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Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeeeee!


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Today is my fifty-*cough* birthday!

I'm spending it lying on the sofa, laptop on my knees, left foot elevated, as I managed to sprain my ankle last Saturday morning, half-way through a 4km jog...

I hopped back to the house and strapped my ankle, but couldn't back out of the "Bread and Brioche" workshop I had been asked to lead in the afternoon (15 people were registered to attend) so I spent the afternoon on my feet, wrist-deep in dough and flour, and have been paying the price since... [:'(]

Happy Birthday to me! [IMG]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q296/clair46/partypopper.gif[/IMG]

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  And to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Well yesterday and you need to add a good few years to Clair's "mere" 50.

A very happy birthday to you, Clair.  In fact, I was thinking about you yesterday as I knew yours is one day after mine.

What did I do?  Had a fab day, doing all my fav things, went to French class and then gym in the evening[:D]


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[quote user="sweet 17"]And to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! [/quote]


[quote user="sweet 17"]... gym in the evening[:D][/quote]

Careful there... It's a dangerous business, this fitness lark!

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happy birthday to you both. Being a fifty *ahem* something myself, I can tell you that a big bar of chocolate and a large glass of wine go a loooooooooong way to helping you forget the increasing years! But have a great day, both of you!
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[quote user="nectarine"]happy birthday to you both. Being a fifty *ahem* something myself, I can tell you that a big bar of chocolate and a large glass of wine go a loooooooooong way to helping you forget the increasing years! But have a great day, both of you![/quote]

Strange you should mention chocolate as, even when you were posting, I was looking out a cake recipe with CHOCOLATE for Clair.....great minds, eh?

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[quote user="NormanH"]I would never have guessed from your photo.[/quote]Good genes... [Www]

[quote user="NormanH"]Keep the weight off it for longer than you would like.[/quote]I've been reading about this and it looks like it's going to take a lot longer than I want it to... I was thinking days, not weeks... [:'(]

[quote user="NormanH"]Happy Birthday [B][/quote]Thanks [:D]

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Happy Birthday Clair.

You might want to consider an alternative form of lower impact excercise as according to a recently published clinical study, road jogging is not recommended for the fifty plusses, as it can often knacker your knees and hips exacerbated by natural bone loss as you age. Apparently, brisk walking is preferable and just as effective, or if you want to continue running jogging machines are a better option being softer than a road surface.

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