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Gut feeling


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I always go with my initial feelings about everything. So far, it's always been the right decision (except for the brocolli I bought on saturday)  I suppose the size of the gut comes into it too mind! The bigger it is the bigger the feeling. It's no use going with it if you're a size zero. Is it a lad you're talking about? Oh those lads in France, they are just lovely [:)]
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[quote user="Frenchie"]

(Immediately know if you'll  like him/her )



Now you are just dying to tell us about him [:P] What's he like then? How many eyes has he got? Is he a big lad?[;-)] What about hair, has he got any? And Frenchie, This is not out of me own curiosity, it's for the benefit of medical research ( I swear on all the goats in Kerry) If it's another scouser, I prefer not to know anything about it [:D]

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[quote user="Frenchie"]Do you always trust your gut feeling when you have to make a decision?[/quote]

No. It might just be indigestion.


I don't totally ignore my instincts but I'm someone who believes the best of people and situations (within reason) so while I'll take into account an instinctive reaction I won't totally rely on it but it may (or may not) make me a bit more wary of something.

Hello Furrynix. How're you? Wouldn't it be perfect if MmeTressy were here too...[:D] And Katie, and Twinks... oh the memories...

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Evening Catalpa [:)] I'm absolutely grand indeed! And how's yourself? Ah, that Tressy was just a wonderful owl woman! Shur bejazus I had a massive crush on her. It took me so long to get over her, it was only after I got me  new sausage dog that I completely recovered. Memories are wonderful and we always will have those untill we get completely demented. Me mammy always said to me when she was changing me nappy "when you slide down the bannister of life, may you never get splinters in your little ars e". [:)]
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Our daughter was about 5 when she slid on a wooden bench in a mountain resto during a skiing hol. Just couldn't get the splinter out - imagine the peoples' faces as they say my husband trying to get a splinter out a little girl bum with his teeth on the window sill of the WC! He id get it out eventually. LOL. don't tell her I told you as she is 33 now!

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Odile, I'm so sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to tell us.

When you said your husband had his teeth "on the window sill of the WC", do you mean that his dentures, which he'd removed ,were on the window sill?

Wouldn't they have been more effective in his MOUTH?[8-)]

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well yes! Sometimes my English lets me down. LOL. Anyway, he did get the splinter out - and she was very grateful!

Frenchie, I have followed my guts and heart all my life- and 99% of the time it worked- I have very rarely been let down. But be careful all the same-

take care et bonne chance. xxxx

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[quote user="odile"]Just couldn't get the splinter out - imagine the peoples' faces as they say my husband trying to get a splinter out a little girl bum with his teeth on the window sill of the WC!

[/quote]  [blink]

[quote user="Furry Knickers"]Ah, that Tressy was

just a wonderful owl woman! Shur bejazus I had a massive crush on her.

It took me so long to get over her, it was only after I got me  new

sausage dog that I completely recovered.

Indeed she was. Or is, as I'm sure she's out there somewhere. Pruning her roses. In an instinctive sort of way.

And yes, your Furryness, I can see how a new sausage dog would help fill that void. [:P]

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I had a friend who had never had a regular boyfriend, went to Italy on holiday when she was 18, fell for a German lad - love at first sight- and has now been married to him for 40 years. How's that for following you gut instinct.
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