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Social Charges - here we go again!


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[quote user="nomoss"]
Boxes 8SH and 8SI are on 2042 C, the complementary form to 2042.

I'm sure this has been mentioned here previously.


Must have missed that, but having "mentioned express" in my declaration everything necessary for exemption from social charges I wonder if they can read, or is the computer king/queen? Re-imboursement of Social charges wrongly levied on AV payments remains an issue - why should a reclamation be made when the fisc. are fully aware of the status of the beneficiary?

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Thanks, Pomme. As I have explained previously I have completed correctly all the relevant boxes on 2042 and 2047 without a problem in the past - having established exemption from social charges on my pension from 2001. I have completed all the required declarations since I have been resident in 2000 and I have successfully reclaimed wrongly deducted social charges for earlier years. Anyone who thinks I should have ticked a box on another form is rather petty as I am

a) well established as not being a charge on the French system, and

b) I mentioned expressly on my declaration what I have referred to in my earlier post that we are holders of an S1 and should not be subject to social charges

As an aside, the fisc miscalculated the relief under the double taxation agreement three years ago and had to recalculate following my appeal!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi again. Expecting three years of social charge refunds. Been chasing the super friendly tax people in Nîmes every now and then. This is the latest FYI


Des instructions ont été données par l'administration centrale. Votre dossier sera donc traité très prochainement (septembre ou octobre, probablement).

Bien cordialement.

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Isitlunchtime wrote : Hi again. Expecting three years of social charge refunds. Been chasing the super friendly tax people in Nîmes every now and then. This is the latest FYI


Des instructions ont été données par l'administration centrale. Votre dossier sera donc traité très prochainement (septembre ou octobre, probablement).

Thanks for posting that as I was only thinking this morning that perhaps I might need to contact the tax people again, not having heard from them for ages.
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Fittersmate wrote : I have just emailed our tax office in Pontivy asking them when we can expect to receive our refunds, further to their letters dated November 2018 giving me separate reference numbers for each of the years reclaimed.

You were lucky to get a proper reply and get different reference numbers for each year. I got a single email saying that my request had been received and would be considered.
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  • 2 weeks later...

the Gard wins...

Just received up a very official letter saying they accept my request and are paying in full for 2015,2016 and 2017.

Payment will be automatically credited to my bank account.

No interest but tbh who cares??

amounts stated are exactly the amounts requested.

Hopefully yours will all arrive very soon.
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isitlunchtime wrote : And...

the Gard wins...

Just received up a very official letter saying they accept my request and are paying in full for 2015,2016 and 2017.

Good grief .. that is amazing. Well done the Gard.

Let's hope that Morbihan gets its act together soon .. (sigh smiley here)
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"Un autre Gallois" wrote:

Social charges already deducted from AV, so received amount net! Request for amounts taken to be refunded. Watch this space!


Were they social charges?

For 2019 they changed one so it was no longer a social charge but a general catch-all prélèvement de solidarité tax at 7.5%.

The remaining social charges are the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) 9,2% and the Contribution au remboursement de la dette sociale (CRDS) 0,5%,

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Hi - thanks, yes, social charges seem to have been deducted as the fisc were notified of the amount that had already been subject to social charges (Revenus déjà soumis aux prélèvements sociaux) and have pre completed line BH of 2042 with the net amount received together with a note that it benefits from the exemption from income tax under the eight year relief. We had already been informed by Allianz in an "Avis d'opération suite a rachat total" of the "Solde des prélèvements sociaux retenu" so I don't think there's any doubt that social charges have been deducted and the assurance company would not know whether an S1 is held.

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Isn't Allianz french income and surely it would be as liable for french 'contributions' as anyone else's french income, no matter the S1 or not?????

Put it this way, for those retired with an overseas S1 in France, if they got a job in France, then would they imagine that their S1 gave them special dispensation from some contributions?? And if so, why???

I really thought it only affected overseas income in France.

All this is very confusing to me, probably because of all the messy things I have had to deal with, then this isn't one of them[Www]

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Hi idun,
its income from anywhere that has been subject to social charges where the person is affiliated to health care of another country.  From 2018 it has been renamed to solidarity tax and the funds not put in the social fund, with a new rate @7.5%, in an attempt to get around the EU directive.
So up to 2018 social charges on French AV should be reclaimed in full, from 2018 reclaim difference 17.2% down to 7.5%.

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thanks for trying to explain, but I still don't get it.

(NB: I am talking 'now' and not if the UK leaves the EU.)

I just know that when we moved back to the UK with a french S1, if we had had UK income, we would have lost the S1, even as french pensioners.

And that is why I don't get it.

Since our UK pensions started, we no longer get a french S1, BUT if we moved back to France, would not be eligible to a UK S1.

See how complicated it all is. Is it a wonder that I don't get why french income even with an S1 is not classed the same as it would be for everyone else in France?

I daresay I will remain a very confused Idun

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  • 3 weeks later...
I sent a message yesterday since it was early July, after the law had been confirmed on 1 July, when I last sent a reminder! The reply I received was

"Rassurez-vous, votre demande est en cours de traitement.

Vous devriez avoir des nouvelles très prochainement"

So perhaps they are finally getting around to sorting out the refunds? I wonder whether they will include intérêts moratoires, or will they try to ignore it, as they initially did last time?

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My letter was dated the 5th September saying payment would be made automatically assuming up to date with payments. (We are). Still nothing.

Inspector said to expect 2-3 weeks but it wasn’t his department. Maybe they’re waiting until the autumn “whip round” is complete.
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Last week we received an email from DDFIP de l'Aude asking for a copy of my wife's attestation de couverture sociale for 2016, in connection with the claim I made in November 2018. I sent my own current attestation, and forgot to send them for both of us, but I don't know why they asked for an attestation which is no longer available.

I also don't know why this was done by email when all previous contact has been via the message system on the tax web site.

We have not saved any hard copies, as the attestations themselves state “Toute attestation de droits antérieure est à détruire”.
I managed to find a few old ones, but not for 2016, on my computer.

I asked CPAM de l'Aude, via their message system, for a copy as requested. They are unable to do this, but sent a copy of my wife's E121 by mail, received today.

So I just answered the email, attaching a current attestation, all the old ones I can find, copies of correspondence with CPAM, and all four pages of the E121.

Fingers crossed. Can't do any more than that.

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Chased the senior tax guy in Nîmes who said to me “Don’t worry it’s all coming,and remember they need to add interest”. Nice

He also gave me the local tax office to follow up with. Again nice.

Sent them an email and they replied to me half a day later. Really nice..

They apparently sent a cheque for one amount on 24/9. Never received.

They issued a virement for another amount last week. Not yet received.

No mention of third amount or interest.

So they’re still making me work for it!

Why some cheque some transfer absolutely beats me...
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  • 3 weeks later...
That’s good news.

I’ve had two transfers safely received for ‘16 and ‘17.

The cheque (!) for ‘15 never arrived so we’re apparently “checking procedure”for that.

Interest definitely is payable so keep asking. It seems to be separately done and later than principal payment. I haven’t had this yet but they’re ‘looking’ at it.
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