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Mp's expenses


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Beat me to to it RH.

The majority of masons are Christian and for them both in and out of the Lodge the King James bible plays an important role in their life. For Muslims who are masons and there are many, some in senior positions, its the Koran and so it goes on for other religions. All masons are told the importance of reading (in the case of Christian masons) the bible. So what you have said indirectly is that the masons have rewritten every single religious book for their own benefit. Well that's like claiming Thatcher was a mason, ridiculous. Actually I would think that even non masons would find that quite offensive.

You have managed yet again to steer yet another thread away from the original topic which I had tried to bring the thread back to. How long will you carry on doing this, there is a least one other thread which had nothing to do with masonry which you have successfully injected your hate of masons in to. Surely there must be anti-masonic websites that have forums you can join.

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Quillan wrote

"You have managed yet again to steer yet another thread away from the original topic which I had tried to bring the thread back to. How long will you carry on doing this, there is a least one other thread which had nothing to do with masonry which you have successfully injected your hate of masons in to. Surely there must be anti-masonic websites that have forums you can join."

The Joy of democracy Quillan. I don't like masons or sailing but I've had to read about both on this thread, and remember I started the thread. So to get back on course am I right in thinking that all three main party leaders have had to pay back over claimed expenses? And what about the Scottish and northern Irish  so called leaders, how have they fared in the expenses stakes? In fact is there a single member of parliament who is totally squeaky clean in this affair? The awful thing is when you vote for them it only encourages them . Where is a benign dictator when you need one? [Www]

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As to were they all at it I can't answer without sitting down and trawling through the Internet. I was trying to be impartial and not picking on one party in particular but perhaps an actual example might explain better.

Firstly I have to say that this is a name I heard on the BBC News and I have no grudge against her except she is one that seems to have gotten away with 'fiddling ' her expenses.

Margret Hodge is the (Labour) MP for Barking and Dagenham, who claimed £2,200 of tax payers money for 'PR Support' when under House of Commons rules MP's are barred from claiming expenses for "self-promotion or PR". I don't believe she has paid anything back (I have not checked to be honest) but even if she did she still 'cheated' by claiming. Now, if you are a staunch Labour voter do you ignore what she has done because you are voting for the party or do you wonder what other things she has been up to that nobody knows about and is she honest enough to be an MP because she is standing as the Labour candidate in the same seat in the May elections. I am sure there are other MP's who are in the same boat from other political parties who are also standing for re-election.

Source - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/mps-expenses/5425232/MPs-expenses-Margaret-Hodge-hired-her-former-press-officer-for-PR-support.html


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I dare say that Dennis Skinner is as close to squeaky clean as it is possible to get. That doesn't change my disappointment and anger with the generality of our politicians though.

I can't be the only one who has a close family member who has to work away from home. They have to rent a flat and pay their bills without any help from their employer. I can't see any reason why MPs should be helped at all.


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I think Hoddy that somebody missed out on a really good opportunity when the did away with the GLC. Forgetting the rights and wrongs of it they could have used the place to house MP's. Just a short walk over the bridge and their at work, no 'the train was delayed' etc excuses for not turning up. No duck ponds or moats either. [;-)]
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[quote user="Quillan"]I think Hoddy that somebody missed out on a really good opportunity when the did away with the GLC. Forgetting the rights and wrongs of it they could have used the place to house MP's. Just a short walk over the bridge and their at work, no 'the train was delayed' etc excuses for not turning up. No duck ponds or moats either. [;-)][/quote]

Isn't that what Portcullis House was intended for? Commissioned 1992, final cost £235 million (i.e just over £1 million per MP accommodated - and that was just office accommodation). No doubt any re-modelling of County Hall would have had an equally high budget.

As far as the 'squeakiest clean' MP goes, Norman Baker (Lib Dem) probably had as good a claim to that title as anybody. Although he claimed allowances (unlike some of the super-rich who say they claimed little or nothing, just made up for it through directorships etc), Baker has published every detail of his expenses on his web site for years, and was a long-term campaigner for more transparency in MPs' claims. But then he messed up earlier this year when it transpired that, when putting parliamentary questions about Tibet, he had failed to disclose that he had been on two trips to Tibet that were financially supported by Tibetan official bodies.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Beat me to to it RH.

The majority of masons are Christian and for them both in and out of the Lodge the King James bible plays an important role in their life. For Muslims who are masons and there are many, some in senior positions, its the Koran and so it goes on for other religions. All masons are told the importance of reading (in the case of Christian masons) the bible. So what you have said indirectly is that the masons have rewritten every single religious book for their own benefit. Well that's like claiming Thatcher was a mason, ridiculous. Actually I would think that even non masons would find that quite offensive.

You have managed yet again to steer yet another thread away from the original topic which I had tried to bring the thread back to. How long will you carry on doing this, there is a least one other thread which had nothing to do with masonry which you have successfully injected your hate of masons in to. Surely there must be anti-masonic websites that have forums you can join.


How many times do I have to say I do not hate Masons!

I do not share your despise - even though your despise for any contrary view of masonry is incredibly offensive. I have nothing to hide and have broad shoulders so will not let your jibes worry me in the slightest.

I am not anti-mason as such - I just  think as a group that they should get away with massive rewriting of history and misuse their collective power, they should be honest and register themselves if in positions of public office.

Time and time again they have been shown to be corrupt and to misuse positions of authority.

It is ridiculous to state that most masons are christians - we don't even know who are masons, what they truly believe and quite why you refer to the King James Bible I haven't the slightest idea.

As you only belong to one small group of masons how can you say that you know what goes on and what other denominations of masons believe or not.

You are again trying to bend my words I have never said that masons have rewritten every single religious book. What I have said is that they write themselves into and around religious books and invent history to make themselves look good. They will take just about anyone as a member unless it seems they are Catholic.

You also have many masonic forums where you can indulge in your masonic fantasies.

I think you made a feeble attempt to keep this thread on topic but again showed your true colours with your jovial acceptance of masonic corruption.

What is very important for the voting public is that they should know which parliamentarians subscribe to masonic ideals and to register membership and also it is very important that people in public postions should be prepared to show their membership.

Pleas pay attention I have never said Thatcher was a Mason - in fact I think you brought it up.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 Hold on Dog, how many people are you trying to insult at one time ?

you can believe anything you want and claim it is sacrosanct as it's your religion and ignore the truth.

We could put most religions in that category couldn't we ? Jesus, the son of God ? The Virgin Mary ?

Come on......if you are going to criticize at least be even handed.


You are a lovely lady and I can see why you have taken such a balanced approach and I am pleased you have come to the defence of your fellow moderator who is in a tight spot.

I would never mean to insult anyone especially on a personal basis. If anyone has true belief in their ideals they should be robust enough to face enquiry and criticism.

If you want to make a point that you think christian teachings are incorrect please go ahead I will not be offended.

If and when I see christians that hold themselves up as being somehow better than average people and misusing their postions I will have something to say.

I wish you are good day.



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