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Palin now out of the running?


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[quote user="DerekJ"]The frightening bit is that she was a potential contender in the first place.
[/quote]You took the words right out of my mouth, Derek.  The idea of her as what the Americans are fond of calling "the leader of the free world" (not of my world, you're not!) is terrifying in the extreme.
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[quote user="cooperlola"][quote user="DerekJ"]The frightening bit is that she was a potential contender in the first place.

[/quote]You took the words right out of my mouth, Derek.  The idea of her as what the Americans are fond of calling "the leader of the free world" (not of my world, you're not!) is terrifying in the extreme.[/quote]

She's no leader to me.  It would all be hilarious if she wasn't being taken seriously by a certain group.  But, considering the 'people' re-elected Bush there is no telling what they will do this go round.  Luckily, it looks like Palin is out of the running - for now.  It is hard for me to understand how anyone who has heard this woman speak could take her seriously.

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The really worrying thing is there really doesn't look like anyone capable of being able to lead at present Obama is only just now making threats of making decisions and doing things, but there doesn't seem to be any alternative from the republicans

Just when the world needs a leader, there appears to be none For all Bushes faults, at least the guy had the balls to make a decision and stand by it.
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Richard's point is valid, although I think that Bush was merely a mouthpiece for others. His philosophical foundation, the Campaign for the New American Century, crumbled very quickly.

However, I think that the real culprit is the constitution. Despite the pride that Americans have in their constitution, it is really a rather ramshackle affair whose main purpose is to make the USA difficult to govern. Seperation of the Executive from the Legislature - and the tension between them - means that any president is forced to spend his first term electioneering. Obama sees what he thinks is happening at the grass roots and tries to appease the electorate instead of proposing long term solutions. And, as we have seen, an opposition Congress can hobble a president by refusing to enact his proposals - as happened with Obama's budget.


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Id, I think Obama has been hampered at every move because he doesn't have the authority to take the reforms where he'd like.

Clarkkent has explained his position well on his post just before yours.

Health reforms, Budget reforms, all hampered.

In some strange ways, our UK "Prime Minister" seems to have more power than an American "President"....now that's what I struggle to understand sometimes.

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Remember the days of Thatcher, Reagan, Gorby and Hawke? May not have agreed with their policies, but boy could they lead! Strong personalities and the balls to make decisions.

I have nothing against Obama, he probably would have made a better president in easier times, but right now we need someone to just do instead of say. We need someone to grab the world by the balls and drag it back up again, but all the leaders seem too wishy washy - Cameron, Sarko, Obama, none have that je ne sais quoi! :)
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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]Remember the days of Thatcher, Reagan, Gorby and Hawke? May not have agreed with their policies, but boy could they lead! Strong personalities and the balls to make decisions.

I have nothing against Obama, he probably would have made a better president in easier times, but right now we need someone to just do instead of say. We need someone to grab the world by the balls and drag it back up again, but all the leaders seem too wishy washy - Cameron, Sarko, Obama, none have that je ne sais quoi! :)[/quote]

Well said.

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