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Another Great British Institution goes.


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Another blow to Birmingham from the hand of the Kraft corporation.

Some years ago another great Brummie contribution to world gastronomy - Bird's Custard - was swallowed up by Kraft. However, it may have been a little indigestible because they eventually sold it back to a British company. Perhaps Kraft may one day atone for its latest sin.

What is so disappointing about this is that an important and unique part of British social and industrial history is swallowed up just to satisfy the expansionist dreams of a foreign predator noted for spreading blandness.

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I only found that one out today.

So to put it a nutshell then, the UK taxpayer has financed a UK bank to get it out of trouble has given it more money to pay for a deal for an American company to take over a great British institution which in turn will probably sack the workforce and move the production to another country then the tax payer will pay out more money in benefits to those who lost their jobs.

If you didn't know and somebody told you this and didn't name the companies and people involved you would immediately say its a scam.

I guess there's no point in asking if they, the government, are mad.[:@] I really don't think theres anything else to say really [:(] . Never mind the interest rates will be going up soon so that should cheer some people up.

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I can't believe I'm partly bankrolling this take-over due to us 'owning' this bank! I love Whole Nut and Fruit and Nut (too much!) and find the whole thing very sad and annoying, for several reasons; well put Quillan! Why does UK sell off so many good companies - greed I suppose. [:'(
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I am very much against this takeover-Cadbury's has been part my staple diet since childhood and the story of their origins, very much a part of British social history. However we can't have it both ways - British companies have always been in the fore front of takeovers oversea. In a global capitalist market it will always be thus.
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Funny enough I thought the Cadbury family would also do quite well but I read in one of the articles that the biggest payout to a family member will be under £1M with one or two getting nothing with the average payout being around £90k. I gather it was 'Mandy' who brokered the deal, I thought he was supposed to be some form of business 'wiz kid', and to think they accused the Tories of selling off the family silver. I remember saying a couple of years back that that Labour seemed to be the ones rummaging around the attic looking for anything they could sell, thats an idea, perhaps they could call in Cash in the Attic. [;-)]
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I see that the largest Kraft shareholder, Warren Buffet, is against the takeover. I believe he thinks that Kraft is paying too much.

The real tragedy here is that the ethos of Cadburys - humane, caring, welfare-oriented - will be sacrificed to a company whose values are those of naked capitalism.

Perhaps MPs in marginal Labour constiuencies could be told that voters have another reason for rejecting them.

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Your pension funds hold the majority of the shares. If YOU don't want shareholder acceptance of the deal, simply tell your pension fund. The Funds will be hacked off, because it's a really stupid price for a sweet company, but they are obliged to do as directed. However, it may affect future pension payments, something to bear in mind.


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What about Trebor and Maynards, I love softmints and wine gums [:)]

And how can you have a 99 without a flake?

Cadbury plc also owns Trebor Bassett, Fry's, Maynards and Halls. The confectionery business in the UK is called Cadbury UK (formerly Cadbury Trebor Bassett) and, as of August 2004, had eight factories and 3,000 staff in the UK. Biscuits bearing the Cadbury brand, such as Cadbury Fingers, are produced under licence by Burton's Foods. Ice cream based on Cadbury products, like 99 Flake, is made under licence by Frederick's Dairies. Cadbury cakes and chocolate spread are manufactured under licence by Premier Foods, but the cakes were originally part of Cadbury Foods Ltd with factories at Blackpole in Worcester and Moreton on the Wirral with distribution depots throughout the UK.

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"The real tragedy here is that the ethos of Cadburys - humane, caring, welfare-oriented - will be sacrificed to a company whose values are those of naked capitalism." 

Are you talking about the same Cadburys who moved part of their production to Poland?

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[quote user="NickP"]

"The real tragedy here is that the ethos of Cadburys - humane, caring, welfare-oriented - will be sacrificed to a company whose values are those of naked capitalism." 

Are you talking about the same Cadburys who moved part of their production to Poland?


So, they're "humane, caring, welfare-oriented" towards Polish people.......thought we were all the same under the skin?[;-)]

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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="NickP"]

"The real tragedy here is that the ethos of Cadburys - humane, caring, welfare-oriented - will be sacrificed to a company whose values are those of naked capitalism." 

Are you talking about the same Cadburys who moved part of their production to Poland?


So, they're "humane, caring, welfare-oriented" towards Polish people.......thought we were all the same under the skin?[;-)]


I think my dear you missed the point, the post I replied to, was unhappy  that Cadburys was being taken over by an American company only interested  in profit. So I asked the question , "was this the same Cadburys who moved part of their production to Poland", for profit not worrying that they then sacked a lot of British employees. i.e. That they weren't very caring about the out of work British. Sorry I didn't think it was neccessary to explain in detail, but there you go     [Www]

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NickP, perhaps it should be me who should do the explaining.  Don't you see my reply was meant to be a joke ,a deliberate "misunderstanding" of what you said?

OK, so they are caring, etc. BUT to Poles.....oh, nevermind, just my sense of the ridiculous which possibly doesn't come across on the Forum but you would have seen me laughing fit to burst if we were talking face to face.[:D]

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

NickP, perhaps it should be me who should do the explaining.  Don't you see my reply was meant to be a joke ,a deliberate "misunderstanding" of what you said?

OK, so they are caring, etc. BUT to Poles.....oh, nevermind, just my sense of the ridiculous which possibly doesn't come across on the Forum but you would have seen me laughing fit to burst if we were talking face to face.[:D]


Sorry Sweet I didn't see your reply as a "joke" and I'm normally receptive to most things amusing. I was disappointed in a Company who callously sacked British workers for bare faced profit, being called "caring". Glad to now realise that we are singing from the same hymn sheet.  Lets hope that remark doesn't upset "dog" and that he demands it should be the Koran [:P]

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I had news today from UK - a bizarre twist in the Kraft take over of Cadbury's.

Sunday my two nephews aged 16 and 21, my nieces aged 26 and 11 and perhaps my father (if he can find someone to look after my mother) are off to Switzerland on a coach on an all expenses paid trip plus £150 per day spending money.

This is being paid for by a PR company employed by Kraft - they want to elicit ideas and thoughts from a range of ages of people in UK.

It all sounds a bit strange to me....

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Hi Super man.Sorry Clark.

You have omitted another great establishment that has gone the same way, only a stones throw from the Birds factory. In fact if the wind was in the right direction you would certainly smell it. Who or what am I talking about? The HP Sauce factory in Aston.

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