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Social Charges - here we go again!


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Hi Parsnips, good to see you back.

We have already been reimbursed for 2015, 2016 and 2017. For 2018 we were only charged Prélèvement de Solidarité at a flat rate of 7.5%. Are you saying that we can ask for reimbursement of this and the reason is the same, ie we have S1s and so our health cover is via the UK. Sorry to be a bit dense on this.
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The Prélèvement de Solidarité is no longer allocated to the social security budget but to a general fund. Therefore it is no longer a social charge so cannot be reimbursed to S1 holders.

see https://www.french-property.com/guides/france/finance-taxation/taxation/social-security/social-welfare-levy

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[quote user="fittersmate"]Success at last!

I contacted DGFIP via messagerie on Monday asking why, despite having received 3 letters from them on 3 January confirming the dégrèvements, we still had not received the payments into our account. [/quote]

Fitter can you tell me how you got a message to DGFIP via your messagerie ? I have sent them an email .. to which I got no reply at all.

My secure messages on our impôt account just go to Vannes who are no longer playing ball, saying that my request (of 2018) has been passed on and it is now out of their hands and beyond their competency level.
I hate complaining but feel I am running out of options here.

Will send a copy of this to you via pm.

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On 8 December I wrote:

The letter had an address and an e-mail for the conciliator, conciliateurfiscal88@dgfip.finances.gouv.fr I assume that is a standard format so you just need to change the department number. I'd suggest an e-mail to your conciliator.

My department number was 88. Yours is 56 so you should try conciliateurfiscal56@dgfip.finances.gouv.fr

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Thanks to everyone who replied so positively .. especially fitter who sent me a comprehensive pm .. to which I have replied.

It is thanks to forums in general, or fora (if Norman is looking or reading), and this particular forum in this instance that such helpful information and support can be found when it is genuinely needed.

I have read fitter's most helpful reply to my pm and I will try again tomorrow to gain a cohesive and helpful reply from dgfip.

Many thanks for such support ?? ..
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OP here.................although we have been bombarded recently by the many {welcome} messages into our inbox, we wouldn't have it any other way, and hope for continued support from everyone, and for further good news. BTW, nothing from our office in Annecy {74}[:@]

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Hi Fittersmate,good to be here,

According to what I have read the 7.5 % was  being applied only to rental income in 2018 - investment income was being charged as normal .  Only for  2019 income  would the 7.5% be applied to all investment income .  So either your income is rental , or a mistake was made .

  In any case , as there is ongoing dispute over the 7.5% , it is worth continuing to put in claims pending further developments. 

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Hi Parsnips
The new charge of 7.5% was applied on my 2018 investment income taxed in 2019. For 2017 income taxed in 2018 the 7.5% did not apply, my claim for social charges was recently settled in full plus interest. Is the 7.5% still in contention then. I thought that that had all been settled.

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 To be honest I have found this subject very confusing -mainly due to the way they talk about 2019 impots when it is on 2018 revenues.

I attach a link which gives full details of the prelevements taken from french investments by the holding banks in 2018 and 2019;


   You have to interpret how they apply to UK nationals with S1 and foreign based investments.
The advice I have seen is to keep claiming ; I have written " je demande remboursement des categories des contributions sociales prises en erreur en 20..," and you can carry on like that - you can be sure that most tax offices will take the full amount , at least for the first few years .

  I have yet to see confirmation that the system of 7.5% only for S1 holders will still apply to UK nationals after Brexit .    The description of the concession at present reads that it applies to citizens of the "EU, the EEC, or Switzerland".    This is in contrast to the 40% abattement on IR on foreign investments which applies to countries of the" EU , EEC , Switzerland , or countries (like the UK) which have a tax convention 'anti-fraud ' ". See this link;


 I have written once to Blevins Franks for an opinion , but got no reply ,and I will resend on this.

Hope this is slightly clearer than mud!




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  • 1 month later...
[quote user="mint"]
Oh yes, please, Gallois, do let us know!  I claimed for 2015 at the time but that was refused.  Would be a nice Christmas present if they'd stop pussyfooting around and just give us our money back[:D]


Update! Letter received 20/03 AR allowing, in part, claim for income received in 2016 & 2017 together with interest - have yet to see the colour of the money. The original claim for three years included 2015 (within time limit), but that year was rejected by the local office and not passed to the DDFIP "controle expertise"; hence a decision from above has only been given for two of the years. The local office has confirmed today that their original decision given on 11/10/2018 is still valid. I am contemplating taking the matter to the conciliator fiscal - the amount is not earth shattering, but nevertheless worth pursuing, but if there's no more than 50% prospect of winning why start the fight! I recall reading that others on the forum have succeeded in claims for 2015.

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UAG wrote : Update! Letter received 20/03 AR allowing, in part, claim for income received in 2016 & 2017 together with interest - have yet to see the colour of the money.

Congratulations .. on some progress ?

Your post have given me hope .. I received a mail in reply to my query in February confirming that my claim was still 'en cours' but no word since then.

In view of recent events I did wonder whether the tax people were still working .. so I am delighted to learn that they are still beavering away.

I wonder if they are tele-working like my son in the UK ?

He does video conferencing with his 2 teams of workers, with everyone working from home.
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[quote user="Un autre Gallois"][quote user="mint"]
Oh yes, please, Gallois, do let us know!  I claimed for 2015 at the time but that was refused.  Would be a nice Christmas present if they'd stop pussyfooting around and just give us our money back[:D]


Update! Letter received 20/03 AR allowing, in part, claim for income received in 2016 & 2017 together with interest - have yet to see the colour of the money. The original claim for three years included 2015 (within time limit), but that year was rejected by the local office and not passed to the DDFIP "controle expertise"; hence a decision from above has only been given for two of the years. The local office has confirmed today that their original decision given on 11/10/2018 is still valid. I am contemplating taking the matter to the conciliator fiscal - the amount is not earth shattering, but nevertheless worth pursuing, but if there's no more than 50% prospect of winning why start the fight! I recall reading that others on the forum have succeeded in claims for 2015.


As I posted here , after submitting a claim for 2015 CSG in 2016 , which was immediately passed by the local office to DGFP ""affaires juridiques" , and after a lot of correspondence over the last 3 years (mostly, I confess, due to some serious errors I made in my declaration for 2015!- problems with online declaring), a very helpful ,and ,I have to say , patient, lady inspectrice ,wrote in January fully conceding  my demand for a 5 figure refund - ( I'm not that rich , but I sold a lot of shares in 2015) .
   I have not yet received the money - but here's hoping!

   Keep at it!


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parsnips wrote :

As I posted here , after submitting a claim for 2015 CSG in 2016 , which was immediately passed by the local office to DGFP ""affaires juridiques" , and after a lot of correspondence over the last 3 years (mostly, I confess, due to some serious errors I made in my declaration for 2015!- problems with online declaring), a very helpful ,and ,I have to say , patient, lady inspectrice ,wrote in January fully conceding my demand for a 5 figure refund - ( I'm not that rich , but I sold a lot of shares in 2015) .

I have not yet received the money - but here's hoping!

Keep at it!

Ah, parsnips, good to hear from you .. and to hear that you, too, haven't received any money yet.

As you have recently received a confirmatory letter that gives me hope that, one day, our claims will be allowed.

Fingers crossed ?
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Thanks, Parsnips. I have passed it to the Conciliator Fiscal - seems quite easy. As I said in my post, the amount is not earth shattering, but I resent the local inspector taking it upon himself to decide it rather than pass it to the DDFIP with my claim for 2016 & 2017. I gave him the chance to rethink, but he restated his rejection. Semper sursum!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

At last, good news. Received appropriate refunds for CSG paid in 2015 (after enlisting the aid of the Conciliator Fiscal), 2016 and 2017, together with CSG deducted at source from an AV encashment. in 2018. The letter from the Service Contentious specified quite clearly that interest would be payable, but I initially received the bare amounts. Only after further cajoling did the local office deliver the interest - not a bad return, just over a straight 5% on the principal amount.

Bonne chance

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