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Oh la la what dya think bout that ?


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I didnt click the link as I am sure that it is the ad that I frequently see on telly for McVities if I am not wrong.

I always crack up when I hear a French actor imitating an upper class English accent and love sometimes to speak French in a heavily  accented "toff" voice when making a joke or pulling someones leg, what is frightening is that usually I am better understood!

Has anyone seen the Pampers (I think) advert on French Tv with the roller skating babies performing to "rappers delight", pure magic!

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I'd really like to know .


I think I will use this ad with my 15 year old students when back to school in september, in a lesson about European stereotypes.

( Of course this will be the moment to introduce,  " The .. are said to be ..." ; " People say the .. are ... "

The expression of opinion, personal experience, etc.. )


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[quote user="puzzled"]

I must be the only one who thought it was a real English voice. [:$]


It had me fooled; but then I have only watched it once.

[quote user="WGT"]

This is one thing I love about the English, they can laugh at themselves.[/quote]

How true. My OH loves to play golf, and he plays well. Though our French friends cannot understand his attitude to the game, as OH has a virtually permanent smile on his face, due to being happy to be here in France and to being able to play golf as and when he wants. So he smiles, a lot, even on the days he doesn't do so well. They, on the other hand, try so hard so do well all the time, that they can become overly upset when they don't do as well as they anticipated.


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Thanks for the link, Frenchie.  German friends of ours had been telling us about it as they had seen it on TV.  They were amazed that it was being aired but it did remind them that we invented football...

I like the bit when he says that 'nous avons notre prop-re mon-aie'.

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