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United Nations climate summit


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This storey from today's on-line Telegraph., courtesy of Andrew Gilligan

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 This bit from me. So, back to reality, they want to tax "me" to save the planet, they want "me" to pay extra money to off set my carbon footprint when I go on holiday. Forgive me for being a little cynical but what's going on? is someone taking the proverbial? I keep reading this information over and over,  the statistics  are mind boggling.

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You're right to be cynical, Mate.

Climate Change has become a new well paid academic career; for far too many scientists without a real specialism.

Indeed: it is all about a good set of wheezes for new taxes on one side: and a super way to clout billions on the other, by running Carbon Trading Exchanges and the like. And putting up the price of energy and anything manufactured; including food.

Which is probably precisely why Fat Al Gore (You know: I invented the Internet! And I discovered Climate Change!), jets around the World in his large and mainly empty large jet to lecture on why we all must pull in our energy horns; whilst apparently although no one much is there, all the lights blaze away all night long in Al's huge mansion.

He has significant interests in Carbon Trading BTW.

A good point to start in to study this would be to read Michael Crichton's book, "State of Fear"; OK it's a novel, but a hugely cynical novel, written tongue in cheek; and has a very exhaustive reference section which alone is worth the nine or so quid. Crichton was s scientist of course.


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Yeah, well, there are lots of points of view on this - I tend to be with those who, when they learned about HIV AIDS, considered that being celebate or practicing safe sex was probably a sensible idea.  I understand that there are those who prefer to experience outcomes first hand.  They may have very burned fingers but at least they comprehend an important thing about fire - as long as they don't want to burn my fingers too, I say good luck to them![:)]
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As for Al Gore, the millionaire, he's made even more money from his DVD  (An inconvenient truth).  NuLab has spent money on  this  (our taxes actually) and all UK schools (secondary at least) have been given a copy.  Thus lots of brainwashed kids too.

Interesting that Gore is a US citizen - the nation that uses more resources than any other country.


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I think they ought to pay me.

I rarely go out in the car, so use little petrol.

I currently live only in 2 rooms, so my heating costs are very low.

I only throw out on average, two bin bags of rubbish a week.

The only light I have on at night is a small tungsten angle poise lamp.

I don't watch my plasma tv much anymore, and mainly use a laptop so am not using much electricity.

The dishwasher and washing machine are used perhaps twice a week now so not much water wasted.

Yep, I'd imagine I'm pretty green now, without really trying to be. So, why aren't I rewarded, only penalised?
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Climate change is big business. It was worth around $6.3 trillion in the last financial year, double that of 2007. Its expected to double again for 2009. (Source Business Day), definitely the business to be in.

When you start to delve in to why its in governments interests to put the fear of god in to people about global warming all sorts of things start to come out. For instance petrol, diesel and aviation fuel account for a small proportion of what is made from the oil we suck out the ground and that is getting less and less all the time due to 'green' additives' and synthetic oil for your engine. Much of it is used for detergents, cloth, plastics in general, film for cameras even preservatives for canned food, just about everything you touch has something in it that comes from oil. (THIS is a good simple source to discover where oil is used).

Now oil reserves are expected to peak between 2015 and 2030 depending on who's report you read, THIS article explains that. Now the next thing is who actually owns the oil reserves, the petrochemical industries, no its governments and its them that give the oil companies the licences to get the oil out.

For governments this is a win, win situation. They often have large amounts of money invested via shares in the petrochemical companies as well as getting fees for the licences they issue not to mention the tax from the profits of the petrol companies and the tax you pay at the pump when you fill your car up.

The world economy is also at risk because of all the large multinationals that require oil for manufacturing the items from the link I gave earlier. So as the oil reserves peak and we start to run out of oil the cost of oil will rise dramatically and this will obviously hit manufacturers hard so its very much in their interest to ensure that the use of oil for petrol and diesel becomes restricted and they slow down the speed to the date at which oil peaks. How can you do that, simple get the public to believe that by driving their cars, flying away on holidays etc will kill the planet. Of course even better for them is that the worlds climate changes all the time so you can roll out a few numbers tell people its climate change due to cars etc  and hey presto what they say must be true.

If you have time on your hands its interesting to see how many (but not all) of the scientists involved predicting doom and gloom are sponsored directly or indirectly by multi nationals. Its not looking for those that are sponsored by petrochemical companies its like those sponsored by say Kodak for example who use oil to make film or perhaps the food industry who use preservatives created from oil or people like Proctor and Gamble (as an example) you need to watch out for.

Anyway I'm off for a cup of tea and a biscuit, now I wonder whats used to make the plastic wrapper the biscuits are in, you got it, oil, see what I mean.

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I wonder how long it will be, before "Climate Change Denial" becomes a criminal offence under EU law?

Here is a useful site which denies climate change is caused by man and carbon.


There are many others.

However, it does seems as if someone somewhere (The few, naturally) have a secret agenda.




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[quote user="buelligan"]

Mickie wrote; [quote]Here is a useful site which denies climate change is caused by man and carbon.[/quote]

Thanks for that Mickie, I'm definitely gonna use it when the tsunami/flood/drought/famine comes for me....[:D]


Tsunamis are caused by under-sea volcanic erruptions - usually: nought to do with weather.

Floods? Mainly by living in a flood plain - Bangladesh e.g.: or by excess building development and under-provisioned storm drains.

Droughts? Typical cyclical weather patterns experienced by e.g. Africa for 10,000 years.

Famine? If the Climate Changers are correct, then France and England will revert to a climate similar to Roman times.

No more booze cruises to la belle since vineyards will flourish in England, again, right up to Yorkshire!

And the Sahara etc will revert to as it was: as will much of North Africa along the Med coast, before the Romans ruined it with excessive agriculture.

Such as British Gas will vanish: as we won't need to heat our houses so much: and solar heating will provide all our hot water!

So, what's not to like?



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It's ok to arrive at the summit by either one of the 1200 limo's or 140 private planes because at that point you don't know there is a problem.

On the way home though all educated like, they should all be using push bikes and public transport.

How about running a book on the sweeping changes that will come out of the summit.

evens on cars having maximum size engines/bhp

100:1 Co2 being allocated on a similar basis to air miles for plane travel.

50:1 all packaging to be reduced to the minimum.

1:3 on ordinary folk being taxed more because collecting money will cure the climate problem

1:5 absolutely nothing will change

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Something on telly in the early hours this morning - I should join the insomniacs club!

But,   it described climate change - colder and hotter,  BUT millions of years ago - before mankind's arrival.  And, the scientists were also speculating on what caused it then.

Many forget climate change happened more recently - eg a frozen Thames in the mid 17th century.  It was frozen solid with people setting up eateries on the ice.  And this was well before industrialisation and pollution.  Doubtless times of increased heat too, but the extreme cold was recorded - even in paintings etc.


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[quote user="gardengirl "]

Is it the drink, the food or the witty yawns that would attract you to the insomniacs club, Tegwini? Souns like an interesting programme; wonder if it can be watched again? [/quote]


Sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was called or what channel it was on-  I was in bed with the 6 ft hot water bottle who was snoring by then.

But, it was one of those  'Life' type documentaries.     They were able to deduce quite a lot from the geology and date some of the strata to 350 million years ago.  I looked for you on BBC iplayer, but could find nothing.  I did find this:


This a David Attenborough programme.  He clearly thinks, as I do,  that the problem is  'Populution -' way too many people!   That's what this conference should be discussing - not encouraging governments to use this, as Nulab has for years, as a means of extra tax.  The world's population has tripled in the last few decades - scary, especially since the fastest growing populations are in countries which cannot feed themselves, hence many are desperate to move elsewhere, but especially to Europe.


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Tsunamis are caused by under-sea volcanic erruptions - usually: nought to do with weather.


The largest tsunami occurred in Southern Chile::::::no under sea volcanic eruption involved.

The best known in recent years affected Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, Bangladesh and a few islands::::::::no undersea volcanic eruption involved.

Be grateful for citations with information on tsunamis provoked by undersea volcanic eruptions.

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[quote user="tegwini"][quote user="gardengirl "]

Is it the drink, the food or the witty yawns that would attract you to the insomniacs club, Tegwini? Souns like an interesting programme; wonder if it can be watched again? [/quote]


Sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was called or what channel it was on-  I was in bed with the 6 ft hot water bottle who was snoring by then.

But, it was one of those  'Life' type documentaries.     They were able to deduce quite a lot from the geology and date some of the strata to 350 million years ago.  I looked for you on BBC iplayer, but could find nothing.  I did find this:


This a David Attenborough programme.  He clearly thinks, as I do,  that the problem is  'Populution -' way too many people!   That's what this conference should be discussing - not encouraging governments to use this, as Nulab has for years, as a means of extra tax.  The world's population has tripled in the last few decades - scary, especially since the fasting growing populations are in countries which cannot feed themselves, hence many are desperate to move elsewhere, but especially to Europe.



I can see me getting flamed for this, but what the heck...........

Way too many people + too many nuclear weapons in the World =                      Instant sunshine and a reduction in population.

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[quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="tegwini"][quote user="gardengirl "]

Is it the drink, the food or the witty yawns that would attract you to the insomniacs club, Tegwini? Souns like an interesting programme; wonder if it can be watched again? [/quote]


Sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was called or what channel it was on-  I was in bed with the 6 ft hot water bottle who was snoring by then.

But, it was one of those  'Life' type documentaries.     They were able to deduce quite a lot from the geology and date some of the strata to 350 million years ago.  I looked for you on BBC iplayer, but could find nothing.  I did find this:


This a David Attenborough programme.  He clearly thinks, as I do,  that the problem is  'Populution -' way too many people!   That's what this conference should be discussing - not encouraging governments to use this, as Nulab has for years, as a means of extra tax.  The world's population has tripled in the last few decades - scary, especially since the fasting growing populations are in countries which cannot feed themselves, hence many are desperate to move elsewhere, but especially to Europe.



I can see me getting flamed for this, but what the heck...........

Way too many people + too many nuclear weapons in the World =                      Instant sunshine and a reduction in population.

That's what I posted, just in a more subtle way, which is unusual for me

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[quote user="Théière"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="tegwini"][quote user="gardengirl "]

Is it the drink, the food or the witty yawns that would attract you to the insomniacs club, Tegwini? Souns like an interesting programme; wonder if it can be watched again? [/quote]


Sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was called or what channel it was on-  I was in bed with the 6 ft hot water bottle who was snoring by then.

But, it was one of those  'Life' type documentaries.     They were able to deduce quite a lot from the geology and date some of the strata to 350 million years ago.  I looked for you on BBC iplayer, but could find nothing.  I did find this:


This a David Attenborough programme.  He clearly thinks, as I do,  that the problem is  'Populution -' way too many people!   That's what this conference should be discussing - not encouraging governments to use this, as Nulab has for years, as a means of extra tax.  The world's population has tripled in the last few decades - scary, especially since the fasting growing populations are in countries which cannot feed themselves, hence many are desperate to move elsewhere, but especially to Europe.

Tegwini [/quote]

I can see me getting flamed for this, but what the heck...........

Way too many people + too many nuclear weapons in the World =                      Instant sunshine and a reduction in population.


That's what I posted, just in a more subtle way, which is unusual for me


Good grief Steve & Tpot!

But how will you control  the radiation fallout ?


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[quote user="tegwini"][quote user="Théière"][quote user="powerdesal"][quote user="tegwini"][quote user="gardengirl "]

Is it the drink, the food or the witty yawns that would attract you to the insomniacs club, Tegwini? Souns like an interesting programme; wonder if it can be watched again? [/quote]


Sorry, I couldn't tell you what it was called or what channel it was on-  I was in bed with the 6 ft hot water bottle who was snoring by then.

But, it was one of those  'Life' type documentaries.     They were able to deduce quite a lot from the geology and date some of the strata to 350 million years ago.  I looked for you on BBC iplayer, but could find nothing.  I did find this:


This a David Attenborough programme.  He clearly thinks, as I do,  that the problem is  'Populution -' way too many people!   That's what this conference should be discussing - not encouraging governments to use this, as Nulab has for years, as a means of extra tax.  The world's population has tripled in the last few decades - scary, especially since the fasting growing populations are in countries which cannot feed themselves, hence many are desperate to move elsewhere, but especially to Europe.

Tegwini [/quote]

I can see me getting flamed for this, but what the heck...........

Way too many people + too many nuclear weapons in the World =                      Instant sunshine and a reduction in population.


That's what I posted, just in a more subtle way, which is unusual for me


Good grief Steve & Tpot!

But how will you control  the radiation fallout ?



Quick re-plan......Use neutron 'devices'. No fall out, no infrastructure damage just population reduction[6]

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