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Keep a low profile if the Eurozone breaks up?


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Russethouse has a short memory 

No, I don't, maybe my experiences were different to yours though.  I was chatting about this the other day, we lived and still live in the Thames Valley, we had the opportunity to work pretty much as hard as we wanted and we did - my OH had two jobs for many years and I used to juggle several part time jobs too ( I had small children ). We wanted to provide a decent life for our family and that was what both our fathers had to do and we just followed suit.

The lady I was talking to came from the Midlands and said how she realised just how different things were in the South pretty much as soon as she moved - in fact we used to hear far more vocalised about the North/South divide than we do now - she found the opportunities amazing compared with the Midlands

I certainly don't agree with every Thatcher policy but neither do I think she was the ogre some make out, and really she can't be discussed in isolation......we'd just come through a period that included both the three day week and the winter of discontent, is it any wonder her policies seemed like a breath of fresh air ? The same pretty much happened with Blair, lots of people thought he would answer all our problems - and we all know what happened....

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Thacher may have married a millionaire but he was pretty poor compared to the worth of Tony Blair (and his wife) who, as an alleged socialist, are as far away from the the wants, needs and aspirations of the people as...... well I don't know how about chalk and cheese.

What I find that is totally outstanding is that people clearly have no idea of exactly how much money the UK owes and all we are doing is reducing the amount we need to borrow for each year by a few billion so the actual debt continues to increase in leaps and bounds. These cuts will not make any significant impact on what the UK actually owes. The UK needs to cut it's expenditure by about £250bn to £300bn to make any headway a few billion here and there is going to have little effect. The bankers will of course tell you otherwise but then it's them that are making a fortune not the public.

No government, Tory, Labour, Liberal, BNP, UKIP has the balls to actually really tackle the problem. All of them will do whatever it takes to get reelected. To be blunt they are all a waste of space and if people in the UK think what has happened to Greece, Spain, Italy won't happen in the UK then they are somewhat naive, it's only a matter of time be they in the Euro or not. It's not the currency that's the problem, it's the idiots people elect and how they spend (or should I say waste) the peoples money.

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Tony Blair a socialist? And I suppose that he wasn't a closet catholic when he was PM!

My friends used to vote for him as they thought he was the new Thatcher.



EDIT, sounds like you are advocating a dictator to put us all right Q! My Dad reckons that a good war would sort it all out!

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[quote user="idun"]

Tony Blair a socialist? And I suppose that he wasn't a closet catholic when he was PM!

My friends used to vote for him as they thought he was the new Thatcher.



EDIT, sounds like you are advocating a dictator to put us all right Q! My Dad reckons that a good war would sort it all out!


Smart Daddy.[;-)]


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Actually idun I don't know what the answer really is but I can't see the world carrying on like this for the next 50 to 100 years. Currently I live in a predominantly communist part of France and I have to admit I like some of the ways they do things yet in other ways they are worse than Labour so I guess that cross's communism off the list also. Perhaps we should go back to the royalty, I mean Liz has seen a few politicians off over the years and must have seen all the mistakes they have made.

In answer to PPP, no free NHS health-care after 65 or 67. I mean your no longer contributing so why should the rest pay for you. Only give child benefit, and all the other benefits for the first child, that should stop the girls who's answer to work is to have a shed load of babies. Return married mans and child allowances to married couples only. That should slow things down a bit.

Stop immigration immediately and only allow people with British passports to stay in the country (regardless of their colour, religion or sex). Start instilling British ideals, get rid of gay marriages/partnerships, get rid of female priests, bishops etc and get people back in to church. Ban the catholic church and confiscate their wealth and divide it amongst the poor.

Invade one of the Arab countries so we have our own oil supply then tell the oil producers how much we will pay and not let them dictate how much we should pay. Ah but we did that anyway didn't we in Iraq except we let the American have the oil whilst our troop get killed clearing the roads bomb's to let their tankers through.

Make the pound the world currency.

Finally nuke the USA, never liked them in the first place and I can't understand that stupid football game they play. Anyway they must be p*ssies, the men play rounders.

Better add a [:D] just in case.

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