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Throughout the years I have heard friends complaining about 'their age'. Whether it be 21, 30, 40 etc. I have never minded, enjoyed each 'age' really and suddenly last birthday, not a milestone one, is weighing on me. I never expected this, never gave this birthday any more thought than any other before it happened. Very strange and I now wonder if friends in the past had been 'worrying' before hand or they just felt that particular one 'weigh' on them too.



So what age have you enjoyed most and what age have you thought oh dear me and disliked most. 

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[quote user="idun"]

So what age have you enjoyed most and what age have you thought oh dear me and disliked most. 


  1. Now: never felt better since we came over here
  2. Seven yrs ago, when I stopped working - felt that it was premature (and it was, but I quickly got over it). 
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Interesting that you raise this - I celebrated a birthday this month.  Normally I never bother with my birthdays... just another day and another year older. 

However, following the last year where for a week or two I didn't know how many more birthdays I would see, I approached this birthday very differently.  I celebrated.  I am so happy to be growing old and I'll never take my birthdays for granted again.

I think I've enjoyed my 30's and 40's the most... I did think when I hit 40 that I was getting older and it seemed a very big milestone... but the next one will be 50 and I just say now bring it on!

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Each new day I am a day older than yesterday - even on those days when I celebrate my anniversary. For me age is not the problem, just not being able to do all the things I want to do, when I want to do them.


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I loved being in my 30's. 40 was fine,although a lot of male and female friends seemed to have a real problem with getting to 40.

50 was fine too, but as my fifties have gone on I have realised that I have become more like my mother [:-))], fortunately not in temperament.  Just various bits of me not working as they used to, ie eyes,even hearing to some extent is not what it was, to mention just two things. 58 was a few weeks ago and why it has  disturbed me in any way at all, I have no idea and I don't like it disturbing me.



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Best age? Between 45 and 55 when everything 'came together' except the financial security which flew out of the window. I've never disliked any particular age but widowhood made approaching my sixties a bad age but it would whether twenty or eighty. I pick up my pension next year and apart from the normal range of aches and pains, I plan on enjoying every day as if it were my last.
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1'm not looking forward to being middle aged, which anyway is a state of mind not of chronology. Much of my sixties has been spent in widowhood which can be a wretched state, but I eventually realised how fortunate I had been to have spent so much of my life with such a wonderful person. Middle age may begin in about 10 years time. The picture in the attic doesn't look too good, though.


I heard a woman discussing age on the radio. She talked about her 85 year old mother who was refusing to go to a day centre. "But it's full of old people," she said, "I'm not old."

The daughter then asked her when she would be old. Her mother thought for a moment, "When I have to sit down to put my knickers on."

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When I was 27, it was a very good year, so I've stuck with it pretty much since then, unless and until I pass a mirror or others pass comment, sometimes it doesn't do to dwell on actual dog years, I think you're only as old as you feel, unless you have to lift cut stone, then you need to be a bit younger[:D] 
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My worst age was between 22 and 28.

Right now is a good age to be (39), and I'm finding that everything is coming together in terms of "getting" life. I don't know if it's moving country, going back to college or growing up after my marriage break down, that a lot of stuff that didn't make sense before now does.
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Im in my early fifties and enjoying life.. had a cochlear implant 4 years ago so going from completely deaf to hearing again after 20 odd years has made such a difference to my life.

Being 52, I dont feel I have to keep up with fashion, dont really care now what people think of me, they either like me as I am or not... kids are old enough to look after themselves.. have good health and am very content..but thats just me
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My preferred age was 18 when I upped and left both home and school and got a job and a fiance (yes, Mr C) - all in the space of about a month.

The worst time of my life was when I lost the last family members whom I cared about, all within a few short years.  Then afterwards my world turned upside-down thanks to Mr lorry driver.  I still have a good time but it's very different for me for whom the outdoor life and freedom and indepenence were so important.   I guess that's how old age suddenly hits people - when they realise that some things are in the past and they'll never be able to do them again, and when they can't do certain things without asking for help.  I used to say things like "you're as young as you feel" when I was still able to do anything I wanted to.  Not any more - I feel mentally young but not physically (brought home with a vengeance when your 88 year old mother is pushing you round in a wheelchair[:-))].)

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