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My new grandson

Mme poivre

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Firstly i'm in limbo because i am wating for the arival of a grandchild which is due on saturday and really quite excited, i even put off comming to france, havent even book my ferry yet[:)]

However, sad news on monday as my father-in-law gave up his fight for life after a short illness.  Lots of tears of sadness so far this week but we are hoping for tears of joy very soon.

Then as my poor husband has been driving miles and miles to help sort things out the cam belt snaps on my car half up the motor way..

and to top it all I have an abses on my tooth and will now have to go and have it taken out.

I was soo looking forward to the summer holidays and now just seem all at sea..

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These things affect us all from time to time and just have to be worked through. Easier said than done, of course.

I'd like to sat Cheer up my 'Little Pepperpot' but it probably won't help.

If it any consolation, it;s pouring down here at the moment....................
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Oh dear - you are having some bad luck, one step at a time and hopefully you'll soon have some joyous news to celebrate... easier said than done I know...

Personally I'd give the abscess priority, if you feel better it might help you cope...

Let us know when the baby comes won't you ?


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oh golly, Mme Poivre - I am thinking of you. Been through the mill and back again a few times lately - so I know how it feels.

Our little granddaughter Cara was born on 9th - and we were there to help out - and seeing her and looking after our little grandson (3) - was wonderful. I am sure it will help you too.

Good advice from RH though - make sure you deal with that abcess - perhaps you doctor/dentist will prescribe antibiotics first?

Lots of TLC and xx     Odile

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Thanks for the replys much appreciated. Sorry I have been feeling abit sorry for my self, 

Odile i have had three lots of antibiotics and the abses still keeps comming back they said the only other option than having it pulled wa to be a very long and not painless root canal filling which would have to be done privately (because the NHS have done it once al ready) costing an armand a leg, so i have made an appointment to have the tooth out in the morning , perhaps then i will feel a bit better in myself.  I need to be strong for my poor hubby who is devistated about his dad.

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Sometimes the old adage about troubles coming in three's doesn't help.

I am sure that once you have dealt with the abcess, you will have the strength to help hubby cope, and the arrival of your grandchild will help - be quite sure.  When it is safely arrived, you will feel much better ..... 

Meanwhile, a few good vibes are winging your way.

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Poor you, yes, have that tooth pulled and then you will feel so much better. Trust me, I know as I have lost several teeth to abcess and the relief when it comes out is undescribable. The new baby will bring so much joy to both of your lives and although the sad loss of your Fathe-rin-Law is terrible, the new baby will give you both something to focus on. This time next month you both will feel so much better and full of joy for your new arrival. Let us know all about the arrival...boy or girl...weight..everything as we are all there for you. 
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Thank you for all your kind thoughts it is really appreciated. I do feel much better than I did when I wrote this earlier.

For those interested we were told the baby is going to be a boy and he will be called Joe, just wating to see how big he is and when is birthday is[:D]

We are still trying to sort out funerals etc but everyone being very brave thanks again. It  amazing how grown up my 10 year old can be when he wants he makes me very proud.


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So you are going to have a little Joe, how lovely is that. Our Grandson, Joe, has just passed the audition for the Royal Marine Band service and he starts his training in September so you will have years of being proud of your Joe ans so much to look forward to. Chin up, it can only get better.
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can i cry now?

 my abses hurts more now the tooth as been taken out than it did before, the worst bit was the needle going straight into th eabses, i think everyone in the dentist heard that bit[:P]

then there was the bit where the dentist told me go outside for 10 mins as she thought i was going to faint - i did tell her i wasnt very good with needles but she didnt listen -

ok taken the pain killers and will sit chill for bit until they kick in Why does it still feel as if i have been kicked in the face though?


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can i cry now?

 my abses hurts more now the tooth as been taken out than it did before, the worst bit was the needle going straight into th eabses, i think everyone in the dentist heard that bit[:P]

then there was the bit where the dentist told me go outside for 10 mins as she thought i was going to faint - i did tell her i wasnt very good with needles but she didnt listen -

ok taken the pain killers and will sit chill for bit until they kick in Why does it still feel as if i have been kicked in the face though?

No news on baby either but i will learn to be patient.


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Getting a tooth out can leave a certain amount of bruising (although an absess often loosens the tooth).

Be careful when you rinse your mouth, don't swill, just hold the water over the socket and spit it out, once its draining or drained things should soon improve....

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