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I would like to know how Anjem Choudhery earns his living. I have searched the net and discovered that he was born in the UK and after failing his first year at medical school, trained as a lawyer. Unable to get a job in his chosen profession he taught English as a second language for a while. Now 39 he is married and has children. I wonder where his income comes from ?

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Dog"]Anything to raise public awareness would be good - the British WASP's are just too complacent. They will soon be losing the second war in Afghanistan and at cost very high in lives and money that can be ill afforded. Didn't they do history at school?[/quote]

 I wonder why you assume the public are not aware   ?

Interesting piece about Prince Charles and his atitude to the war here

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Dog"]Anything to raise public awareness would be good - the British WASP's are just too complacent. They will soon be losing the second war in Afghanistan and at cost very high in lives and money that can be ill afforded. Didn't they do history at school?[/quote]

 I wonder why you assume the public are not aware   ?

Interesting piece about Prince Charles and his atitude to the war here


Charlie boys attitude is exactly what you would expect from a leach - he doesn't want to waste many that could be spent on him.

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Dog"]Anything to raise public awareness would be good - the British WASP's are just too complacent. They will soon be losing the second war in Afghanistan and at cost very high in lives and money that can be ill afforded. Didn't they do history at school?[/quote]

 I wonder why you assume the public are not aware   ?

Interesting piece about Prince Charles and his atitude to the war here


Charlie boys attitude is exactly what you would expect from a leach - he doesn't want to waste many that could be spent on him.


Many what?

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[quote user="Dog"][quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Dog"]Anything to raise public awareness would be good - the British WASP's are just too complacent. They will soon be losing the second war in Afghanistan and at cost very high in lives and money that can be ill afforded. Didn't they do history at school?[/quote]

 I wonder why you assume the public are not aware   ?

Interesting piece about Prince Charles and his atitude to the war here


Charlie boys attitude is exactly what you would expect from a leach - he doesn't want to waste many that could be spent on him.


I assume you accept that the WASNPs ( White Anglo Saxon Non Protestants) are not complacent then ?


I further assume that your "many" was meant to be "money", how exactly would money saved from a stoppage of the war in Afghanistan be spent on Prince Charles?


ps. Its not the "second war in Afghanistan", I rather think its now the fourth (from a British perspective)

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Muslims4U are onto a winner. Whatever the outcome of their planned march/demo they will gain max. publicity. If it goes ahead BNP and Rentathug will turn up and mayhem will ensue. If it is banned "where is this right to free speech that all you claim to cherish?"

What would happen if the silent majority of white Middle Britain wanted to demonstrate against a pointless unwinnable war ? Sadly though such action is "not British".


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I was wondering if he was funded by the taxpayer or by some Muslim organisation. If it is the taxpayer shouldn't he be offered retraining for a proper job ? He might then have to live in a world which brought him into closer touch with mainstream society.

I disapprove of the Afghan War, but I wouldn't dream of deliberately insulting the families of those who died on either side of the argument. Anjem Choudrey can only want to foment anti-islamic feelings which will feed his paranoia. He has cleverly come up with a plan in which whatever happens now he and his supporters will be the only winners.


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[quote user="Iceni"]

Muslims4U are onto a winner. Whatever the outcome of their planned march/demo they will gain max. publicity. If it goes ahead BNP and Rentathug will turn up and mayhem will ensue. If it is banned "where is this right to free speech that all you claim to cherish?"

What would happen if the silent majority of white Middle Britain wanted to demonstrate against a pointless unwinnable war ? Sadly though such action is "not British".



 I seem to remember a very large demo protesting against the Iraq war, and the Afghanistan situation just seems to have evolved.

 The coffins of fallen servicemen go through Wootten Basset en route to Oxford where their deaths are recordedd by the Oxford coroner (because bodies are returned via Brize Norton or RAF Lynham ).

There is no such routine for Muslim victims but if Muslims 4U want demonstrate somewhere similarly appropriate to them (Hmm Afghanistan perhaps ?) I'm sure they'd get support.

 As it seems he is capable of organising this demonstration and no doubt marching, why hasn't he got a job ?

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  I should think now that he has been on TV and radio and  is so well known....And ...now that he has upset so many people... .He might just find he is has to worry  about his own safety ...  Apart  from the Afganistan issue ......He wants to see Lord Mandleson stoned to death for being gay
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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="Dog"][quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Dog"]Anything to raise public awareness would be good - the British WASP's are just too complacent. They will soon be losing the second war in Afghanistan and at cost very high in lives and money that can be ill afforded. Didn't they do history at school?[/quote]

 I wonder why you assume the public are not aware   ?

Interesting piece about Prince Charles and his atitude to the war here


Charlie boys attitude is exactly what you would expect from a leach - he doesn't want to waste many that could be spent on him.


Many what?


The mystery word was M O N E Y. You fail the test....

Having said that he wouldn't want to waste many men in uniforms if you can believe all the gossip..

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It only needs a little thought, fantasy I know, but imagine that they got to Wootton Bassett, only to find everything closed and deserted, just then a tractor came round the corner towing a muck spreader, the new liquified manure type, and then . . .




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[quote user="Hoddy"]I was wondering if he was funded by the taxpayer or by some Muslim organisation. If it is the taxpayer shouldn't he be offered retraining for a proper job ? He might then have to live in a world which brought him into closer touch with mainstream society.


Seems the £25,000 is in state benefits for him, his wife and his four children: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anjem_Choudary His personal background (towards the bottom) makes interesting reading.  It seems he had an affinity for alcohol, drugs and pornograhy which doesn't seem very compatible with the devout muslim scholar he professes to be.

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Quote :"The announcement of the ban by Alan Johnson this morning is a clear

case of the oppressor and tyrant blaming the oppressed. Britain has

today become an apartheid state, where Muslims are treated as second

class citizens." (http://www.islam4uk.com/) Why has this web site not been banned? Why is this guy still allowed to live in the UK?

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[quote user="Jay"]Quote :"The announcement of the ban by Alan Johnson this morning is a clear case of the oppressor and tyrant blaming the oppressed. Britain has today become an apartheid state, where Muslims are treated as second class citizens." (http://www.islam4uk.com/) Why has this web site not been banned? Why is this guy still allowed to live in the UK?

He is getting to a point where he will be afraid to go out...or close his eyes at night ....The mans stacking up a lot of hate against him ..

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I heard what this chap had to say on the midday news. It seems he has forgotten what he said previously which was that it was a demonstration against the war and not a religious thing (as mentioned in a link by a previous poster). He even asked for anyone to join his demonstration be they Muslim or not. Mind you that in turn was different to what he said originally as well. I think he would make a good politician, he seems to change his story in much the same way as the wind changes direction.

I also saw one of those found guilty of extreme behaviour being interviewed, he seemed to complaining about HIS country being bombed etc. Perhaps, as he seems not to like it in the UK, he might consider going back to HIS country yet somehow I doubt he ever would.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I also saw one of those found guilty of extreme behaviour being interviewed, he seemed to complaining about HIS country being bombed etc. Perhaps, as he seems not to like it in the UK, he might consider going back to HIS country yet somehow I doubt he ever would.


Your application form to join the BNP has been sent to you, with a statement like this I am sure you will be approved.  [Www]
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