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Where's the honour in GB now?

just john

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Too much bureaucracy, needs lopping. Good programme makers do not necessarily make good bureaucrats. Lord Reith had them banged to rights even if it went too far. One could go on but I shall be accused of reading Norman's newspaper, the Daily Mail.

Sloppy liberal values have gone too far; time to say, enough is enough.


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[quote user="just john "]

First the Beeb,  BBC-management-was-completely-incapable-of-dealing-with-Savile-row.

now the police,  say-hello-to-the-police-federation-wave-goodbye-to-automatic-respect/

I once thought at least we had some respected honourable institutions.


Why do you think we do not have respected honourable institutions? Does one swallow only make a Spring?

The BBC is working hard to put its house in order, and there is the possibility of a rogue police office being prosecuted for misconduct. Do you not realise that there are 60 million other inhabitants of the United Kingdom? Or are they all tarred by the brush of a tiny, tiny minority?

I am not saying that unfortunate, even shaming, incidents to not occur from time to time - even in the most respected of institutions, but that is no reason for your (no doubt, blue top inspired) leap into melancholic hyperbole. Incidents are reported because they are rarities, not commonplace.


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No sadly not, Tony B liar introduced the private funding initiative (PFI) several health trusts have run into enormous debt and have been closed. On close examination the cost of running the PFI was placing a huge drain on resources of the NHS. Gordon Brown continued this debacle and now Camermoron has taken up the batton so at last with help from Labour early on they can at last begin to crush the NHS out of existence, how?

They are selling off the best bits to their private buddies (the same ones that have already ruined several health trusts) and selling off the hospital grounds to pay for the debts built up by the PFI's in the first place. Even Maggie didn't go that far.

Camermoron even said to Gordon Brown he would enter into a bare knuckle fight to save district hospitals (two faced lying b'stard)

We had a special service of remembrance for 1 nurse who committed suicide, how many services of remembrance will we have for the many hundreds that will die with the closure of so many NHS A&E depts?

Our local hospital A&E has just had (under labour) 12.5m spent on bringing it up to excellent standard and is in profit and running well but is facing closure, The hospital already serves other areas which have had their units closed and this could effect around 750,000 residents who are expected to travel to a smaller hospital which cannot cope with the area it serves at the moment without the extra from Lewisham. 

We are fighting an unwinnable war in Afghanistan costing a fortune which long term won't have changed a thing and cost so many lives whilst the NHS which IS working is being wound down to make room for selective private care gifted to them by the public purse.

Serco of all companies (as bad as G4S) are being contracted to run GP's out of hours services and there have already been deaths through the poor service. Will that lead to another service of remembrance? These people want to live not take their own life.

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[quote user="Rabbie"]It used to be that a policeman's word was automatically accepted in Court. Now I hope people will not be so trusting.[/quote]

My son was involved in a court case, on oath the policewoman said the my sons car was facing south after an accident, when it was facing north (she implied it had spun), also she also claimed that she stayed with the vehicle until it was picked up by the recovery trailer - she wasnt there, we were. Also an off duty police officer stated he had seen my son earliier on the road, yet he didnt stop at the actual accident, but put his witness statement in 3 days later!!

My advise, in case of accident, take as many photos as you can, road markings,vehicle damage etc - ours proved vital.

A lot of money was wasted on a trumped up dangerous driving charge,which fortunately the jury realised and gave not guilty.

Unbelievably, my nephew drove uninsured in someone elses car,crashed at high speed, killed his best friend, injured the driver of another car - and got 18months in jail,2 year ban - disgusting.

Dont trust the police or the justice system anymore

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An in-law's late father use to work shifts on motorway maintenance, clearing up debris.

It used to amuse him if anyone praised the integrity of the police as he told us that whenever there was a late night accident involving a lorry load of goods, police cars would arrive at break-neck speed from far and wide, not to deal with the accident but to see what could be grabbed. That was 20 years ago and things might have changed.

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Thing is, you have to ask yourself at what point it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If everyone thinks the worst of all police, where's the incentive for decent people to join the police force, or the incentive for police to behave with integrity?

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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]

An in-law's late father use to work shifts on motorway maintenance, clearing up debris.

It used to amuse him if anyone praised the integrity of the police as he told us that whenever there was a late night accident involving a lorry load of goods, police cars would arrive at break-neck speed from far and wide, not to deal with the accident but to see what could be grabbed. That was 20 years ago and things might have changed.


Certainly happens on the autoroutes in France, a friend dose pretty much the same job for Sanef, all his reseau of peers text the others whenever there is an incident with a camion carrying a cargo of interest, its the gendarmes on the scene that claim "ownership" of the spoils and share them out, the depanneurs wont are wary to take anything without the nod from the g men as some of them coming away from a wreck short handed have denounced the depanneurs who got there before them.

This time of year is particularly lucrative for them, in fact he doesnt buy Christmas presents, if he is unlucky the kids have to wait till the new year sales before getting their presents, everyone usually gets the same or similar presents from him.

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