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"Freecycle " worked for me !


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If anybody has not heard of or used UK "Freecycle " web site I can recommend it for passing on "Stuff "

I was wondering how I was going to get a huge 32 inch TV that was 5 years old with stand to the tip as was sure nobody would want it today in the world of the flat screen ... Put it on Freecycle and within an hour 6 people wanted to come and take it off my hands ... Two students from Bournemouth Uni have now got it as the house they rent has a big lounge ..and I am pleased . Do they have a "Freecycle " In France I have "Stuff " I need to move on there ?
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Frederick, I think Freecycle is marvellous too. We've passed on many things through several local Freecycle groups, and my son has both donated and received good useful items through it. Not only does it mean that someone gets items they need, it saves an awful lot of perfectly useful things from filling up landfill - not to mention time, effort and petrol just taking things there!  It's all good! [:D]

I make a point of mentioning what we've used it for, and most people seem never to have heard of it, although in recent months there has been a lot more publicity for it.

We've not needed to use it in France yet, but here's a link to French Freecycle, which lists links by departement:


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I was surprised about how little activity there is on the Nimes site too; the two local to me in England are always very busy and have become more so over the last couple of years. There are many brocantes locally, but the position is similar in England with car boot sales happening in many places. I thought things might pick up as the recession bit, but that hasn't happened. 
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I'd love the UK freecycle a lot more if their website didn't move with all the speed of a crippled tortoise. However, as we are recarpeting our stairs and had managed to buy not quite enough underlay, I was delighted to find when I opened the freecycle daily digest mail that I receive - for the first time in months - someone giving away some almost brand new underlay that they'd had under a rug for less than 2 months!

OTOH, it's also a source for many laughs. Only a few months back, and about a month after the launch, I noticed an ad on our local freecycle sayting "Has anyone got an ipad they don't want?" and not long before that "I'd like to upgrade my ipod shuffle for an ipod touch"

I suppose you just find chancers everwhere....[:D]

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[quote user="Hoddy"]I agree with you about the occasional laughs Betty. This afternoon there is someone asking for a shooting stick on our local (UK) Freegle. Hoddy[/quote]

 Whats funny about wanting a shooting stick.?... I know lots of guys who  find them useful to sit on while the hip flask is put to good use .....


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