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What are his chances ... EU President or PM Blair again ?


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[quote user="NormanH"]He did a better job than the present lot, and his government was elected, not cobbled together ....

I left the UK as Thatcher was starting her 'reign'. And I moved back as Gordon was a struggling.

Blair, I've seen much of his despicable legacy. There is so much I can put down to 'him' and it has brought out the worst in this country.


I used to ask family members in his constituency not to vote for him, and assured them that that house would go as would any contact as soon as he was no longer in parliament. It was a safe seat.


How easily he lies.


No, no, no, this country has enough problems without  his meglomania, or just deceitful manipulation! (as they are saying about the bankers)

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[quote user="NormanH"]He did a better job than the present lot, and his government was elected, not cobbled together ....

Perhaps you have ASD Normy, the present lot inherited the kind of poison chalice Teflon would never have had the chutzpah to pick up,
created in no short measure by his party's Beneficence and the maleficence of those parachuted in when things got sticky,
witness  Blair-defends-PFI-as-NHS-trusts-face-bankruptcy not to mention  After-Barclays-the-golden-age-of-finance-is-dead.

Cobblers to Blairites[:P]



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