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lion reunited


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I have seen this on Youtube before and just loved it. But I have to say I was disappointed to hear on the news that they had actually bought the lion in Harrods in the 60's . There is another Youtube with a lady being reunited with a lion that she rescued from a horrible circus that was very moving as well and I had assumed something similar with this one.

Hopefully, though this bring something positive and will allow people to see lions in a different light and not feel happy about seeing them as circus acts or pinned up in very cramp zoos for our pleasure. Good example showing that they are certainly sentient beings.

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[quote user="WJT"]

I have seen this on Youtube before and just loved it. But I have to say I was disappointed to hear on the news that they had actually bought the lion in Harrods in the 60's . There is another Youtube with a lady being reunited with a lion that she rescued from a horrible circus that was very moving as well and I had assumed something similar with this one.

Hopefully, though this bring something positive and will allow people to see lions in a different light and not feel happy about seeing them as circus acts or pinned up in very cramp zoos for our pleasure. Good example showing that they are certainly sentient beings.


It's true that the lion was bought in Harrods, but the guys did it because they felt they could give her a better life than the one she had there....their hearts were in the right place.

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Frenchie, that lion video was wonderful! I swear to God the lion is in love with that guy[:)] You can see it in his face, he's so contented and happy to be near him. Seems even more affectionate than the Harrods lion. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was about a lion version of Friends Reunited. Shur they had their own tea houses years ago, so anything is possible.

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RH, I didn't realise. The lion loves them that is for sure.

Frenchie, that was the video I was talking about. It is a woman not a man and she rescued the lion from a terrible and cruel life in a circus. The lion is obviously aware of what she did for him. I love that video.

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They are kissing though, it's love, I'm really sure about that! I wish a lion was in love with me, I would like that. I remember back in Kildare when Lion bars first went on sale in Ireland. They had been banned for several years under the cruelty to lions act of 1977. Nothing on sale in Ireland was allowed to contain any part of a lion, it's still in force today, and rightly so! The manufacturers brought out a vegetarian version for the Irish market made with synthetic lion. The tv adverts said "You Will Believe You Have Eaten A Lion"  Of course when I finally got one, I discovered that it tasted nothing like a lion[:(] Surely that is an offence under the trades description act.
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I think we need to draw a lion under this now! Tigers are nicer looking with their lovely golden stripes, lions are just owl beige things with legs. Frenchie, when you find a tiger in your bed, then you will have something to talk about. They have a saying in Kildare "when you buy a tiger, make sure it's tail is included in the price" something we should all remember in these troubled times.
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[quote user="Cheeky Frenchie"]

I ve had a dream about a tiger last night, and that s cos of you FK !!



God,  the way I get the blame for everything[:@] It's not fair! You obviously are harbouring tiger thoughts deep within your cycle, and they just come out and manifest themselfs when you're asleep. Do you eat cheese or bacon before going to bed? Frenchie, they have a saying in Kildare about dreaming of tigers. "I have seen it, I have felt it and I liked it" The dreams in Kildare are so realisitic, unlike the dreams they have in England and France. Here is a girl that is very like Mary O'Malley from Sligo.


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Elephant Story

In 1986, Mkele Mbembe was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from
Northwestern University. On a hike through the bush, he came across
a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The
elephant seemed distressed, so Mbembe approached it very carefully.
He got down on one knee and inspected the elephant's foot, and found a
large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as
gently as he could, Mbembe worked the wood out with his hunting knife, after
which the elephant gingerly put down its foot. The elephant turned to face
the man, and with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for
several tense moments.

Mbembe stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled.
Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away.

Mbembe never forgot that elephant or the events of that day.

Twenty years later, Mbemb was walking through the Chicago Zoo with
his teenaged son. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the
creatures turned and walked over to near where Mbembe and his son
Tapu were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Mbembe, lifted its
front foot off the ground, then put it down. The elephant did that
several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man.

Remembering the encounter in 1986, Mbembe couldn't help wondering if
this was the same elephant. Mbembe summoned up his courage, climbed
over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up
to the elephant and stared back in wonder.

The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of
Mbembe's legs and slammed him against the railing, killing him instantly.

Probably wasn't the same elephant.


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