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Stupid e-mail bouncing around.


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I had this e-mail from a friend today. It's one of those that might just be true and is likely to scare people, so I suppose that's why the moron who started it did so. It is about what happens to a jet engine and volcanic ash and the e-mail starts like this.

"This was an engine on a

Cessna Citation business jet flying over Germany….

Apparently the other engine

was ‘a little sluggish’…….understatement and a half ! 

The ash is silica which when

hot, in an engine, turns to glass attaching itself to the turbine blades and

increases in volume until causing out of balance and eventually it flies off due

to centrifugal kinetic energy making nice holes in the side of the cowling and

completely destroying the engine casing……. 

Bet the millionaire flying

this little baby was a little upset when he got it home !!"

This is what actually happened, taken from the forum for the aircraft type

"From AINmx Report

Engine Damage Not Caused by Volcanic Ash


photos circulating on the Internet purporting to show a Williams

International FJ44-3A-24 installed on a Cessna Citation CJ2+ destroyed

by exposure to volcanic ash from the recent eruption in Iceland are

“complete fiction,” according to Brad Thress, Cessna vice president of

product support. The incident occurred about a month before the April

eruption, he said. “It’s viral,” Thress said. “We get hundreds of

e-mails here…It’s interesting how things can take off on the Internet.”

What caused the damage is a known issue with the engine’s diffuser, he

said. Williams has already sent a letter to operators warning about the

potential for the diffuser to fail. The failure mode is caused by a

harmonic vibration that cracks the fuel manifold, and the engine company

notified operators that signs of shifting or cracking of the diffuser

include a shift in ITT, fuel odor in the cabin or difficulty removing

the diffuser or start nozzle, according to Thress. Cessna is planning to

release an alert service letter on this issue, and diffusers are being

replaced during the next scheduled maintenance event. “It is a fleet

issue,” he said, “not related to volcano activity.”

The ash does cause a lot of damage and can be catastrophic. That is why the safety authorities are so very careful about it and this gives some info on it and how it's effecting the military. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dk-matai/fighter-jets-suffer-volca_b_543200.html

The biggest problem is that aircraft radar does not pick it up and they can't see it.

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Whenever someone sends me a fantastic email (e.g. "This is Robert Mugabe's Mansion -- whilst the majority in Zimbabwe are starving!", etc) now the first thing I do is check on www.snopes.com : the Urban Myth Buster site which has been around since the internet really started........

See here:

Snopes is a first port of call to check out and validate or decry such idiot emails.

I have even have one chum (Who really ought to know better!) who is retired and obviously rather bored: he keeps on sending me such rubbish, even though I have repeatedly suggested he firstly checks them out on Snopes, before forwarding them to all and sundry.

Doesn't seem to listen![:-))]


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As most of these information E/Mails come from the USA and snopes.com is in the USA, which American do you believe if any? I think I am old enough and street wise enough not to have to rely on an American commercial website to form my opinions. But then each to his own. [Www]
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[quote user="NickP"]As most of these information E/Mails come from the USA and snopes.com is in the USA, which American do you believe if any? I think I am old enough and street wise enough not to have to rely on an American commercial website to form my opinions. But then each to his own. [Www][/quote]

Nice concept: but no cigar (As they might say in America).

Snopes like so many of the originating sites on the internet, commenced as a public information Bulletin Board, to counter precisely the sort of apocryphal information carried by the WWW and electronic messaging, since conspiracy theorists and fantasists commenced abusing the medium.

Fairly obviously, Snopes as any information site, has somehow to cover its costs.

However, and as always, NickP knows better..............

Shame instead of sniping and carping you can't add some actual value to the thread.

Too much to ask I suppose.


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I do know Snopes and use it very often, but I didn't need to go to it for this one. I actually found the forum for the aircraft model and very interesting it is too! You may be interested GS http://www.cessnacitationforum.com/forums/index.php?act=home

Snopes is good and as you say can't survive as a charity and anyone who knocks it needs to take a good look at it me-thinks. Not always totally correct, maybe? But then I feel VERY sorry for the clowns who think they are!

What is the old expression? Wise men know they are fools. Fools think that they are clever!

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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="NickP"]As most of these information E/Mails come from the USA and snopes.com is in the USA, which American do you believe if any? I think I am old enough and street wise enough not to have to rely on an American commercial website to form my opinions. But then each to his own. [Www][/quote]

Nice concept: but no cigar (As they might say in America).

Snopes like so many of the originating sites on the internet, commenced as a public information Bulletin Board, to counter precisely the sort of apocryphal information carried by the WWW and electronic messaging, since conspiracy theorists and fantasists commenced abusing the medium.

Fairly obviously, Snopes as any information site, has somehow to cover its costs.

However, and as always, NickP knows better..............

Shame instead of sniping and carping you can't add some actual value to the thread.

Too much to ask I suppose.



Hello did someone squeak? However, and as usual gluethick can't stand anybody having a different opinion to his. Get off your high horse you pompous twit [:P]

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[quote user="NickP"]

Hello did someone squeak? However, and as usual gluethick can't stand anybody having a different opinion to his. Get off your high horse you pompous twit [:P]


Would be excellent for once NickPeabrain, if you actually had taken the effort to research Snopes and its record and history, before bursting into vacuous print and denigrating a web facility cited by and used by most major media sources as an arbiter of veracity.

Too much to expect..............

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[quote user="Jonzjob"] I actually found the forum for the aircraft model and very interesting it is too! You may be interested GS http://www.cessnacitationforum.com/forums/index.php?act=home


Yes it is most interesting, Jonz: thanks

On the volcanic ash topic I was chatting about this to a chum the other day who is a recently retired aviation insurance broker: semi-retired from the City and set up a small brokerage which focused on light (Commercial) aircraft and charters and exec. jets: he keeps pretty well in touch with the market still as he meets all his old colleagues in London regularly. He knows no instance of any underwriter cancelling cover or adding exclusion clauses for European flights in the volcanic ash period: and maintains the groundings were an over-reaction from regulators.

Who knows.......


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Gluestick wrote:

Would be excellent for once NickPeabrain, if you actually had taken the effort to research Snopes and its record and history, before bursting into vacuous print and denigrating a web facility cited by and used by most major media sources as an arbiter of veracity.

Too much to expect..............

Translation please, far too many big words for an ex secondary schoolboy. Still I think you mean have I had a look at the site? well the answer is yes, and as I said;  I personally don't believe all I read on such sites, unlike some people I try and form my own opinions from my experiences of life, and although far from always being right, my instincts are never far out. If that offends you and your obvious fanaticism of researching every thing to the Nth degree and then copy and pasting, so be it, be offended. In the mean time I'm back to the river for edible fish [:P]


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