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An heir at last!!


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[quote user="woolybanana"]That is the heir to the heir to the heir, isnt it. And another royal mouth to feed. Still, it will at least ensure the succession for a bit yet. And keep President Blair at bay a little longer![/quote]

 And Military quarters come with a free cot  stair gate and a new cot matress !   She' s a very lucky girl !

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As I was stuck in traffic last week, I tried to work out who'd king or queen if William didn't have any kids........ well Harry....... but if he didn't, then we're back to who? Anne or Andrew, and if it were Andrew, then one of his girls would be Queen, Beatrice? not even the prettier one! What an idea. In fact could Peter Phillips have become King, what with not being titled?


And then it was my turn to move through the deepish water, we had been going through one car at a time. We were not flooded and I can but feel for the poor souls who have. It was bad enough getting about last week.


And now it looks like William will have an heir, but as they say, early days yet.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

As to grandfatherhood, that happened to me on 5th November. Not sure I like the idea yet.


Ouh, congratulations! You will go gaga over the little one, that seems to be the fate of grandparents. Everyone knows that every grandchild is a perfect being.[:D]

As for the royal couple, I don't really understand how it could have been announced days ago in the French press (on the news?) and I am SURE I was not dreaming when I heard she was expecting twins, except that I haven't heard it again... so perhaps it was a throwaway comment said in jest.

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''I don't really understand how it could have been announced days ago in the French press (on the news?) and I am SURE I was not dreaming when I heard she was expecting twins, except that I haven't heard it again... so perhaps it was a throwaway comment said in jest.''

It was press speculation, in the hope of selling more copy.

There is no way on earth that the press could possibly know, in advance of the official announcement, of the positive pregnancy.
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I wish them all well, but oh dear, the media will speak of little else for ages! What a pity they couldn't have just had the doctor put a drip in for her at Windsor or somewhere, and let everyone think she just had a chill or something for a short while. Maybe they could have kept it a secret for a little longer.

I did fear when I saw a picture of Catherine with her new hair style that she was going to retreat behind it and look up at the cameras with doe-eyes like Diana used to.

My other thoughts when I heard the news were for that poor Japanese Crown Princess, who couldn't give birth to a male heir, 'only' a female. She apparently had a nervous breakdown and is in a fragile state. Apparently whatever sex the new royal baby is, s/he will be the heir/ess to the throne, thank goodness.

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[quote user="NormanH"]It all just goes to show the silliness of hereditary monarchy.

If they are twins one will be heir on the basis of a few minutes.

While I loath the principle I wish the mother much happiness as I would any other.


Well, a hereditary monarchy saves us from having to vote.[:P]

And just look at the choices voters were given in the USA, France and UK at their last elections!

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[quote user="NormanH"]It all just goes to show the silliness of hereditary monarchy.

If they are twins one will be heir on the basis of a few minutes.

While I loath the principle I wish the mother much happiness as I would any other.


Now, now Norman - it's not their fault!

I can speak from experience as a multiple - threesome.  I only realised when I went to get my first marriage stuff sorted, why I had a time on my birth certificate ... oh, are you a twin - no, a triplet - why - it is only with multiple births  that times are placed on certificates - all to do with primo-geniture.

Whether you like it or not - it's what happens, and has happened over the centuries.

And most multiple births are rather proud of the fact, I can tell you!

(And it my day it was all au naturel - my poor mother - a ready made family all at once!)

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[quote user="NormanH"]It all just goes to show the silliness of hereditary monarchy.

If they are twins one will be heir on the basis of a few minutes.

While I loath the principle I wish the mother much happiness as I would any other.


In a way, it's no sillier than someone winning an election by one or two votes, is it?

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It's only silly if it matters. Frankly, if Charmaine, the dancing pygmy hippo became our next monarch, what exactly would it change?

OK, for Charmaine, they might have to reinforce the odd palace balcony and the suspension in the state coach, but other than that....

Let's face it, if they didn't exist, republicans would have to find someone else to hate.[:D]

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