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Do one thing that scares you . . . V

just john

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Somewhere I have an 8 mm film of Richard Dickson riding a tricycle off the side of the sugar cube into the Ardeche. Other parts of the holiday included caving, press so tight I had to take my clothes off. Sailing a Drancombe lugger and getting it plaining. French corvette came over and asked over tannoy if we were in difficulties. Given it was the Med in March it semed a fair question
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That's old game ! I remember seeing it being done on Lake Malawi in the 1990's.

You had to sit on a big tractor tyre pulled by a speed boat on full throttle. The driver of the boat would manoeuver such way that the tyre went over a sort of skateboard floating ramp and if you didn't grip hard enough on the tyre, you got a good dunking. Nearly lost one kid by drowning so eager he was to try out the contraption.

I keep to hot air ballooning [:D]

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No motor what so ever - Start point as I recall drag in water is roughly proportional to the wet area of the hull. Most of the crew were young and very fit but not experienced sailors. We had just spent two weeks canoeing and caving in the Ardeche so were not afraid of much and would and could take orders.

It began as a serious money bet when Richard said he could get one planing. I know what 5 knots feels like on a boat and we sure we doing much more, like three times that than that.

Anybody who went on a PGL holiday in the early '70s could probably describe Richard
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Another scarey story about sailing - we once had an Osprey which capsized completely (turned turtle) and I was submerged deep. Somehow got one leg tangled in one of the stays and as the boat righted itself I was hoisted up with it by the leg [:'(]

Just managed to get untangled before that last jerk upright.

Almost put me off sailing for life.

And another time, a bit like the OP's film, I was on the trapeze and the wire snapped and I was catapulted over the jib.

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