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When a confession isn't really about owning up


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Why not ask the rest of the country if they want NI as part of the UK or, before the Falklands War started, whether we should have The Falklands as part of the UK's 'Empire'? 

Do you know any Falkland Islanders Tony ? Or know how they felt about being taken over by Argentinia ?


I don't but I did know residents of the Malvinas and Argentina that certainly do not think that the British occupation is legal.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]  Do you know any Falkland Islanders Tony ? Or know how they felt about being taken over by Argentinia ?[/quote]

That's not the point I was making and I think you know that.  What I'm saying is that HMG always falls back on the locals not wanting to be split away from the UK.  But nobody asks the population of the UK if they want to hang on to these far flung areas of the Empire or even whether we wanted to maintain a Province in NI that was run and policed by right wing, Protestant bigots who knew that if they were ever to be part of a United Ireland, they would loose all their power and were likely to have their snouts removed from the trough.

I do actually know a couple of Falkland Islanders and, like many Anglo-Indians, they can out-Brit the Brits.  I also knew a number of the soldiers that went to the Falklands and NI where I also had some experience and very few could see the point of either conflict other than politicians flexing their muscles, especially in the Falklands.

I also know a couple of people who are currently working in the Falklands and they are of the same mind as the soldiers I knew who fought there.   

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Slightly off topic but related. My best mate is now retired from a very senior position within the police force and was 'invited' to join another organisation within the same sort of area (if you follow my meaning).

As a result and with others he faced down some Irish terrorists complete with guns and the like and who were in the process of stealing gelignite and other related items.

Cases like this are normally heard at The Old Bailey and my mate and others were commended for their bravery and the way that the case file was presented to HHJ.

The terrorists were found guilty and potted for 30 years.

Weeks later they were let out on the basis of the Good Friday agreement.

From afar I can see the value of such an action in that we now see a marked improvement in NI. Indeed our son served in let us say an intelligence unit there on two tours of duty.

Long may NI continue to prosper but there is nothing worse than bigots and then political bigots.

Finally I am not sure if my friend (probably because he was literally too close) can see the benefits of letting those guys go free.

He and I continue to have a joke that he would have arrested some MP's on conspiracy charges and I would pot them.
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Leaving the politics for a moment, I'm curious about the "acute psychiatric treatment" that Mrs Robinson is said to be undergoing.

Do you think they might subject her to some Aversion Therapy (as described by one of the Tom Sharpe books)?

They wire her up to a machine that takes blood pressure, brain-wave activity, whatever.  Then they parade young teenaged boys in front of her and everytime there are signs of a rise in blood pressure or any signs of arrousal are evident, they zap her with a painful electric current to different parts of her body (parts of the anatomy to be decided).

Might cure her better than anything more subtle because I don't really think that this is a case for one of the "Talking Therapies" as I suspect that she talks and protests too much already.

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Sweet you made me giggle & giggle -  I do hope Constable Els is in charge of the Electro Aversion Therapy! The mind boggles as to what pictures he would be showing her.. You have started me thinking now how Tom would approach the subject. He is a lovely bloke I met him a couple of times. If Wilt could somehow get in on the act total mayhem would ensue..

(I am just reading 'The Gropes' Tom Sharpes latest book.)

In the book 'Indecent Exposure' they were wired up to the genitals and shown slides - but Constable Els got fed up showing pictures of naked black ladies so was showing the policemen in therapy his holiday slides of wild animals he had photographed on his safari holiday while they got electric shocks.

For those that haven't read this very funny book... http://www.ciao.co.uk/Indecent_Exposure_Tom_Sharpe__Review_5673193

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A message from another Tom Sharpe fan.

Whilst the aversion therapy was very painfull and effective on the Konstabels I suspect that if the electrodes were clipped to Mrs Robinsons privates she would probably enjoy the elecric shocks.

Judging by the photograph of her at the start of this thread I would say that she is not been averse to a bit of aversion therapy in the past!

P.S. I read his latest book and sadly the multitude awfull reviews were correct, definitely not worth of the great man.

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In her muddled mind did  Mrs Robinson go to the clinic and ask for The Rapist...

The therapy must be worth watching Mr Robinson has given himself six weeks paid leave to watch.

Apparently there was only one complaint against him and it's going to be FIXED. Sounds painful.

I haven't finished The Gropes but you gotta remember Tom Sharpe must be knocking 80.

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