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Murdoch Empire's new low


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[quote user="Russethouse"]


Rebekah Brooks arrested by police.....

I wonder if they will let her out for Tuesday ?


No, They probably arrested her to stop her giving evidence on Tuesday, as they are scared of who she may drop in the mire when she opens her mouth? Commissioner of police spends five weeks at Champneys, Cameron has 26 meetings with Murdoch employees in 15 months. What next? [:D]

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No, They probably arrested her to stop her giving evidence on Tuesday, as they are scared of who she may drop in the mire when she opens her mouth? Commissioner of police spends five weeks at Champneys, Cameron has 26 meetings with Murdoch employees in 15 months. What next?

Sir Paul Stephenson has now resigned himself. What next?

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Having been unlucky enough to have a step-father who was high up in the police lodge and also a Chief DI in the CID - nothing but nothing would amaze me. The only question I have is why do Royalty or near Royalty always have top spot? In the US Bush was a mason, wonder how many MP's are? And anyone who tells me they are a force for good [:D] well you would wouldn't you???????

I know what went on and I saw the gifts that came in when things went the way people wanted them to go.

Er Indoors

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I'm naive.

I'm naive enough to have thought that Stephenson was a reasonable bloke.  He was either just plain stupid enough to have thought that £000's worth of 'free' convalescence didn't have an ulterior motive .......... or he was corrupt.  Either way, he deserved to go.

Do these people take complete leave of their senses when they accept freebies like this?  What possessed the man?  When you're on £200k+ p.a., you should be able to afford to pay for it yourself and / or you'd have thought that he would have had health insurance cover from the Met in order to minimise his absence from work.

Perhaps I'm daft as well as naive, but I'm more angry about him than the Murdoch shower: I expected it from them. 

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 Just for the record my OH is not a mason, neither was my father or my brother nor in fact anyone else I currently  know, as far as I'm aware, however while there are always going to be bad apples in every barrel I know of cases where the Mason have helped out and looked after dependents etc. They do have a large charitable side to the organisation : http://www.grandcharity.org/ 

Obviously the whole situation needs investigating but I hope we are not going to get bogged down in 'mason bashing'

Assuming Ice-ni is roughly in my age group I don't think it was that unusual for thank you gifts to be given, in lots of walks of life - my father used get lovely gifts from companies he dealt with, of course he wasn't a policeman [:)] but I suspect there was a much different attitude those days.

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Any gifts of any kind to any public servant has to be registered, that's the rules. This is normally adhered too but of course like everything else in life there are a minority who take stuff and don't put it in 'the book', basically they abuse the system to their own ends.

I remember years ago, one of my clients was the Inland Revenue in Bush House. This was long before we had the types of (computer) fonts we now have and the ones you had then were fixed. This person had trouble working out what font spacing and size he had so I offered them a 'special' ruler that was clear plastic with mark's so you could determine what font spacing you were looking at (10, 12, 14 pitch etc). They couldn't accept it they said because the grief of filling in 'the book' and writing an explanation as to why it was not a bribe, it just wasn't worth it. The thing was only worth a couple of quid, hardly worth me getting my tax code 'adjusted' for [;-)] .

I do believe that most people are basically honest. Those that do these stupid things makes us all view the rest in the same light which really isn't fair on them. I am sure there are some very honest journalists and policemen (and women) out their who believe in the job they are doing and are very honorable. This is why I strongly believe that the full force of the law should be applied and that these criminals, when discovered and convicted, should forfeit anything they have gained and go to prison and I am not talking some nice cushy one like Ford Open Prison either.

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[quote user="Dog"]I think I know what you are alluding to but a link would be useful. What do you know about No. 1591 United Studholme Alliance Lodge?[/quote]

I think there is enough info for you to discover yourself, I wouldn't want to be accused of giving biased or copied information now would I. Needless to say it was a lodge in Fleet Street and does not exist anymore neither has it done so for quite a while. Thats quite relevent when you do your research.

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Why is the word Freemason pracitically omerta for the BBC? There seems to be a lot of freemasons potentially involved in this scandal. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Judges that look into the scandal will be too - the whole thing stinks.
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[quote user="Quillan"]

I do believe that most people are basically honest.


Please send me me your rose tinted specs. Most people are thieves. Office biro taken home, personal phone calls at work, personal letters in the post tray are all examples of theft, taking a day off sick when you are not but somehow these don't count or do they?


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[quote user="Mr Ice-ni"][quote user="Quillan"]

I do believe that most people are basically honest.

[/quote]Please send me me your rose tinted specs. Most people are thieves. Office biro taken home, personal phone calls at work, personal letters in the post tray are all examples of theft, taking a day off sick when you are not but somehow these don't count or do they?


[/quote]I agree with Quillan. I think most people are basically honest even if they occasionally do things which stretch the definition of honesty. No-one in my experience is 100% percent honest - they would be a social nightmare if they were. 
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[quote user="Mr Ice-ni"][quote user="Quillan"]

I do believe that most people are basically honest.


Please send me me your rose tinted specs. Most people are thieves. Office biro taken home, personal phone calls at work, personal letters in the post tray are all examples of theft, taking a day off sick when you are not but somehow these don't count or do they?



So are you saying there is no such thing as an honest person?

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[quote user="Dog"]Why is the word Freemason pracitically omerta for the BBC? There seems to be a lot of freemasons potentially involved in this scandal. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Judges that look into the scandal will be too - the whole thing stinks.[/quote]

Oh I doubt it will come to that. Don't forget, Rupert Murdoch was the founder of AOL, that should give you a clue, if not look at the symbol of AOL, an oval eye inside a pyramid. [;-)], get the picture?

Anyway thats enough of that, we have been down this road before, lets get back to the thread.

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I think that Quillan is playing Dog at his own game.

AOL has never had any connection with Murdoch - in fact it was associated with Warner Brothers. Murdoch owns their rival, 20th Century Fox.


Frankly, to try and steer this back to the original subject, I think that whatever the urban mtyths are saying, that Freemasonry is marginal and relatively unimportant in Britain today. If not the press then certainly the internet has potentially emasculated Freemasonry.

John Yates has now fallen on his sword. Ian Blair has pointed out, in a House of Lords speech, that the last two Met Commissioners have had to leave office - he was forced out by Boris and his successor has lasted only two years. Am I alone in thinking that this is but a continuation of the cleansing of the Augean Stables which started with the MP's expenses scandal?

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I've got to admit, Q, but that is extremely authoritative and convincing evidence you've got there. You do know that Charles T Russell, the founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is buried under a pyramid, don't you? That means that Jehovah's Witnesses are the secret intelligence service of the new world order - after all, apart from the Royal Mail, they are the only organisation which visits every household on a regular basis ...
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