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Complete France Forum

just been kicked of that other forum -;)


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I used to think he was Monica's Dad (she  and Finlay started the forum) so he was given freedom to post all that stuff, to make him useful.

I've picked up that he's retired, and is 6ft 2 and a half inches tall .

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]So, he does get ratty,but only by PM to keep the "lovey" persona intact.[/quote]Well maybe in his pm's to you but in the one to me he was more politely telling me there were already threads on the subject and that I should search to check.  I was just flabbergasted to be told this by the biggest forum clutterer I've ever seen.  It's not as if I was a new poster posting an old, often asked question.  It was a topical subject but a different angle of the subject than other people were exploring (actually a query on what was said in a Frenchentree article, as it seemed to contradict previous fairly recent advice on the forum).  I was surprised to be contacted by pm by someone who isn't a mod, to my knowledge, telling me there were other threads on the subject and I should search before creating a thread.  If he'd put his message on my thread I'd have pointed out why my query was different to the others.

I was the one who got ratty!  I deleted my thread and copied it onto another one, telling everyone that I'd done so because even though I wasn't really asking the same question, pomhorn had told me I shouldn't post a duplicate thread!  I thought I might get some comments about that or even pm's and when I didn't, I remembered what I'd been told about the mods taking posts off really quickly and even interfering with and deleting pm's.

Maybe I get ratty because I've had years of frustration pointing out that he is simply very wrong on certain subjects - often the same ones over and over - and being ignored.  People seem to respect him regadless now though because even when you post a respected source which contradicts him, some people will say 'oh well I'd better go and check with the XXX office because pomhorn says it works that way and he is usually right' or something along those lines!

idun I seem to remember him being on here a while back too.

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We did end up OK by PM and I do wonder if the language issue makes it worse.  It's bad enough on a forum anyway, when it's harder to perceive someone's attitude correctly purely by reading their words, but when someone is speaking in a language that isn't their mother tongue they can seem even more abrupt than people sometimes already do on forums.   You do tend to get a mental picture of someone - and mine didn't have him as 6'2"!!

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Ditto debra - I took him to task a couple of months ago about info relating to how to declare UK salaries in France - something I've done for many years. The info he gave out was simply wrong and, if followed, would have resulted in disaster.

So dangerous.....

Anyway - I had him down as being a lot shorter - bit like the Wizard of Oz!

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]It is now reached the stage where Mods are fighting amongst themselves. One Mod has been dismissed and banned from the forum with no explanation,so for us mere mortals the signs are not good .[/quote]same old same old

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[quote user="Chiefluvvie"]Ditto debra - I took him to task a couple of months ago about info relating to how to declare UK salaries in France[/quote]For years he was telling people they could choose which country to declare their taxes in.  I bet there are a lot of people who didn't do a tax return before the cut off for health care in Nov 2007 who can thank Pomhorn for being unable to prove that they had lived in France before that date without that vital bit of paper!  I know you shouldn't just rely on what you read on a forum for important things like that but the problem is people seem to believe that they are taking expert advice and don't check further.

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I'd forgotten all about that forum. Haven't been there for years; I got kicked off in the early days, if I remember correctly. I think because I got an email from the then owner of the forum more or less ordering me to "post some pictures of my house restoration" in a bit of the forum he'd set up for doing that. I refused, because I didn't want personal information plastered over the Internet, and anyway we bought the house in its 'restored' state, it having actually been done by a Corsican a few years previously. F got upset with that for some reason - maybe he couldn't get his head round the fact that French nationals sometimes restore houses themselves.

I also remember that he used the forum for a personal crusade against a hotel (which I don't think was even in France) where he had stayed and had a bad experience. I did try returning, along with a couple of other banned members (one of whom was barred for posting pictures of a kitten), under a totally different identity, but that didn't last long.

I always imagined Herr Horn as looking rather like Herr Flick of the Gestapo from Allo Allo. The alias is in fact quite close to his real-life name.

Didn't they have another big clear out not long ago, maybe it was when they got bought out, resulting in some of the mods going off in a huff and starting their own, green-coloured, France forum?

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[quote user="Debra"][quote user="Chiefluvvie"]Ditto debra - I took him to task a couple of months ago about info relating to how to declare UK salaries in France[/quote]For years he was telling people they could choose which country to declare their taxes in.  I bet there are a lot of people who didn't do a tax return before the cut off for health care in Nov 2007 who can thank Pomhorn for being unable to prove that they had lived in France before that date without that vital bit of paper!  I know you shouldn't just rely on what you read on a forum for important things like that but the problem is people seem to believe that they are taking expert advice and don't check further.
[/quote]I always think that getting advice on an internet forumis a bit like taking advice from someone in a pub. They may well be experts on the subject but they could be bullsh*tters.However you soon learn how to spot the experts from the others in both contexts.Luckily on this forum we seem wellblessed with people who give accurate answers.
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".Luckily on this forum we seem well blessed with people who give accurate answers"

There are a few who I would certainly trust better than the Correction or Co-Erection or whatever it is called.

Clair, parsnips, Sunday Driver spring to mind, and cooperlola is almost always right even if we don't always agree.

Apologies to those I have have unwittingly not mentioned. Baf for example is rarely wrong but we often disagree, as do You can call me Betty, but she too has some first rate information as does Pickles.

For my self I believe that the test is to see if the point of view is well substantiated with appropriate links and evidence from French or European texts (or UK if for UK tax for example), and that the poster is prepared to justify the point and accept a contrary point of view or justified correction. I hope I am.

My own posts (on French matters) are usually based on lived experience, but those on politics on my opinions, and  I believe it is important to distinguish between the two.

Now I have pontificated the rest of you know whom to believe [:D] [:P]

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Not that I want anyone to look at that other pomhorm forum but....he's recently posted an update on the 'English / French cooperation on drones'.......

As a flyer myself, the information has been ....now what's the word ?

Anyway - had me on the edge of my seat.....


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[quote user="andyh4"]As for the car being on recall ANO, if there were to be a recall on my cars I doubt any dealer would know where or how to contact me.  I suspect that would be true of many who have moved and brought vehicles with them.  So while I do not have a Beamer, I still appreciate the notice about them being recalled.[/quote]It was mean as an example, I could have picked any number of other topics [;-)]

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[quote user="NormanH"]You mean I was banned for myopia?????

Thats so funny [:)]

I guess I remember him as P**horn from when I wasnt

 myopic and the text size on that (and this) forum was more readable, I even had to log in and do a double take as unless I put on some reading glasses it did indeed look just like Pornhorn [:D]

Pornhorn, Pomhorn (this was supposed to come out in small print)

Can you see the difference?

Norman if you spend too much time on porn sites you become myopic [:-))]

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[quote user="Debra"][quote user="Boiling a frog"]It is now reached the stage where Mods are fighting amongst themselves. One Mod has been dismissed and banned from the forum with no explanation,so for us mere mortals the signs are not good .[/quote]same old same old

[/quote]I edited my post because it wasn't who I had thought had gone (wishful thinking) but someone who as far as I can see never offended anyone!  Same person doing the out of the blue sacking though.  What comes around goes around and hopefully he will eventually be on the receiving end of the same treatment he dishes out.

Meanwhile, perhaps he'll eventually ban all of us who  post on other forums.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"]It is now reached the stage where Mods are fighting amongst themselves. One Mod has been dismissed and banned from the forum with no explanation,so for us mere mortals the signs are not good .[/quote]

I've not been on that forum for months but suddenly I feel the need to visit...

... though probably not to post.

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[quote user="Will"]I also remember that he used the forum for a personal crusade against a hotel (which I don't think was even in France) where he had stayed and had a bad experience.[/quote]

Gods, I remember that. It was a hotel in the US, I think.

This thread is proving to be a real trip down memory lane. [blink]

The Green forum - one where roses flourish, if I understand you correctly* - came about when Finlay (and Monica) sold out ([;-)]) to NHM but over the intervening years there have been subsequent breakouts from the asylum and there are at least two other forums I can think of that have been started by the disgruntled and possibly disenfranchised (and neither of those was the one so successfully populated by Refugees). [:-))]

* and that's another forum I've not been for years. I had used to enjoy looking at the pics in their photo competition, though. And HWH is still a hero of mine.

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I joined the Green French Forum a couple of years ago, but have only posted on it a few times, as there is such little activity. The busiest recurring thread is an update on the weather from various members!

As for the other French Forum that is the main subject of discussion, I have had the same PM from Pomhorn pointing out I have raised an issue previously dealt with! Without Pomhorn it would be much quieter as by my rough calculation he creates about 20% to 30% of the new threads and therefore without his contribution the hit count for that site would be a lot lower, which presumably then has an adverse impact on the marketing side. Maybe there is some form of arrangement for his contributions, because indirectly it could financially benefit the site by driving up the hit count, which is one of the main selling point statistics to potential advertisers..

The main difference of course compared to a few years ago are that there are few posts from new members considering moving to France on any of the forums, which is undoubtedly due to the recession. 

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Ah - so I've joined a special club then, Sprogster?  I wonder how many others have received such emails!

The Ryanair thread is back, Chiefluvvie, along with a reprimand!

There are people on that forum posting to say they are considering moving to France, Sprogster - but I have to admit to being suspicious.  I've said it before on there - I think there are false posters created to try and make the forum look busy.  You get a new poster arrive who posts lots of questions or opinions and they often don't last long.  Maybe until someone like me comments on how it looks suspicious that such a person arrives in a quiet period.  I've been reprimanded for saying that! 

Maybe it's just something about new posters though - are they schizo about whether to move to France or not??  For instance, there are a couple of threads going on there now where one newish poster says they love France, then after they visit they say they've changed their minds and really don't like it - then on another thread say they love it but wonder what people do all day?  Is this people genuinely changing their minds in a short period - or an invented personality trying to keep the post count up and initiate discussion?

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It seems a while since I have heard people say that they love France and want to move to France. In life as well as on here. Often they didn't seem to speak french or little, judging by the questions they asked, as they could look these answers up themselves if they had some french. And then I wonder how they will ever manage to get their french half up to scratch when they decide to move and to some remote place. And I wonder what they will do with themselves all day too.



Which board are you all on about please? someone PM me and tell me.

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So funny Debra, them bringing back the now heavily cropped Ryanair thread. Here's a copy of the 'telling-off' that accompanies its return (to save people looking at that other forum!):

'This thread has now been heavily pruned of rude and insulting comment, please let's not repeat such behaviour



It would be sad if it wasn't so funny!

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[quote user="idun"]Which board are you all on about please? someone PM me and tell me.[/quote]Sent you a pm or two, idun - check carefully because I've had at least one PM which I missed because of no notification email!

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