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Queens speech to promote booze cruise?

just john

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[quote].................and councils and police would be given greater powers to close down trouble-making clubs and bars''[/quote]

About time too!

Until NuLab changed the licensing laws, it was a criminal offence for a licensee or his servant (Worker) to dispense "Intoxicating liquor to a person who was already clearly intoxicated....."

And such act could result in the licensee immediately losing their license in a special hearing of the Magistrate's Court.

Quite right too.

Unfortunately, the lack of proper supervision of licensed premises and ludicrously extended hours resulted in a rash of theme bars and "Happy Hours" the end effect being hordes of drunks wandering town and city centres, drunk and incapable (For which offence they properly ought to be arrested in any case), criminal damage, altercations and vast sums wasted by all the emergency services.

Now I like a drink, goodness knows; however, I have no time for idiots seeking alcoholic oblivion, wandering abroad and committing mayhem.

Booze Cruises? With the present cost of cross-channel crossings and the deflated value of the pound sterling to the euro, I doubt that all but the regular home imbiber will choose France over their local supermarket.


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"Booze Cruises? With the present cost of cross-channel crossings and the

deflated value of the pound sterling to the euro, I doubt that all but

the regular home imbiber will choose France over their local


Interesting to see that both the Sainsburys and Tesco wine outlets in Calais are closing soon due a fall-off in trade.

Brian (again)

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They just want to find reasons to increase the tax on booze. It would be better to realise that people are drinking to excess because they live in a pants society run by a pants elite that enjoy milking the proles.

The problem isn't booze it's the politicians.

I watched the Commons Select Committe report on alchohol they lsitened to all the academics who proposed taxes and a minumum price then asked if anyone had challenged their findings - they agreed they had but didn't know why, couldn't name them and couldn't challenge them?????

Just a bit one sided and they couldn't explain why many european countries drank more and had little problems with drunkeness.

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Not really giving a positive solution to the problem Dog. 

I think its rather naive to blame the problem on politicians and condemning any form of taxation. Should we do what Iceland / N Americas do? Rather drastic but  it was a bigger problem there due to their unique social problems and seems to have solved the situation, or should we take a more relaxed stance?

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Oh it was in there, Gastines: in spades!

Cameron excoriated Labour totally:

"David Cameron ignored the traditional niceties of the Queen’s Speech debate today to tear into Labour’s record in office and complain that Gordon Brown’s Government had left the country in an “appalling mess”.

The Prime Minister’s vitriolic attack in his first Commons appearance of the new Parliament raised eyebrows on a day when MPs usually act as though they can rise above party politics.

Speaking after Harriet Harman, the acting Labour leader, gave a gently chiding response to the introduction of the Lib-Con legislative programme, Mr Cameron said there was “something missing” from her speech.

“Not one word of apology for the appalling mess that has been left in this country. Nothing to say about leaving Britain with a deficit that is bigger than Greece’s. Not a single idea for getting to grips with it,” he said.

“Until they learn what they got so badly wrong I’m not sure people are going to listen to them again.”

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[quote user="Dog"]

The problem isn't booze it's the politicians.


Only in that they have failed, almost totally, to control society in terms of adverse behaviour.

Kids afford drugs and fags: how? Yet they do.

Even were alcohol to be doubled, youngsters would still drink to excess: because it is a societal problem and a sociopathic problem, simultaneously.

Lack of early and continuing discipline at home and in school: lack of ongoing discipline thereafter: and no fitting sanctions for those who err.

Add such as The Human Rights Act which allows a prisoner to sue the prison governor and HM prisons service because "He fell out of his top bunk bed".........

And one has much of the answer.

The "Tax it out of existence", strategy, never works: take cars as a prime example: if one were to have questioned the average person and asked "Would you still own a car if petrol and diesel cost circa £5gallon?" a few years back, then loads of people would have said stoutly, "No way!"

The roads are no less congested: quite the reverse..............



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It is the politicians fault they have only one response to just about any given problem which is to tax it and thereby produce more money that they can spend on themselves.

There would not be a drinking culture if there were more public amenities as an alternative to the pub or the park bench.

The politicians sold out long ago to the brewers.

I would propose a 75% tax rate for all civil servants and politicians and use the money to cut income tax for those that produce something useful. I would end tax concessions for diplomats and for sportsmen that can retire multiple times.

I find it amazing Council Chiefs are earning 3 or 4 times more than the PM. These people have little or no responsibilities, just spend other peoples money and produce nothing.


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[quote user="Dog"]

I find it amazing Council Chiefs are earning 3 or 4 times more than the PM. These people have little or no responsibilities, just spend other peoples money and produce nothing



That's nothing - it seems the BBC have just appointed three people to run something, all of whom will earn twice as much as the PM [8-)]

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