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What would you do about this ?


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This could happen anywhere UK or France but happens to be my UK home today .

I have open ground of wide grass verges opposite my home on a corner plot .

Over the junction and off to my left the occupier of a house has cut a doorway in a 7 foot brick wall behind their home to give access to the verge on the odd occasion they have people stay they park a car and access through the gate ... That has never bothered me . Maybe with the best intentions to recycle stuff they have now started putting unwanted household things

on the verge with a notice " Free please take " This morning they have put out a chest of drawers a TV an old tilley lamp a stack of videos a mirror and more . They will be left there as this has happened before but not on this scale

I did not have time to examine it driving past They dont see this its behind their wall ...I am the one who looks out onto it all !

A phone call to the the district council may result in action for accessing the verge through the wall ....That I am not sure about ? Can you just cut a hole in your garden wall and put a door in ?........ Would you make the phone call as its not really fly tipping is it ?
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Whilst not going to that extreme I have ripped out my old kitchen and sorted out it's contents. There are loads of things that I know if I phone the mayors office will end up in landfill or whatever yet they function and just need a good clean plus they cost a bit when bought and some are only a couple of years old. Now we get to the crunch, I can't be ar*sed (I have a new kitchen to fit) to put them up on Ebay etc to sell them but somebody might like them. Perhaps if I had passing 'traffic' I might be inclined to put them out front with a similar sign.

So perhaps your neighbours are doing the same thing, it's difficult to say. Perhaps a chat at some time or another to find out whats going on before picking up the phone. It's really difficult to know what to do really.

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I also would start with a friendly chat with the neighbour; but I'd also be fearful that things would get worse - local cats, rats etc might just move in too!  [:'(]

[quote user="Quillan"]

Whilst not going to that extreme I have ripped out my old kitchen and sorted out it's contents. There are loads of things that I know if I phone the mayors office will end up in landfill or whatever yet they function and just need a good clean plus they cost a bit when bought and some are only a couple of years old. Now we get to the crunch, I can't be ar*sed (I have a new kitchen to fit) to put them up on Ebay etc to sell them but somebody might like them. Perhaps if I had passing 'traffic' I might be inclined to put them out front with a similar sign.


Our local 'branch' in France doesn't seem as active as groups I've used in UK, but Freecycle is a very good way to get rid of stuff  (and to acquire it too!) if there's one near you: http://fr.freecycle.org/accueil/

We also seem to have fairly irregular jumble sales held by a local church and the Croix Rouge, which are also good ways to keep stuf at bay - we have very limited storage space.


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perhaps in your local chat you could say "I'm also worried about security. A tatty old van with some rough looking chaps stopped, looked at thee stuff then started walking around your house looking in the windows trying to see what you have".

A lie? Yes, but it might make them think twice about putting stuff out. And it doesn't have to involve officialdom either.
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In France there is also this http://donnons.org/

Donnons.org est un site de dons et de de récupération d'objets

en ligne. Même abîmés, ils peuvent encore faire le bonheur d'un grand

nombre de personnes : bricoleurs, collectionneurs ou simplement

personnes qui en ont besoin (en savoir plus).

Donnez à vos objets une seconde vie (voir tous les dons). Le site fonctionne pour la France, la Suisse, la Belgique et le Canada.

Débarrassez vous gratuitement sur ce site de vos objets qui encombrent vos caves et vos greniers.

Un déménagement en vue ? N'encombrez pas les déchetteries, vos poubelles... Pensez recyclage par le don. Donner un objet est le meilleur moyen de s'en débarrasser.

Vous souhaitez récupérer des objets ? Vous pouvez les trouver

sur le site mais vous pouvez également suivre en temps réel

l'apparition des objets sur le site, être averti par courriel ou par le

biais d'un flux RSS. Voyez la rubrique m'avertir des nouveaux objets en ligne

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[quote user="Frederick"]  This could happen anywhere UK or France but happens to be my UK home today . I have open ground of wide grass verges opposite my home on a corner plot . Over the junction and off to my left the occupier of a house has cut a doorway in a 7 foot brick wall behind their home to give access to the verge .... Can you just cut a hole in your garden wall and put a door in ?....  .... Would you make the phone call as its not really fly tipping is it ?[/quote]


You should go to the local council archive and see if they have sought planning permission for that opening in their garden wall. It doesn't look like they have done so as you would have had a notice in your post, letting you know what was being sought by your neighbour and for you to examine the plans etc... at the local council offices and to ask you of any objections you may have for them to do such an opening as it is directly within your visual amenity. You would have had 28 days to lodge that objection or not.  

As to the 'rubbish' left outside, it may not look like fly tipping but it is still fly tipping as it is not rubbish discarded in the usual household collection at the usual household collection point, or taken by the owner of said dwelling to the local recycle yard. It will, in no time at all, become an unsightly pile of rubbish to which, in the dead of night, other unscrupulous bods will see it as an OK place to leave their own rubbish...

A diplomatic word with that neighbour (possibly the time has passed for that) or a citizen's call to the local authority .... 

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[quote user="Frederick"]This could happen anywhere UK or France but happens to be my UK home today .

I have open ground of wide grass verges opposite my home on a corner plot .

Over the junction and off to my left the occupier of a house has cut a doorway in a 7 foot brick wall behind their home to give access to the verge on the odd occasion they have people stay they park a car and access through the gate ... That has never bothered me . Maybe with the best intentions to recycle stuff they have now started putting unwanted household things

on the verge with a notice " Free please take " This morning they have put out a chest of drawers a TV an old tilley lamp a stack of videos a mirror and more . They will be left there as this has happened before but not on this scale

I did not have time to examine it driving past They dont see this its behind their wall ...I am the one who looks out onto it all !

A phone call to the the district council may result in action for accessing the verge through the wall ....That I am not sure about ? Can you just cut a hole in your garden wall and put a door in ?........ Would you make the phone call as its not really fly tipping is it ?[/quote]

Uplift these items,take them to the local boot fair ,collect a tenner then ,ask your neighbours if they have any more booty!

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Thanks for all your replies and suggestions . It seems as yesterday when most of the village was out and about going to church and the war memorial for the wreath laying . The rubbish owners decided to remove it from the verge .. Somebody else may have commented who knows !

If it comes back out again I will leave them a note ... and if it stays make the call
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Maybe I live in a dodgy part of London, but frankly the actions you describe wouldn't bother me at all. In our road people often leave junk on the footpath near the gate and it's gone in hours !

As far as holes in walls go - I agree with Quillan and would add that unless there any local covenants, the owner of land is not duty bound to fence it in at all - so the odd hole wouldn't usually matter. It might be different if he had a cow or two though.
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In my part of France they collect les encombrants twice a year, I believe that you are supposed to only put stuff out the night before and indeed the majority do respect that however many just put out stuff when it suits them, when they run out of space etc and hence most streets will have one or two piles of toot all year round, old sofas seem to be the favorite.

A lot of my furniture has come from being a glaneur on the night before the collection, often I witness people fighting over their finds, as everyone closes their shutters at 7 winter or summer there is no shame in going out to gather stuff, I believe that Sweden in the past did this twice a month to help young couples furnish their first nests, one week on one side of the road, the other side a fortnight later, all the residents would close their curtains that night, that was in the early 80's and it sounded a great idea to me so i was pleased to discover les encombrants here in France.

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