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Mp's expenses


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[quote user="Gluestick"]...parodying forum member's usernames in a derogatory fashion is proscribed :


Users must not post messages which:

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum.

By the same token then references to 'Gorgon', 'Moron' etc should be removed and the perpetrators given a warning?

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[quote user="velcorin"]

Had a discussion with the missus last night (my wife's mother is a very senior politician). I am firmly of the opinion that MPs expenses information should never have been released to the press. She disagreed. I think Christine Lagarde is right when she refused point blank to release the same information for Deputes. She disagreed. I think all the UK has achieved was destroying any vestige of public confidence in it's politicians. She disagreed.

My questions are: what has the release of this information actually achieved? What would happen to France if the same information was released?


Whats its actually acheived is a review of the system and a change, hopefully to a better one.

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[quote user="NickP"]There I go struck down again by the sparkling wit and repartee of gluethick, a fully paid up member of the national front who never stops boasting about his rich mates. I'm surprised that your mother allows you to spend so much time on the computer. [:D][/quote]


Nick notice his 'friend' will only spend an evening in his company and he probably thinks that's too long.

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Stop it children - right now....this has gone far enough.

If you wish to take 'swipes' at one another go and do it 'off board' - in the meantime what might have been an interesting thread has become high-jacked.

As to personal name calling - people in politics or the public eye all seem to have nicknames - whether derogatory or amusing - goes with the territory and I would have thought is perfectly alright to be used on this board.

But it's not quite so acceptable when it comes to being personally rude to one another on this board.  Be rude about someone's comments - but NOT personal abuse about the posters themselves.   It's extremely irritating to see threads descend into this stupid 'nah nah de nah nah' that we get from 3 year old silly children.

Grow up please.   You've spoilt what might have been a entertaining exchange of views.


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="NickP"]There I go struck down again by the sparkling wit and repartee of gluethick, a fully paid up member of the national front who never stops boasting about his rich mates. I'm surprised that your mother allows you to spend so much time on the computer. [:D][/quote]

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, dear boy: and if you had gone to a good school, then this is one dictum of English language they might have hammered into your brain.

Please demonstrate my incessant "Boasting about my rich mates". Sources, forum URL references, please.

I was previously merely responding to your prototypical snipe.

And BTW: parodying forum member's usernames in a derogatory fashion is proscribed :


Users must not post messages which:

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum.


Quite right gluethick, you little follower of political correctness. But as I never enjoyed the benifit of a good school like what you did I'm not very good at spelin. Why are you ashamed of your own name, oh come on tell us what it is , I bet It's something like Tarquin?  By the way didn't your mum tell you that user name is two words. So as you people would say, ta ta for now.  [:P]

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The yachts were out and out racers, totally stripped, 50' ultralites, carbon/kevlar everything. V. dangerous place to be on your own. I just helmed and left the donkey work to the gym-monkey, beer swillers. Oh, and I did tactics, 'cept in the Solent and at San Francisco, where I haven't got a clue[:D]
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[quote user="velcorin"]The yachts were out and out racers, totally stripped, 50' ultralites, carbon/kevlar everything. V. dangerous place to be on your own. I just helmed and left the donkey work to the gym-monkey, beer swillers. Oh, and I did tactics, 'cept in the Solent and at San Francisco, where I haven't got a clue[:D][/quote]

In 1985 I worked for a company called Norsk Data (the name still exists but the company is long gone) and had the pleasure of tasting the food of a now famous, then young lady called  Tracy Edwards who joined me and many other 'amateurs' for the first leg of the Whitbread Round the World Challenge to Capetown as cook. Both of us left Norsk Data GB in Capetown, me to go back to work and she went on another yacht as she felt the 'amateurs' were too dangerous to sail with. She joined the Atlantic Privateer for the rest of the race and was the first woman to win a leg which was the one from Capetown to Auckland but this time not as the cook. Norsk Data GB finished the race in something like 140 days (can't remember exactly these days) some 30 days after the winner, not bad for a bunch of amateurs.

My cousin also has a racing yacht which he keeps at Black Rock marina in Ireland.

My only criticism of either of these yachts is they don't have a freezer. I mean hows a chap suppose to chill out after a days sailing without ice for ones G&T I&L, so I will stick with what I have these days, much more civilised.

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What is your Gin Palace called Q?

We made a raft out of 300 discarded water bottles plus some wood and a door last year and five of us dressed as pirates sailed down the Dronne. Great fun and we robbed the local populace of Brantome who gave us wine and food. You don't need a yacht to have fun!

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Sorry Quillan, that's my idea of hell[:D] Why would anyone want to be cold, wet and miserable for weeks on end?[:D] Been offered it a few times, but anything more than a few hours round the cans, and I'm not interested. Freezer[:-))] Loo is a bucket. Cooker is a micro butane thing. No bunks. No nothing. You'd hate it. "Weight, dear boy, is only of any use in a steamroller"

PS met the missus at a La Trinite event, she was doing translation and sponser PR (known as yotty totty to the gym-monkey types, if you have a double figure IQ don't apply[:D])

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I'm not being rude at all.

Its not what it means it's what it does when joined with something else. Lets see if I can explain, when we come back from Spain for instance we have to pass customs, not because we have come from Spain its because they don't really know where we have come from. So up comes the customs launch and the chap sees the name of the boat, he shakes my hand a certain way and asks a question, I give him the answer, he stamps the papers and off we go no problem. I mean I am one of them so I must be honest and there's no need to search the boat.

When we visit another port and book in via the Harbour Master, we give the name of the boat and get asked the same again followed by were would you like to be in the marina. Near the shops and restaurants you tell him and he goes and throws some other poor visitor off so we can have the place. Mooring by the side of the track for the Monaco Grand Prix, no problem and it will be free. If we pay mooring fees at all they are for a much smaller boat. Any problem with the police, anywhere, they see the boat, same questions who they going to believe, me or the other bloke. I know somebody in the UK who has it as a number plate, never been done for speeding, parking or anything really where ever he is in the UK. See the way they look at it is that they know you are very honest because of who you are and how you answered the question so why waste time asking stupid questions when they could be out there catching real criminals.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 OK - this is a one and only warning - either this thread returns to the maxim of attacking the argument, not the poster, or its going.


 Oh come on, lighten up a little bit of levity never hurt anybody. [:D]

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[quote user="Quillan"]

I'm not being rude at all.

Its not what it means it's what it does when joined with something else. Lets see if I can explain, when we come back from Spain for instance we have to pass customs, not because we have come from Spain its because they don't really know where we have come from. So up comes the customs launch and the chap sees the name of the boat, he shakes my hand a certain way and asks a question, I give him the answer, he stamps the papers and off we go no problem. I mean I am one of them so I must be honest and there's no need to search the boat.

When we visit another port and book in via the Harbour Master, we give the name of the boat and get asked the same again followed by were would you like to be in the marina. Near the shops and restaurants you tell him and he goes and throws some other poor visitor off so we can have the place. Mooring by the side of the track for the Monaco Grand Prix, no problem and it will be free. If we pay mooring fees at all they are for a much smaller boat. Any problem with the police, anywhere, they see the boat, same questions who they going to believe, me or the other bloke. I know somebody in the UK who has it as a number plate, never been done for speeding, parking or anything really where ever he is in the UK. See the way they look at it is that they know you are very honest because of who you are and how you answered the question so why waste time asking stupid questions when they could be out there catching real criminals.


Q is having a laugh at our expense again I think.

Why name your boat after the lower level masonic handshake - unless of course the person never rose through the ranks. If they had the vessel would have been called 'Tubal Cain' or 'Ma-ha-bone'.

I was aways taught to be cautious in the company of such people. But if what the post says is true it shows the average Mason is only in it for the perks and for lording it over the proles. Boasts like this are what one would expect from a Mason - they think they are above the law!

Quite how you can get BOAZ as a numberplate I have no idea. Z's are not used on registration plates- even if you use numbers such as 8042 you'd need an old style number plate with some letters as well.

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Number plates, as you said Dog we are well above the law and what the government tells others what to do or have. Even noticed a mason never runs out of money, all he has to do is stand in front of a cash dispenser with his hand in a certain position, say a word and no card is needed, you can have what you want. Steady Eddy looks after his own, when an underling asks where the money is supposed to come from he tells them to take it out of some suckers account and charge him/her for being overdrawn which pays for the interest and of course masons being honest they always put the money back, eventually.

Right now I have had my laugh for tonight I'm off to watch Ashes to Ashes (don't forget, just like Morse to look out for the masonic clues). By the way Dog you don't think I am that stupid to tell you the name of my boat do you, honestly get a life, the last thing I want is some anti masonic nut turning up like the 'sons and daughters of freemasonry watch' and set fire to the thing.

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[quote user="Will"][quote user="Benjamin"]

What's it mean by the way?  [;-)]


Dog has obviously missed the word's connotations... [:D]

(see here for one meaning)


There are so many references when you Google Boaz, but I think I like this one from Wiki and it's Biblical associations.


But I'll shake anyone's hand who comes up with others.  [:-))]

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Quillan wrote "Right now I have had my laugh for tonight I'm off to watch Ashes to Ashes (don't forget, just like Morse to look out for the masonic clues). "


I watched Ashes to Ashes last night for the first time, ( nothing to do with Q's aside) and I must say I was pretty disappointed after all the hype about it. I thought the script was dross, the lighting was appalling; and the acting,  well the less said the better, just a very bad take off of Jack Regan. Don't think I'll bother again. [+o(]

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The Wiki one (out of the two) is probably the one most related to masonry. If you are a mason there are many names that you would recognise and as you can see it's harly devil worship. Up until more recent times a prerequisite of being a mason was to be a believer in God as Christians and Jews know him. Only in more recent times has it been changed to a higher or superior being to accommodate other faiths that may want to be a mason. Of course anti-masonic groups and websites will offer up other, quite incorrect, reasons for these names being used and why masons refer to a supreme being who they claim is some form of devil and only when you become a 33 deg mason do you know who that is. In fact you are told quite early on when you enter Chapter and you move from the Holy to Most Holy part of the temple where it says in the bible the Ark of the Covenant was kept.

The most frequented anti-masonic website is Freemasonrywatch which along with other anti-masonic websites and David Icke's website claim that Blair, Brown and Thatcher (Mrs) are masons and actually attend the same Lodge. Quite frankly that's ridiculous as even Dog pointed out its a men's only fraternity and I can quite categorically tell you there are no mixed Lodges (approved by Grand Lodge and if they aren't approved then they are not masons irregardless of what they may choose to call themselves, P2 was a classic example).

This in a way links back to MP's Expenses. If somebody claims something which is not true how can you trust that the rest of what they say is true. There are many PM's standing for re-election who had to pay back money because they made false or morally false expenses claims. If you are a Labour supporter and on such MP is your Labour Candidate or your Tory and its a Tory MP do you still vote for that MP even though their claims were false and they had to pay the money back or do you say 'sod it its the party I am voting for not the individual'? If they are devious enough to make a dodgy expenses claim, or a claim about somebody being a mason of a Lodge who isn't then how can you trust the rest of what they say or do as being correct.

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[quote user="NickP"]

Quillan wrote "Right now I have had my laugh for tonight I'm off to watch Ashes to Ashes (don't forget, just like Morse to look out for the masonic clues). "


I watched Ashes to Ashes last night for the first time, ( nothing to do with Q's aside) and I must say I was pretty disappointed after all the hype about it. I thought the script was dross, the lighting was appalling; and the acting,  well the less said the better, just a very bad take off of Jack Regan. Don't think I'll bother again. [+o(]


Its one of those series you have to watch from the very beginning to get the best from it and this is the last part of the series. I think this last series is more 'dark' than the previous 2 which is why I am sticking with it. You know what it's like if you have watched the others you get sort of addicted and in this case it will end telling us exactly what has really been happening. Bit like Morse, never got to know his first name till the very last.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

..........This in a way links back to MP's Expenses. If somebody claims something which is not true how can you trust that the rest of what they say is true. There are many PM's standing for re-election who had to pay back money because they made false or morally false expenses claims. If you are a Labour supporter and on such MP is your Labour Candidate or your Tory and its a Tory MP do you still vote for that MP even though their claims were false and they had to pay the money back or do you say 'sod it its the party I am voting for not the individual'? If they are devious enough to make a dodgy expenses claim, or a claim about somebody being a mason of a Lodge who isn't then how can you trust the rest of what they say or do as being correct.


But if you are devious enough to be a mason and rewrite yourself into a false history and diseminate such nonsense how can you be treated seriously. It would seem today that the world has become so immoral you can believe anything you want and claim it is sacrosanct as it's your religion and ignore the truth.

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 Hold on Dog, how many people are you trying to insult at one time ?

you can believe anything you want and claim it is sacrosanct as it's your religion and ignore the truth.

We could put most religions in that category couldn't we ? Jesus, the son of God ? The Virgin Mary ?

Come on......if you are going to criticize at least be even handed.

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