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R.I.P. Panasonic Bread Machine


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Yesterday, after 16 years of service in Sussex, then in the Lot, my Panasonic Bread Machine died.[:(]

I killed it.

I over-filled it the night before in my eagerness to scoff some brioche for breakfast, and I killed it.[:'(]

It came from Lakeland and it crossed my mind I should find out if their "satisfied or return it" guarantee would cover my purchase after 16 years of use, but before long, the prospect of shopping for a new model filled me with glee![:-))]

(Yes, I am fickle!)

So I searched, googled and binged and in the end, nothing could beat the Moulinex I ordered from Darty for 70€.

Granted, it doesn't have a seed-dispenser, but I don't think I'll miss it.

It does have a delayed start, so I can get my fill of brioche for breakfast![:P]

And it has a jam program, so I can make use of the odd basketful of blackberries.

And it has other programs I'll probably never use... Unsalted bread? (abomination! [+o(])

I might have a go at pasta-making in it (does that mean I should buy a pasta-rolling thingie?[8-)])

It arrives tomorrow (if the lady from La Poste can be bothered to bring it)... [:D]

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Just wondering how much butter and flour you use in your brioche recipe?

I make two sorts of brioche, one I call paysanne, which is lovely for a Tropezienne and hasn't got 'that much' butter in it, but another which is so full of butter that it has to be refridgerated before I start to handle it and form it. 

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Below is my usual recipe for the bread-maker brioche. I use another recipe when making by hand, as I make a batch of dough which I keep in the fridge to use over 4-5 days.

  • 1 sachet of fast acting yeast (Briochin in France, not traditional, not de boulanger)
  • 500g T45 flour (that's cake making flour, not bread flour)
  • 75g castor sugar (sucre cristallisé)
  • 1 sachet vanilla sugar (sucre vanillé) or ¼ tsp vanilla extract (not essence, yuk)
  • 60g diced butter
  • 1tsp salt (keep away from sugar and yeast in the mixing bowl)
  • 2 large eggs / 3 medium, beaten in a measuring jug
  • enough cold milk to bring top the egg mix in the jug to 340ml
  • 1tbsp orange flower water (eau de fleur d'oranger) (can be replaced with same of rhum) mixed with the beaten eggs - optional

The liquid must not exceed 340ml in total.

Bake as a basic white loaf, light crust (as the sugar will brown the top), XLG size. The brioche will rise a lot.

Delicious on day 1; very nice on day 2; toast on day 3... if any left, [:P]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]After such long service and faithful duty, and supporting you abuse, I hope you will give the old one a decent burial. Remember, it comes to us all![/quote]

Abuse? What abuse?[blink]

The thing tried to incinerate itself... [:'(]

Mr Clair tried to perform surgery today, but the organs are too damaged...

The whole interior is covered in brown smelly gunk.

After the dough rose, it dropped over the outside of the cooking bowl onto the heating element at the bottom of the machine. The machine carried on cooking as usual and the dough on the element just burnt inside the machine.

I can still smell it... [+o(]

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Madame, referring to you earlier posts, might I point out, with all discretion and firmness and no possibility of compromise, that you admitted to overloading the said machine, in your greed and perhaps drunken malfeasance, said machine having given many, nay, a multitude, of years of service, and that despite your attempts to justify your action and to pass the guilt to an innocent machine, you and probably the mysterious Mr Clair are clearly guilty of loyalmachiniside and should be punished accordingly. So, baby, admit yer guilt and we might go easy on you, otherwise it is Sing Sing for Birds and explain youself to Bobo, an' He is not so forgiving!!
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[quote user="woolybanana"]Madame, referring to you earlier posts, might I point out, with all discretion and firmness and no possibility of compromise, that you admitted to overloading the said machine, in your greed and perhaps drunken malfeasance, said machine having given many, nay, a multitude, of years of service, and that despite your attempts to justify your action and to pass the guilt to an innocent machine, you and probably the mysterious Mr Clair are clearly guilty of loyalmachiniside and should be punished accordingly. So, baby, admit yer guilt and we might go easy on you, otherwise it is Sing Sing for Birds and explain youself to Bobo, an' He is not so forgiving!![/quote]

I'll admit to grioche (greed of brioche) and totally deny drunken malfeasance. And you have no witnesses anyway! Pah!

Mr Clair was merely being curious, you know, morbidly attracted to anything mechanical/electrical which it doesn't work...

It's probably his fault the whole thing happened anyway...

He probably distracted me when I was weighing the flour, or measuring the yeast or something... [Www]

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LOL Clair that recipe'll have to go in my file under dieters brioche, even my paysanne brioche has twice that butter in it. And my riche one is to 500grs of flour 250grs of butter and 5 eggs and 50grs sugar.

Good luck with your new machine. I have never considered getting one, I reckon I must just like getting my hands 'dirty'.[:D]

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[quote user="Clair"]You're both too late! [:P]
My new machine is on its way to me as I type!! [:D][:D]
I'll treasure it and polish it as much as I did the Panasonic and hope it will live just as long, if not longer!

So there!
[/quote]You'll be lucky! They don't make machines like they used too![:D]
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