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What woud you do faced with this ?


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Big discussion on local radio this morning  about the actions of security staff at sporting events . It seems they have taken  upon themselves the "Right " to take from people entering stands  cans and bottles of drink that are not the brand of the event  sponsor selling at the stadium   Cricket and the Rosebowl  was one place  mentioned where this happens  . I have not read about the Olympics  but maybe its also policy for that ?

I can see that a cola or beer producer would not like it  having paid to sponsor an event seeing a shot of a member of the crowd on TV  drinking from a rival company's can . But .....

I would be pretty annoyed if I had provided drinks for a family day out to a sports event .Just to see them siezed .  What legal right do they have to take peoples property in these circumstances  when you just  happen show up carrying the  wrong drinks ? .  Nobody asked that question this morning .

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For the Olympic venues, refreshments may only be obtained from the 'official' providers located within 'Fortress Olympia'.

Apparently it is verboten to take your own nosh, as the poor food and drink sponsors are just as entitled to rip off the punters as everyone else involved in the fiasco!

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Although I am sure you are right BaF, I have just been to the Oval and Lords sites and find nothing in the T&Cs that would prohibit you bringing say Pepsi to a Coke Cola sponsored match.  I have found prohibition on alcoholic drinks though.  So the only way to get those is at the bars and restaurant inside the ground.
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The rosebowl terms

No alcohol, glass containers or metal cans may be brought into the ground on entry or any subsequent re-entry.

The purchaser agrees to abide by these conditions and the Ground Regulations at all times, full Terms and Conditions and Ground Regulations are available from the Ticket Office.

and in the FAQ

The following articles must not be brought within the Ground - knives, fireworks, smoke canisters, air-horns, whistles, drums, musical instruments, flares, bottles, weapons, dangerous or hazardous items, laser devices, glass vessels, poles and any article that might be used as a weapon and/or compromise public safety. Any person in possession of such items will be refused entry to the Ground.


No alcohol shall be brought into the Ground at Twenty 20, International or other major matches. At domestic matches other than Twenty 20, a maximum of 4 cans of beer or equivalent or 70cl of wine may be brought into the Ground.
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Private? I think not! The sponsors only put in 10% the rest of us put in the rest of the dosh.

And that is right re confiscations......... so they'll have people queueing up for hours and hours to get in and woe betide them if they have not had the decency to polish off any food or drink that they with them.


Just wait until they start taking baby bottles from mothers......... that'll look good in the papers. Would they do that...... yes, I can quite see it happening.


There is so much about these games that stinks. Another thing is people not being able to use the Olympic symbol ie to jolly up their shop fronts.

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[quote user="idun"]

Just wait until they start taking baby bottles from mothers......... that'll look good in the papers. Would they do that...... yes, I can quite see it happening.


That is of course only applicable to the babies fortunate enough to have tickets for entry!

Yes, even babies require a ticket![:@]

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I also heard on radio that kids who are to attend a pre-dressrehearsal of the Olymics will have to wear plain trainers unless they own a pair made by the sponsors. Crazy!

As far as I can tell, all sponsors who supply food and drink basically sell unhealthy food in the main - why is that allowed? Kids aren't allowed unhealthy food as part of school dinners, but will have to eat it if they're lucky enough to attend an Olympics event.

As we have paid for the largest part of the Olympics, I can't see why they are allowed to make these rules.

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[quote user="Frederick"]Big discussion on local radio this morning  about the actions of security staff at sporting events . It seems they have taken  upon themselves the "Right " to take from people entering stands  cans and bottles of drink that are not the brand of the event  sponsor selling at the stadium [...] I have not read about the Olympics  but maybe its also policy for that ? [/quote]

[quote user="Salty Sam"]For the Olympic venues, refreshments may only be

obtained from the 'official' providers located within 'Fortress

Olympia'. Apparently it is verboten to take your own nosh, as the

poor food and drink sponsors are just as entitled to rip off the

punters as everyone else involved in the fiasco!


Necessary clarification:

London 2012 food & drink Q & A

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[quote user="Quillan"]Just round the corner is Victoria Park with trees, a lake, canal side walk, several car parks and loads of places to picnic. So if it were me I would have a nice picnic there then wander round to the stadium afterwards.[/quote]LOL But why bother with going to the stadium. You can,t beat a nice picnic on a nice sunny day[:)]
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The olympic fiasco just keeps getting better and better, glad Im off to France,cant wait.

Waiting to see how long an opticians in town has the 5 rings in their window.

We will be paying for this for years to come, bet Paris are glad now they didnt get them.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="Quillan"]Just round the corner is Victoria Park with trees, a lake, canal side walk, several car parks and loads of places to picnic. So if it were me I would have a nice picnic there then wander round to the stadium afterwards.[/quote]LOL But why bother with going to the stadium. You can,t beat a nice picnic on a nice sunny day[:)][/quote]

Why indeed. You could go for a nice cycle down the towpath, there is a couple of thousand miles worth so you won't get bored and probably, having seen the thread on watching tele, your be a whole lot fitter.

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Thanks Clair for that link - sensible and without the now-obligatory griping and misinformation.

Not that I'm amongst them, but surely somebody must be looking forward to the games as they seem to have sold a lot of tickets.  To read the press/Facebook/fora etc, you'd think nobody at all was interested.  I'm off to Belgium.[:)]

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[quote user="cooperlola"]... Not that I'm amongst them, but surely somebody must be looking forward to the games as they seem to have sold a lot of tickets.  To read the press/Facebook/fora etc, you'd think nobody at all was interested.  I'm off to Belgium.[:)][/quote]

I have made a point of recording a few series and films on the DVR, so I have something to watch when the TV coverage reaches saturation... and I believe we're just about there...


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="cooperlola"]... Not that I'm amongst them, but surely somebody must be looking forward to the games as they seem to have sold a lot of tickets.  To read the press/Facebook/fora etc, you'd think nobody at all was interested.  I'm off to Belgium.[:)][/quote]

I have made a point of recording a few series and films on the DVR, so I have something to watch when the TV coverage reaches saturation... and I believe we're just about there...
[/quote]You can finally watch Homeland now.[:)]

Talking of which - not into the 2nd series of the Killing very much, are you?  I tried to find the thread about it and failed.

Happily the games are on when I've got plenty to do - Spa then the UK for me - neatly avoiding the Olympics en route.  Amazingly easy to cross the channel at the normal price - maybe the rest of Europe failed to get tickets in which case it's not done much for tourism, has it?.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Thanks Clair for that link - sensible and without the now-obligatory griping and misinformation.

Not that I'm amongst them, but surely somebody must be looking forward to the games as they seem to have sold a lot of tickets.  To read the press/Facebook/fora etc, you'd think nobody at all was interested.  I'm off to Belgium.[:)]

[/quote]The ticket allocation seems to have been a bit haphazard. I know people who applied for tickets for the Dressage and were very disappointed to get tickets for the volleyball
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[quote user="cooperlola"]You can finally watch Homeland now.[:)]

Talking of which - not into the 2nd series of the Killing very much, are you?  I tried to find the thread about it and failed.

Happily the games are on when I've got plenty to do - Spa then the UK for me - neatly avoiding the Olympics en route.  Amazingly easy to cross the channel at the normal price - maybe the rest of Europe failed to get tickets in which case it's not done much for tourism, has it?[/quote]

I've already watched Homeland, and it certainly was cerebral edge-of-the-seat stuff! Loved it!

I have set aside the Sebastian Bergman (Swedish series), Spiral 2 (French series Engrenages) and The Bridge (Scandinavian series), as well as a few films...

I've been recording and watching The Killing (US version, series 2), and it's slow moving and still very atmospheric. As we get closer to the final episode, we still don't know the who's done it! I like that they didn't "pretty up" the characters. The whole series has a "European" feel to it. 

I must be getting cynical with my advancing years, but I can't help feeling there's an air of desperation about "London2012"... Bread and games...

We must enjoy this, you must enjoy this, you will enjoy this...


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[quote user="cooperlola"]Not that I'm amongst them, but surely somebody must be looking forward to the games as they seem to have sold a lot of tickets.  To read the press/Facebook/fora etc, you'd think nobody at all was interested.  I'm off to Belgium.[:)][/quote]

Ermmm, I'm not "looking forward" to them, but I am glad them are around - I'm normally quiet in the summer term but Primary Schools have been going mad for our Olympic Workshop, so I've been earning! Yippee (does that make me one of the evil fat cats that are gaining from them ???)
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[quote user="JohnM"]Primary Schools have been going mad for our Olympic Workshop, so I've been earning! Yippee (does that make me one of the evil fat cats that are gaining from them ???)[/quote]

Are you allowed to use the term "olympic" in "olympic workshop"?

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I.m looking forward to them, more Tennis, the Horse events, swimming, a few things ... I guess I might get into the track and field...

Not looking forward to the blanket coverage on the TV, or my 92 year old mother moaning about it!

I've got a few films to watch, My week with Marilyn, Marigold Hotel etc......
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[quote user="cooperlola"]

Thanks Clair for that link - sensible and without the now-obligatory griping and misinformation.


Would that be the misinformation as provided by the Guardian?


Terms and Conditions of Ticket Purchase

LOCOG has established the following Terms and Conditions for the sale of all Tickets to the London 2012 Games.

  • 19.2.3 The following is a non-exhaustive list of restricted items which may not be taken into a Venue (LOCOG reserves the right to amend this list, generally, or in respect of any Venue or Session):

    food (save for baby food), alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (save

    for baby milk and other valid medical reasons), liquids in containers of

    greater than 100ml in size, needles (save as required for valid medical

    reasons), animals (save for assistance or guide dogs), weapons

    (including knives), illegal drugs, other illegal substances, fireworks,

    firecrackers, poles, flagpoles, sticks, large photographic equipment

    (including tripods), bats, large umbrellas and other blunt instruments,

    motorcycles, bicycles, roller-skates, skateboards, or other types of

    skates, electronic transmitting equipment, flags of countries not

    participating in the Games, large flags or banners, horns, whistles,

    drums, rattles, musical instruments, lasers or any other devices that in

    the opinion of LOCOG may disturb a Session, objects bearing trademarks

    or other kinds of promotional signs or messages (such as hats, T-shirts,

    bags, etc) which LOCOG believes are for promotional purposes,

    counterfeit products, balls, rackets, frisbees or similar objects, large

    quantities of coins, lighters, advertising or promotional material of

    any kind, printed matter bearing religious, political or offensive

    content or content contrary to public order and/or morality, bottles or

    containers made of glass or other material, flasks, thermoses,

    refrigerators, large objects such as suitcases or bags, and in general

    any material that LOCOG may deem dangerous or that may cause damage or

    disruption to a Session.[/quote]

But, it now appears LOCOG have relented - well slightly, by allowing food although anything considered "excessive" will be confiscated. Empty plastic bottles will also now be allowed, and can be filled free of charge at various water points within the venues.


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 I don't know about the Athletics stadium, but at Dorney tickets are for 2 hours only, so there will be continuous activity. One local girl my daughter knows, isn't allowed to walk along the road to enter the event but has to drive to a park and ride, and take the route past her home, to get in.

Yesterday I came of the M4 at the first Swindon exit (coming from London) to be greeted by signs saying 'Park and Ride for Weymouth'!!! [8-)][8-)]

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