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I thankyou, thankyou so much for making me smile as I needed to smile today.

And because French ladies of a certain age are best not snapped from behind when bending as it saps their dignity

That made me laugh  out loud. You do realise that some english ladies of a certain age  are best not snapped from behind either[:-))]



I am trying to think what the alpine people get excited about and it must be champignons. Not a family affair though, and seems to be limited to the males going off at an early hour with their baskets, as plaggy bags don't let the spores drip into the soil. And  the canny gatherers bring home huge loup de pres and all sorts of other bizarre looking fungi.

Some are conserved in oil and herbs and others put out as a dish, just assorted mushrooms and herbs alone on the plate and I hate it. I need a pork chop or good steak, chicken or fish would do too, just something with them. I love mushrooms, but they are not a plat that I ever like to eat alone. A good friend gets upset with me, but I cannot help it.

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Thank you Idun, one tries to entertain.

I would not ever presume to comment on English ladies, though on horseback some of them are very, shall we say, interesting. I once saw the Duchess of Cornwall on a horse and I then knew exactly why HRH is keen on her!

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

Thank you Idun, one tries to entertain.

I would not ever presume to comment on English ladies, though on horseback some of them are very, shall we say, interesting. I once saw the Duchess of Cornwall on a horse and I then knew exactly why HRH is keen on her!


As for the duchess, did you see her from in front or from behind?

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Trouble with bottoms is that none of us can judge our own without the aid of a mirror, which is not always easy OR by other people's comments[:D]

Don't think I'd fancy having mine photo'd though to be honest. [blink]

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Love today's blog, Wooly. I hope literary spies from Complete France will spot it here and print it in their mag and that it will earn you €€€€€€€.

So Alsatians have Blucher boots, do they? Pity something similar has not been devised for other breeds...

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He is next to me on the sofa now, clean but smelly, hoping I will take him out in the garden and play, which I will.

I have had lots of warnings from French people to keep a close eye on him as he might be nicked. Old wives tales, I dunno, but I watch him like a hawk.

By the way, he came from a refuge as a pup, so there are loads of nice doggies there if you want one.

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I love the way dogs smile when they are happy. Ours used to smile most, not just happy, ecstatic,  when she had rolled in crotte de vache.  And when I looked that up, as I'm sure it is called 'buse' this is what came up. I am sat here looking very confused now as to why and who would use these products.http://www.monsaphir.com/beaute/traitez-vos-cheveux-avec-de-la-crotte-de-vache-ou-du-sperme-de-taureau.html
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 [+o(]   [+o(]

We used to have a dog - an alsatian, in fact (who came with no boots) - and he used to get ecstatic over the same delights as yours did, idun! 

Any whiff of Jeyes Fluid still evokes those ages spent scrubbing at his coat to get it off.


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Excellent Wooly. I know well before Jamie Oliver started his campaign I heard a prog on Radio 4 about some schools locally sourcing  their food, somewhere in the Midlands, I think . And in fact not just using their kitchens to feed the kids but to feed pensioners too.

Maybe they too are going green as well. How refreshing to learn of such things in action in France.


In our village the cantine was run by a restaurant in the village, then they stopped and closed down and the surviving 'good' resto took over, the kids were queueing up to eat then. But that was only for a few months and then sodhexo took over. Needless to say that the kids were no longer queueing up.

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