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Social Charges - here we go again!


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Right, sending email this afternoon, after calculating what amount should be due.  They've given me something but I now understand that to be in advance for cotisations for my aide domicile.

They'll just have to re-open the file on this one as the reply says that this "demande" has been dealt with and is closed[:@]

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Finally got round to sending that email today.  I didn't like the way they put a bit of money into our account, without explanation about what it was for and then saying that my "demande" for these social charges had been answered.  Of course, the amount they credited us with was a fraction of what the social charges added up to.

I said I didn't agree that my request had been fulfilled and in what was for me quite a diplomatic way of putting it, I conceded that "perhaps" I hadn't explained sufficiently well what I meant.

So, I used Mr Evianers' letter which he so kindly supplied and said, here was what the "affaire" was about and asking them to have another look.

Grrr.....I understand how you feel Sheila and this is also the last thing I need as I am buried in paperasse of one kind or another. 

If anyone else has applied and has had any sort of reply at all, could they please just tell us?

Thank you.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'd still not had any reply to my query apart from "Votre message est conservé dans l'historique de votre dossier. Le cas échéant, le service sera certainement avisé par sa direction des suites à donner à ces réclamations"

and then I found this web page https://rhexpat-avocats.com/fr/loi-de-financement-de-la-securite-sociale-pour-2019-prelevements-sociaux-sur-les-revenus-du-capital/ which indicated the exoneration from CSG/CRDS for those with an S1 etc in the 2019 Social Security Financing law.

So this week I wrote again quoting that web page and stating it was now over three months since my original query. I have now received a reply "votre message a été communiqué ce jour au service des affaires juridiques et du contentieux de la Direction départementale des Finances Publiques"

So I assume there will now decision?
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pomme wrote : So I assume there will now decision?

I cannot now find where I read it but I retain the distinct impression that the final, final decision by the legal department was to be defined in July this year .. which should then give the go ahead for refunds for those of us concerned.
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I hadn't previously noticed that possibility mentioned elsewhere.

If that is the case then I should get a reply stating the decision timetable rather than the continuing pending, but to indication of possible action, reply.
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pomme wrote : If that is the case then I should get a reply stating the decision timetable rather than the continuing pending, but to indication of possible action, reply.

Perhaps we might closer to the date. I'm not convinced that the minions who contact us ever receive any concrete info until a final decision is made somewhere by someone higher up than them.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just got this after chasing up my local office who'd referrred it to the department (Gard) office in Feb...


Votre réclamation contentieuse a bien été enregistrée par l'administration sous le n° XXX/2019. Elle est en cours d'instruction. Le litige qu'elle concerne, à savoir l'assujettissement aux contributions sociales en France des revenus du patrimoine, est d'ampleur nationale et fait actuellement l'objet d'un examen par le conseil d'état, qui doit prochainement rendre sa décision.

Le traitement des réclamations est suspendu dans l'attente de celle-ci.

Je ne manquerai pas de vous tenir informé des suites de votre réclamation.

Avec mes salutations.

Seems like a nice man...
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Quite by chance we have an update on progress today - or lack of it.

We registered our claim on 2/11/2018 with our local tax office via Messagerie securisée on the Impot website. After five months of inaction we received a one-line reply on 10th April stating that we should send our claim to them by post. They also marked our original demande as terminé.

We then sent an email to the office in Annecy that dealt with the previous reclamation (for 2012-2014) and repeated our current claim. Their response was to ask us to send our claim by post! This rather makes a mockery of their policy to do everything on line.....


Anyway, today we sent off our claim by registered post with A/R to the Division Affaires juridiques et Contentieux at Annecy as they are the ones who actually handle things like this. However, no doubt nothing will happen until after the Government's case is heard in July.

If it is of any help to others, the email address for the Division Affaires juridiques et Contentieux is:

ddfipXX.pgf.contentieux@dgfip.finances.gouv.fr where XX = the Department number, in our case 74.

We assume that this email address would be valid for any Department so you may wish to bypass your local tax office and deal directly with the organ grinder, so to speak.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My wife just collected a registered letter from the Post Office which the facteur said he couldn't deliver for 2 days, so I have been waiting with some trepidation for what is often bad news.

It is a written reply to my online claim for P Sociaux for 2017 income from DDFIP in Carcassonne..

It states that the normal delay of 6 months for a decision is extended, in the case of these claims, for a further 3 months by a ruling of the Cour Administrative de Nancy, pending a decision by the ECJ which is currently being considered, and that they will not fail to inform me of the decision on my claim by July 16 2019 at the latest.

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Interestingly declaring online for a friend yesterday there are new boxes to tick if you have an S1 or equivalent.

The 2OP as mentioned before and 2 new ones relating to not being 'à la charge' de la Sécu and another to say that you therefore declare yourself exempt from paying CSG.

Progress ?
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Hi Sue,
The box is not to exempt paying, it is to pay at 7.5%. That being the new solidarity tax replacing 17.2% social charges for people not at the charge of the french health care. 

So they have renamed it (like previously), reduced the amount and this time made a new fund for it.  Will they get away with it this time, probably!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am doing my return on paper. Have found the 20P box and ticked it. As the two boxes re not being a la charge de la Sécu are not on my form have made a note on the "Informations" section that we have S1s. I cannot see a box to tick re the lower rate of CSG - presumably this needs to be noted on the "Informations" section - any suggestions for wording.

Thank you.
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