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Easter Bunnies

Furry Knickers

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The Pope is a stylish dresser and  I am sure he will have a lovely dress.

Have you only just got an invitation? - someone must have dropped out.

For me the problem is what wedding present to buy the lucky couple with a cistern chapel.

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I did get an invitation indeed. Me and Bertie the bunny are great pals and he confides in me alot. What will I wear though? Should I wear a dress too? I don't want to upstage the bride and groom, so I think maybe a leopard print sarong, but they are a bit 90's. Presents are goiing to be a real problem! I was going to give them his and hers marmosets, but wrapping them up will be tricky. It's either them or liposuction vouchers.
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[quote user="Dog"]

The Pope is a stylish dresser and  I am sure he will have a lovely dress.

Have you only just got an invitation? - someone must have dropped out.

For me the problem is what wedding present to buy the lucky couple with a cistern chapel.


Dog, this Cistern Chapel, is that the one with the noisy flushing toilets? [:-))]  And is the reason why there's always a queue waiting to get in because there are only a couple of toilets for all the visitors?

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="Dog"]

The Pope is a stylish dresser and  I am sure he will have a lovely dress.

Have you only just got an invitation? - someone must have dropped out.

For me the problem is what wedding present to buy the lucky couple with a cistern chapel.


Dog, this Cistern Chapel, is that the one with the noisy flushing toilets? [:-))]  And is the reason why there's always a queue waiting to get in because there are only a couple of toilets for all the visitors?


Oh yes the one with the gold taps and the  beautifully painted ceiling - the floor is so shiney that on a full moon you can see uranus.

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"]I did get an invitation indeed. Me and Benny are great pals and he confides in me alot. What will I wear though? Should I wear a dress too? I don't want to upstage the bride and groom, so I think maybe a leopard print sarong, but they are a bit 90's. Presents are goiing to be a real problem! I was going to give them his and hers marmosets, but wrapping them up will be tricky. It's either them or liposuction vouchers.[/quote]


Now thats an idea some vouchers - perhaps I'll get them both vouchers for that new gene breast enlargement theraphy. Takes your belly fat and moves it to the breast region.

I have decide to wear a pink/taupe kilt, 7 inch heeled rigger boots, a green bear skin hat, barbed wire shirt with lurex braces and hair undies.

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"][quote user="Dog"]

I have decide to wear a pink/taupe kilt, 7 inch heeled rigger boots, a green bear skin hat, barbed wire shirt with lurex braces and hair undies.


God, I love hair knickers!



My favourite pair of underpants ever - were a pair I wore to school when I was four years old - my grandmother knitted them and they were black mohair - they were an absolute pleasure to wear. I still dream about them and the luxurious feel.

My wifelet refuses to knit me any - so I won't let her wear the burqua I bought her in Tehran on holiday last year.

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[quote user="Furry Knickers"][quote user="Dog"]

I too was wondering about him and his Swedish model.

Some say he masquerading as a school master - perhaps he broke his restraining order.


I heard he was now touring Bosnia Herzegovina with his Demis Roussos tribute act.


I think you'll find that's so last years news - he has moved on after the 'op' and is now in Bagdad with a stage show starring as Nana Mouskouri.

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[quote user="Dog"]


My favourite pair of underpants ever - were a pair I wore to school when I was four years old - my grandmother knitted them and they were black mohair - they were an absolute pleasure to wear. I still dream about them


There are owl ones over in Connemara that will knit you a pair of knickers, but they are deer! I got a pair made in 1999 for the millenium celebrations, I paid £40 but there was a horn in mine. It hurt for a while, but I got used to it after about an hour. So maybe in your case, the deer ones are best avoided.

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Another 50 forum users swap their allegiance to Total France................................JR

Thought for the day: Deus meus, ex toto corde poenitet me omnium meorum peccatorum, eaque detestor, quia peccando, non solum poenas a Te iuste statutas promeritus sum, sed praesertim quia offendi Te, summum bonum, ac dignum qui super omnia diligaris. Ideo firmiter propono, adiuvante gratia Tua, de cetero me non peccaturum peccandique occasiones proximas fugiturum. Amen.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]Clair, your link doesn't seem to work.  I was wondering, not about Demis Roussos, but if the Pope had used a condom would he still have to get married? [/quote]

Link repaired...

He who uses condoms is a sinner.

A sinner cannot be the Pope.

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[quote user="Clair"]

Investigation into ultra-conservative RC order after late founder had mistress & child.

link repaired


Thanks Clair[:)] Shur look at all them priests that are out having it with their housekeepers and Avon ladies. Does them 50 going off to Total France remember the Bishop Of Galway? There was a right whore! They are so quick to forget.


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