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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="Chancer"]

I havn't read anywhere that PPP enjoys the sport (your choice of word not mine) of bullfighting.[/quote]

Remove the blinkers and try digging a little deeper.[:)]


Well I thought that I had read all the postings carefully, perhaps I missed something, could you show me where please?

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It will be interesting to see PPP's response. Perhaps he has only been once and was even possibly dragged there. In any case, it does appear he enjoys describing the details and discussing.

By the way Chancer, I never use the term "one" when speaking but didn't want you to take it personally as one does. [:)]

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

[quote user="sweet 17"]Pacha, are you about?  PM on its way......[/quote]

He'll be on his way by private jet to Chile, to rescue the trapped miners [:D]


....perdiste la oportunidad de callarte la boca con ese comentario....

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[quote user="pachapapa"]....perdiste la oportunidad de callarte la boca con ese comentario....[/quote]

For the benefit of all unfamiliar with your choice of language, would you be kind enough to restrict your words to the language of the forum, that is of course English in case you hadn't noticed.

Thank you.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

[quote user="sweet 17"]It's OK, SS, I promise not to break out in Mandarin.[/quote]

With the amount of goods originating from China, Mandarin may be very handy S17 [:D]


So, SS, are you in the liquor exporting trade?


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To be honest, SS, all computer manuals might as well be written in Greek, Double Dutch or indeed Mandarin, as far as I'm concerned as I find all of them written in some strange language that bears no resemblance to any language that I know.[:D]
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[quote user="sweet 17"]No hablo espanol [:(][/quote]

As I found the post of Salty Sam, in extremely  bad taste, using the predicament of the 33 chilean miners who are entombed in the depths of a chilean mine as a means of making an extremely poor joke; I considered it most apt to make a reply in spanish in concert with the possible thoughts of one of the miners.

....perdiste la oportunidad de callarte la boca con ese comentario....

I will translate into english so that my chilean companion can be metaphorically understood.

.....with this comment you have unfortunately missed the opportunity to keep your gob shut....

P.S. Read PM just now as daughters have now left for Hereford; three day accumulation of emails ploughed through.

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Technical note to post in Spanish.

The mine where the cave-in has occured is to the east of the town of Copiapo in the Atacama Region of Chile. The mine is called San Jose which is east of the village of Tierra Amarilla ( yellow earth) . There are a number of mines in the area working epigenetic deposits of volcanic origin frequently associated with brecciated rock. I visited the Tierra Amarilla area in the late 1980s for a short period to supervise a group of mining engineers and geologists conducting a technical and financial evaluation of one of the ore bodies with a view to purchasing the mine. During this time I was employed by the Mauricio Hochschild Group, the company did not however adopt my recommendation to acquire the property.

The ground stability of mines in this area is not good and current rescue plans estimate that it will take some 4 months to get them out, during the weekend the group of miners were located via connection with an exploration diamond drill and thankfully all of them are alive and as well as can be expected. They have a little water obtained from ground rock seepage and light by using the batteries of vehicles also isolated by the cave-in, there is little food left from the meagre resources stored in that area of the mine. Drilling continues to establish a further two connections by diamond drill to allow the supply of food and to improve ventilation (diluted oxygen due to diameter of hole). The precise location and information regarding the stability of the immediate area will now allow the complete installation of the Raise Borer which has been released from the Codelco Andina Operation; this machine is capable of drilling to depth of 1,300 metres well within the depth of 700 metres to reach  the miners.

Whilst I am of course following the development of the rescue on the chilean media in spanish; the events are being covered in both the english and french media in some detail.



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[quote user="Salty Sam"]

[quote user="sweet 17"]Pacha, are you about?  PM on its way......[/quote]

He'll be on his way by private jet to Chile, to rescue the trapped miners [:D]


Very funny Salty Sam.....and continuing in the same vein wouldn't it be so so funny if they finally broke through after 4 months to find one surviving miner who had eaten the other 32 miners.[:D][:D][:D]

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Pacha, I, too, have been reading and hearing about the rescue and the accounts are completely distressing.

So, too, is the harrowing stuff coming out of Pakistan.

It's just such a matter of luck where you are on this very fragile earth of ours.

I did learn some Spanish but I fear that not a lot of it has stuck in my memory.

Say, Pacha, you wouldn't like to come with Gemonimo and me on the Camino, would you?  Then you could do all the haggling for the last bedbug-infested bunks in the refugios?

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Hey Salty here's one even funnier.

They finally break through to the trapped miners to find to their astonishment that there is only one miner surviving.

The Bolivian Basket has eaten 32 chileans.

P.S. This version involves additional background knowledge. Yeah Salty you got it in one ....one of the miners IS Bolivian.[:D]

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

As I found the post of Salty Sam, in extremely  bad taste, using the predicament of the 33 chilean miners who are entombed in the depths of a chilean mine as a means of making an extremely poor joke; I considered it most apt to make a reply in spanish in concert with the possible thoughts of one of the miners.[/quote]

There was no intent in making light of the unfortunate situation the trapped miners find themselves in, especially in an industry where profit takes priority over worker safety. 

On the contrary, I fail to see how making an incorrect assumption of your whereabouts can be construed as "bad taste", as we are constantly reminded of your vast expertise in this particular field and like other international emergency situations, experts in their particular field get called in to assist, do they not ? 

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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="pachapapa"]

As I found the post of Salty Sam, in extremely  bad taste, using the predicament of the 33 chilean miners who are entombed in the depths of a chilean mine as a means of making an extremely poor joke; I considered it most apt to make a reply in spanish in concert with the possible thoughts of one of the miners.[/quote]

There was no intent in making light of the unfortunate situation the trapped miners find themselves in, especially in an industry where profit takes priority over worker safety. 

On the contrary, I fail to see how making an incorrect assumption of your whereabouts can be construed as "bad taste", as we are constantly reminded of your vast expertise in this particular field and like other international emergency situations, experts in their particular field get called in to assist, do they not ? 


Ahh! Salty it would seem that  you are indeed in all seriousness suggesting that the Chilean Mining Authorities would promptly send a plane to the gliding club at Thouars to pick me up and take me directly to South America to immediately take charge of all the International Resources deployed in the rescue mission with plenipotentiary powers reporting direct to the President of Chile.  Well I must apologise profusely for having completely misjudged your motive; I had erroneously thought that there was twinge of sarcasm to the tenor of your post. I now realise that you were inelegantly just expressing your profound respect and regard.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Pacha, I, too, have been reading and hearing about the rescue and the accounts are completely distressing.

So, too, is the harrowing stuff coming out of Pakistan.

It's just such a matter of luck where you are on this very fragile earth of ours.

I did learn some Spanish but I fear that not a lot of it has stuck in my memory.

Say, Pacha, you wouldn't like to come with Gemonimo and me on the Camino, would you?  Then you could do all the haggling for the last bedbug-infested bunks in the refugios?


I'd be a liability popping off every now and again to see a bull....bedbugs are called "chinches" in spain.....if one squashes a bedbug it has a distinctive smell....the house maids from galicia on confronting a bottle of gin say that.....se huele de chinches ( it smells like bedbugs).[:)]

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[quote user="WJT"]Chancer, unfortunately I think the point has been made.[/quote]

Not sure what you mean but if you implicitly mean that PPP will in the future consider, subject to competition from other attractions, attending COMPLETELY LEGAL activities involving bulls within the borders of the European Union; then, yes, you have hit it right on the button. Bingo!!!

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