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Is it possible to have a thread without snide remarks and back-biting?

just john

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There is no excuse, RH, for leaving the computer in order to do the Christmas shopping!  Although, I admit I did brave LeClerc today in order to empty their shelves of the Freixenet which was on offer. Hic.

 My o/h does all the food shopping as a rule.  I detest the shops but leave me on Amazon for an hour and I could bankrupt us, no problem.

Are there any chaps on here who do the Christmas cards or share the job, or is it one of those Mars and Venus things - ie a good excuse to avoid doing something?  There's a good controversial subject for us to try and discuss without being snide![:)]

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[quote user="Théière"]

Well that's one present sorted out for your O/H Sweets, by him a ...................


Teapot, I got him one of those years ago.  In fact, I found it only yesterday in the midst of turning out cupboards, etc.

I'm going to ask Santa for one of his little elves to help me and I'm going to emphasise that I don't want a REAL MAN, only one that will help with Christmas! 

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I'd like to think I've always done my share, whether cooking stir-fried ginger sprouts to ensure that daughter did eat her sprouts at Christmas, writing a few Christmas Cards, or getting the holly, Mistletoe, and Christmas Tree (which used to have touch the ceiling) how many ladies have brought the tree home and got it to stand up . . . ! 
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Sweet wrote :Frederick, never heard of JOINT responsibility then? Why is it that poor Mrs F was left to do her bit and you ducked out of YOUR bit?

When my wife can contribute her opinion on which set of spanners I should get someone as a present in "Motorbits" Then I will play my part give my opinion on what garments she should buy the girls ! . Its dangerous ground to tread !
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"Are there any chaps on here who do the Christmas cards or share the job,"

Yes, my OH does. Perhaps it's because we got together later in life and both had well-established lists. It threw up a funny which might amuse. We had mutual friends who appeared on both our lists and it was easy to put the two together and our friends did the same. Except for one friend who for many years sent us two cards, one signed with her pet name and one with her Sunday name.

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Well Coops, all I can say is that on the way into town (oh drops me off and he either picks me up or I get a taxi home) I commented that a look at our CC bill (we use a JL card and pay it of each month as 'points make prizes')  would confirm that most of our purchasing power goes to Waitrose, JL, Amazon or M& S, and our favorite local restaurant. I have lots of Amazon boxes waiting for attention - there are four of us here so we subscribe to Prime - a very good deal in this instance.
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[quote user="just john "]I'd like to think I've always done my share, whether cooking stir-fried ginger sprouts to ensure that daughter did eat her sprouts at Christmas, writing a few Christmas Cards, or getting the holly, Mistletoe, and Christmas Tree (which used to have touch the ceiling) how many ladies have brought the tree home and got it to stand up . . . ! [/quote]I'm not a lady so maybe I don't count but I always bought and put up the tree in the days when we had one.  About four years before we moved, I found a rooted one which amazingly lived year after year in the same bucket and all I did was to drag it indoors for 12 days every year and Robert was your mother's brother.
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[quote user="Russethouse"] I'm too tired to think leave alone post, a trip to John Lewis, House of Frazer, Debenhams and Marks and Spencer, plus queueing up in the PO to post a parcel, then food shopping and I'm pooped....a glass of something may help ![/quote]

Russethouse, I know just what you mean - although my day was minus H of F & D! We dropped my car off for repairs, managed to park right by the lift in the Oracle car park at 09.30 and went our separate ways. Started off at main PO to post Christmas parcels; I had number 69 - and they were on number 48!! Met up with OH, trailed around for lots of clothes for him, bought lots of presents, felt exhausted! [:(]

Then off to Waitrose at Caversham - and had my brainwave of the week - lunch at a certain little restaurant! Lovely terrine and boeuf bourguignon, surrounded by a good sprinkling of office party paper hats!  [:D]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]   My o/h does all the food shopping as a rule.  Are there any chaps on here who do the Christmas cards or share the job, or is it one of those Mars and Venus things - ie a good excuse to avoid doing something?  There's a good controversial subject for us to try and discuss without being snide![:)][/quote]

Ummmm, that would be me I'm afraid.  I do the majority of the shopping, it's me that nips off to the shops, now even started doing the long-distance trips to Perigueux, J doesn't like it at all.  I also do 95% of the cooking, look after the kitchen, happy to do the washing (in the machine), the whole domestic bit.  This year J's done the cards (she has a new knee so isn't too mobile and volunteered) but that's the way it's been for me since I was small with my parents, did work where I was on shifts so was at home during the day etc etc.

My shrink told me that it was because I didn't differentiate between Mars and Venus, to me it's a partnership and that's what makes sure we get along so well.

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Then off to Waitrose at Caversham - and had my brainwave of the week - lunch at a certain little restaurant! Lovely terrine and boeuf bourguignon, surrounded by a good sprinkling of office party paper hats


That boeuf bourguignon is just fantastic, the trouble is if I have that (usually preceded by the winter salad) I literally feel full for the rest of the day...it's truly delicious.

I'm just off to tackle Waitrose again......[:(]


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Couldn't get into Waitrose Car Park, and when eventually got into the store I was disappointed to find so many offers out of stock. Fitting a Portland stone fireplace and redecorating prior to new carpet on Monday means any further shopping put back to the W/end. Mucho family presents done and distributed, but since Christmas catering for 8 is also on the agenda, bit of perishables still to fight to accomplish. Anyone better idea for Starter than Gordon Ramseys  Devils-on-horseback?


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