me most with all this puerile nonsense, is that those feather-brained celeb besotted cases of arrested development, can vote and produce children.

And now we see the social results.



Makes you wonder how those who claim they don't read or know anything about these so called celebs know all about them, sufficient to comment on their upbringing and background, now for me its Jade?  Jade who??  [Www]


Perhaps it is because one can actually read, Ron?

And even the more intellectual publications are bound to report, en passant, such affairs.

Particularly the Home Secretary's favouritsm towards a felon.

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It's all an elaborate scam to get the ordinary populace to worry about something other than the fact that UK is sinking - especially under the weight of fat cats and gross politicos.

I cannot wait until she is spirited away and the revolution starts.

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As I have a teenage daughter I am somewhat au fait with the wonderful Mrs.Tweed as she is now- unfortunately.

The father of her boys was a member of some teen-scream boy band when she was in BB.    He stuck around long enough to become a father twice over then debunked (he saw her mother and realised what he was in for in future no doubt).    I would imagine he will take her boys permanently as I am sure he does not want Mr.Tweed having them having seen what a fine upstanding citizen he is.

She had already set up trust funds for her children long before she was diagnosed.   I guess she wanted their futures assured even if it all went wrong in her "career", but this was one scenario I doubt even entered her head, or her advisors.

Whilst I cannot bear Mrs. Tweed, its the little boys I feel sad for as for all her faults she clearly loves them dearly and for them to lose their mother, the only static thing in their young lives, that is tragic.    Like it or not we are destined to see this story through to the end since it is thrown up in all directions wherever you look - next stop the Train Spotter's Handbook or Delia Cooks Jade's Favourites.    It will run and run.................................

However, in the light of this horrible thing happenning to a young woman - one that Gordy seems to fond of - will cancer testing of younger women now be introduced?   We shall see.

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  • 4 weeks later...
There was another which your perception missed, that of compassion for a human being who suffered before release from this mortal coil; whatever else she deserves that, no matter what is said about her she has highlighted the blight of cancer and finally has her peace.
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I quite agree with you john and in addition, although she was regarded as stupid, she was in fact only uneducated and far from stupid.  In addition, I always had the impression that these days when, scratch the surface of many a 'celebrity' you'll find someone completely different underneath, Jade at least was 'real'.   And if, in addition, she has saved one life because of her ilness, then her time on earth has been worthwhile.

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Whatever your feelings about how she lived the last part of her life (I have expressed mine before) its still tragic that a person should die so young and of such a horrible disease and also leaving such young children behind. I hope that her children are OK, stupid question I guess, they ar probably very upset and confused. I hope they are getting the support they need at this time.
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It's the kids I feel the most for. Not only have they got to deal with the death of their mother, they will then no doubt face a future of vultures hovering other them and the money.

Maybe Jade should have given all the money to cancer research.

A lot of amous people are dieing from cancer lately though. It's quite a run.

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