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weight loss


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Skeletal Me you mean, Patf. Well, perhaps when I have got rid of the rest which is another ten kilos, so that I am around the top end of the Body Mass Index range for my height.

But it does pose problems with clothes as I have to get a complete new set of some stuff, so M and S visits or website trawls have become quite exciting. And getting rid of brand new but now far too big trousers is a wrench, but there we are. My weight loss is Emmaus's gain.

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Yes, Q, I do to be honest. I can touch my toes without puffing which means doing up shoe laces too, my joints have stopped aching and I can almost jog again, though I prefer not to. Gradually walking longer distances and taking on steeper hills, but the doggies always get there first and stand laughing at me with that lovely "come on slow-coach" look.

The ultimate test of course is yet to come; ( best done in the shower perhaps, chaps only) stand, stark naked, with your back pressed up to the wall without holding your tummy in, then look straight down without leaning forward. If you can see your "friend" then you are about the right weight and muscle tone. This will take me a little longer, hopefully by the autumn.

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Well done on the weight loss - not at all easy I gather! I've put weight on this last year, having had to sit around quite a bit (OK, I'll admit to the chocolate as well!) and I'm going to try to shed a little. I'm back to walking more, but still not up to the 10,000 daily steps 'they' seem to recommend, more like 7,000 so far each day. Plus the wine and cheese are so tempting! It would be good to hear about your progress as autumn approaches - good luck!  [:D]
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No workouts, John, I promise, but no sugar or sugar based products, no fat, little oil, no cheese and limited dairy, little or no salt either. Loadsa fish, some meat and all the veg I can stomach, often raw and a good bit of pasta, good quality muesli, pulses, beans and chickpeas. Home made soup (though I do buy a bit for the CC) Almost no spuds or rice. Maybe a bottle and a half of wine a week, only dry reds, usually bought as half bottles so as not to be tempted. And small plates and bowls to control quantity.

Look at the GI principle of eating, it makes good sense.

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[quote user="woolybanana"] No workouts, John, I promise, but no sugar or sugar based products, no fat, little oil, no cheese and limited dairy, little or no salt either. Loadsa fish, some meat and all the veg I can stomach, often raw and a good bit of pasta, good quality muesli, pulses, beans and chickpeas. Home made soup (though I do buy a bit for the CC) Almost no spuds or rice. Maybe a bottle and a half of wine a week, only dry reds, usually bought as half bottles so as not to be tempted. And small plates and bowls to control quantity. Look at the GI principle of eating, it makes good sense. [/quote]

So roast Duck with roasters in duck fat are out then?[:)] Do you have an appetising soup recipe for starting inspiration?

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Well done indeed WB.  My OH has lost 65 pounds !!! over the last 15 months and has gone from morbidly obese (BMI over 50) to BMI of 30.  OK a bit to go yet but like you, a great achievement and well done.  I find it hard to lose weight consistantly and seem to yo-yo which is probably the worst thing, still you and OH have given me heart and I will knuckle down this time !!!
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Oooooh, Wools, you mean you are almost worth looking at?  Joking only....very well done!  Losing weight is the pits.

I have lost about a stone (don't do kilos yet) but it's the SHAPE that's the problem.  Still kinda APPLE shape?

Deffo no booze but no booze seems to mean more sweet things, don't know why!

Anyway, it's called the ABC diet:  no alcohol, no Beef (to stand for red meats) and no Carbs (meaning mostly bread and pasta).

Oh, and a long walk EVERYDAY no fail, come rain, hail, shine, etc.  No EXCUSES, just go out there.  Sorry Coops, I guess you can't walk too much yet.

Anyway, anyone interested in Gemonino's and my walk to Compostelle?  Weight loss GUARANTEED!

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[quote user="sweet 17"] More than that, Wools.  We are going to do some sightseeing and then walking from Compostela to the sea.  I am working on 1000km. Do come, Wools, I bet the dogs would love it? [/quote]

I assume you are setting up the Blog with the preamble now Sweets? I'm looking forward to reading, especially the  first week's posting[;-)]

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 WB well done, well done, well done!  and thanks, you may well have inspired me...

Always been able to knock off a few pounds in the past when necessary but since having my thyroid out 2 yrs ago and taking Leverothyrox every day my weight has quietly and steadily kept creeping up...or is that just my excuse?  I'm so fed up with it.  Time for a more determined effort - thanks for rattling my cage WB.


Sweet 17 I've been keeping my eye open for news of your Camino walk.  Great, I wish you all success. We have friends who are doing a stint as hosts at one of the refuges this year and we did initially hope to do a stretch and meet up with them but for a variety of reasons we haven't got organised, nor trained up. The idea has been put on the back burner- maybe we'll see about next year- be a nice way for us to celebrate our 50 years side by side on the path, so  to speak, even if we didn't attempt the whole caboodle.

Think we are too  OLD now?

 Bonne route anyway!

When are you off?


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Hey, Suej, are your friends going to be "on duty" during the period of first week in September to middle of October?

Are you able to say which refuge they are going to be in?  

JJ, I will email you a bit later this evening.

Oops, sorry, Wools, didn't mean to take over your thread.  How much more weight do you aim to lose?

Walking really is the thing.  OH lost about 3 stone soon after the dog came to live with us.  And, since Cendrillon got me interested, I now do Nordic Walking (with 2 poles so that you get an upper body workout as well).

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

The ultimate test of course is yet to come; ( best done in the shower perhaps, chaps only) stand, stark naked, with your back pressed up to the wall without holding your tummy in, then look straight down without leaning forward. If you can see your "friend" then you are about the right weight and muscle tone. This will take me a little longer, hopefully by the autumn.


I am quite keen to do this "banana" test to see if my shape is as it should be so I might ask my friend to pop into the shower next time they come for a drink but quite what her husband will say I'm not sure!

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