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English language errors or change of emphasis?


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Although the rule for ordering multiple adjectives is a bit unstable in English, it is generally


I felt uncomfy with the ordering before the noun at the head of teh s entence. But it may be that the orderr is changing or at leadt getting more fluid. It was never too certain as even the big grammars seemed to hesitate.

As you all have nothing to do this grey morning, you may care to peruse this:



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If you are a native English speaker you have know idea what grammar is until you learn another language and by then it is too late. Though IMHO French suffers from exactly the same problems as English. Spelling locked before pronunciation and rules drawn up by a collection of pedants pretending to add logic to chaos
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That's what happens when kids are not taught Clause and Phrase Analysis in English Grammar!

And are unable to distinguish between Subjective and Objective.

Let's consider: "Spanish stolen art haul found after offer to scrapyard".The word "Spanish" is an adjective, qualifying the noun "Art": The word "Stolen" is an Adverb moderating the verb "Stolen Thus the logical way to express this, would be "Stolen Spanish art haul found": then the second phrase (not a clause since it lacks an active verb and a subject) would be more properly expressed, in full as "after being offered to scrapyard."

Thus the more grammatical and effective shortform headline would be: "Stolen Spanish art haul found after offered to scrapyard".

The word "Being" can be omitted without losing the absolute sense of the obviously intended meaning.

I think! [8-)]

Far too brain-fatigued to even think properly now!

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Just how old are you Gluey? it hasn't been taught that way since the middle of the last century![/quote]

Oh yes it was, Woolly, at the Grammar School I attended and what's more, we took the old Cambridge "O" levels, thus the syllabus accorded to that.

But then Greek and Latin were part of the lower school syllabus too.

I'm glad to say the excellent academic standards persist: and I keep in touch with the school since I'm a keen life member of the Old Boy's Association.

And old I might be; but not that old!


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