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Pirates, Give up the boat or die?

just john

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It seems any resistance, English or French, then the captain loses the boat one way or another,
Does anyone have a workable solution?

Already Air Travel has already been thwarted by Terrorists measures required in both cost and inconvenience,
I was thinking this as I was being asked to remove my belt and shoes, (not in a nice way) at an airport recently;
and saying to myself in an airport with armed police, is this flying really necessary in future.
How long before we are doing this on a cross channel ferry?


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I remember being on a Sealink ferry travelling to Holyhead, and it was attacked by pirates in a submarine. They boarded the ferry and robbed all of the pies and sausage rolls and several of the seats. We had to stand for the rest of the journey to Holyhead where we were met by the Welsh mounted police. After that incident, all the Ferries travelling the Irish seas were modifed to have an electric charge run the whole hull of the ship that was switched on upon departing the port. Anyone attempting to board the ferry at sea, would receive a 50.000 volts shock that would knock them into the wild water where they would then perish due to the freezing cold temperature of the Irish sea. It is a system that is still used today with great effect (you never hear of a ship on the Irish sea being held up by pirates anymore) I don't understand why they don't use it on all ships that use the sea all over the world.
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Just John, many a true word spoken in jest!

Travelling from Plymouth to Roscoff just over a week ago, I was asked (told) whether I objected to being 'frisked' by ferryport security personnel.( Not a problem for me, but I'd have preferred a George Clooney look-a-like. )The reason given was that they had to search a percentage of cars and drivers. We also had to declare we were not carrying anything of a 'hazarous' or dangerous nature.

On the return journey no checks were made at all. 


Edit.  If it makes travelling safer, then I don't have any problems with any checks made. 

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