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just been kicked of that other forum -;)


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You know what Debra - I don't think anyone has 'told me off' quite like MrsW since I was at school. Even then I think I got away with using the word 'rubbish' when it was warranted!

Must have been pretty serious though as I see they have deleted the entire Ryanair thread! Paranoia if you ask me.....

Anyway - I do love a good giggle :-)

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At least one of the mods over there has let the 'power' go to his head and has kicked off loads of people since the takeover. Frankly, I think it is too much for him. 

One gets the feeling that the owners are much more hands on too, rather than leaving the thing alone to the common sense of the mods.

There seem to be mods for every poster or whatever now, including the exceedingly inarticulate, patronizing one who got me kicked off.

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Look guys - don't knock them too much. After all, they are the place to go if you're looking for Birds custard, recipes for crumpets and what to serve to French guests at apero time. These things are important........

Then of course there's that rather peculiar 'pomhorn' - his command of English reminds me of the airman in Allo Allo - the other way round of course!

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He has been on there for years.  He is a prolific poster on that forum - in the early days of the new system, perhaps the only poster!  I once corrected him in a narky way and was reprimanded by the male mod and asked not get on the 'pom bashing' bandwagon!  I'd corrected him before that point and never been told off - obviously at the point of my reprimand he was considered more important than other members as he was posting so much it must have kept the hit count up. 

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Pom is a German born long term French resident.  His knowledge of French legislation is encyclopedic.  His understanding of what it means is less so.  However for linking to source information he would be hard to beat.
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I just wish he would stop posting such irrelevant rubbish, who give a sh1t for instance that some BMW or whatever has been recalled and if anybody had bought one for sure the dealer would have been in direct contact over such things so we don't need his post's about it.

I've complained about him several times but my threads are always immediately deleted with a stern message from the mods about not upsetting him !

He's as much of a nuisance on other forums too, he must be a real saddo  [blink]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I was banned for remarking that the combination of 'horn' and 'porn' might be injudicious in a Forum name.
That was enough to get me banned.

There is something in the Terms and Conditions (that make War and Peace look like a short novel) about rude or suggestive names. I wonder how he got away with it. Personally if he joined our forum with that name I would ask him to change it.

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[quote user="Debra"]In his favour, I have to say I don't think I've ever seen him get ratty or bolshy like the rest of us mere mortals - even in the face of some quite nasty criticism.


You obviously have never been on the receiving end of a PM from him.

I have ,on several occasions, and he turns nasty if you dare to suggest he does not understand the question ,which he often does not, or that the answer he has given is irrelevant.
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[quote user="andyh4"]Pom is a German born long term French resident.  His knowledge of French legislation is encyclopedic.  His understanding of what it means is less so.  However for linking to source information he would be hard to beat.[/quote]

Perhaps it is his English. I have trouble getting French right when I speak and written French with all it's correct grammar is a nightmare (even for some French people). Our neighbor who is Dutch has sent emails to people I know and although he speaks English well enough his written English can be quite offencive at times. Facial expression and body language is everything with most languages so you can get away with something but if you write exactly the same words without the facial expressions and body language to back it up people can take offence. I know a few English people who are quite happy to tell everyone they speak perfect French when in fact they are speaking utter cr*p judging by the expressions on French peoples faces and the comments they make after said person has left the room. I always start from the point that I slaughter the language so it's nice when I get it right and I get a compliment. Alternatively of course he may just be stupid but one likes to give people the benefit of the doubt.

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[quote user="AnOther"]I just wish he would stop posting such irrelevant rubbish, who give a sh1t for instance that some BMW or whatever has been recalled and if anybody had bought one for sure the dealer would have been in direct contact over such things so we don't need his post's about it.

I've complained about him several times but my threads are always immediately deleted with a stern message from the mods about not upsetting him !

He's as much of a nuisance on other forums too, he must be a real saddo  [blink]

That final comment is unworthy of you ANO, I am guessing that you dont know his circumstances, he may be unable to work for a variety of reasons, disabled or a paraplegic.

Isnt calling someone sad is often expressing the fact that the person would be sad to be in the same circumstances, if I were in the same circumstances as Stephen Hawkins I am sure that I would be sad and unable to rise above the disability in the way he has done, I wouldnt dream of calling him a saddo,  I am sure people would be outraged if I did.

What is wrong with the pseudonym Pomhorn? if there were an additional R and N and the M deleted then I could understand, yes its quite strange to see so many postings from one person but whilst many may be irelevant to me many have been of interest and several bookmarked, surely for most people a lot if not the majority of postings on a forum are irrelevant? All the ones about UK Tv and the inevitable celeb culture that spins off from it are irrelevant to me but they appear to be relevant to the majority, at least with the P***horns posts you can see straight away from the title if it will be of interest and always count on their being a link included.

I am amazed that he finds the time to multiply his efforts (which are selfless) on other forums, I do agree though that when he replies to questions of others he often seems to have misinterpreted them.


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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="andyh4"]Pom is a German born long term French resident.  His knowledge of French legislation is encyclopedic.  His understanding of what it means is less so.  However for linking to source information he would be hard to beat.[/quote]

Perhaps it is his English. I have trouble getting French right when I speak and written French with all it's correct grammar is a nightmare (even for some French people). Our neighbor who is Dutch has sent emails to people I know and although he speaks English well enough his written English can be quite offencive at times. Facial expression and body language is everything with most languages so you can get away with something but if you write exactly the same words without the facial expressions and body language to back it up people can take offence. I know a few English people who are quite happy to tell everyone they speak perfect French when in fact they are speaking utter cr*p judging by the expressions on French peoples faces and the comments they make after said person has left the room. I always start from the point that I slaughter the language so it's nice when I get it right and I get a compliment. Alternatively of course he may just be stupid but one likes to give people the benefit of the doubt.



You may well be right Q, but as others have suggested there are times when he can fish out a completely irrelevant link and quote it as being key to a subject and other times he seems to misunderstand what his link is actually saying.  Overall though I do value his contributions.


As for the car being on recall ANO, if there were to be a recall on my cars I doubt any dealer would know where or how to contact me.  I suspect that would be true of many who have moved and brought vehicles with them.  So while I do not have a Beamer, I still appreciate the notice about them being recalled.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="Debra"]In his favour, I have to say I don't think I've ever seen him get ratty or bolshy like the rest of us mere mortals - even in the face of some quite nasty criticism.


You obviously have never been on the receiving end of a PM from him.[/quote]He did PM me once - he told me I'd opened a question about a subject which had already been discussed in the past and that I should do a search before creating a new thread so the forum didn't get cluttered!!!!  (I actually had but was coming at the question with a different angle and didn't want my question about it to confuse the other threads).

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