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What would YOU have eaten and drunk if you'd been.....


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[quote user="Quillan"]The DM obviously don't know French supermarkets. You would be very careful what you ate and drunk, firstly by checking the sell by dates and secondly their fault or not they sure as hell would charge you.[/quote]


Hm....I wonder, if it'd been Tesco, whether they would have given the lady a complimentary New Year hamper?[Www]

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In Intermarché, well, as was said, I'd be checking the sell by dates first.

Me, I'd probably have found some bread and foie gras and some fruit and if there was cake, I'd have had that too. IF the staff room had been unlocked I would have probably made a hot drink............and I would have been happy.

Drink, well, in a job I had once, I could have exactly what I wanted to drink (or eat for that matter) at any time I thought fit, but I'm not a drinker, so I'd make coffee or tea and also drink coca cola and that was it.


IF they had asked me for money for what I had eaten, I would have told them to 'go away'!

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I loved the comments at the end of the article, all quite reasonable, but laughable if you have lived in france any length of time.

On new years eve they would have closed the doors even faster than they do at lunctimes, except Inter doesnt shut for lunch but you know what I mean.

I have been physically bounced onto the pavement by a videur for trying to enter Maxi co-op 15 minutes before lunch closing time and we all know how urgent/insistent panicky and rude they can become if they think they may be delayed by a millisecond so what happened to me this sunday in the UK really made an impression.

I walked into B&Q to check a price at 3 minutes to 4 o clock not knowing that the store was closing, yes there were quite a few staff by the doors but they werent glaring at me or menacing and I did not even make the connection, at 16.00 the tannoy announced in a very friendly manner, "it is four O clock and this store is closing, would customers please finalise their purchases and make their way to the tills, thank you very much for shopping at B&Q"

What a contrast eh!!!

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Chance, there were NO comments when I posted the link.

And, yes, as you have described, I can believe completely that all the staff would just get out PDQ and gone off home, wherever, because, after all, there is a réveillon to get to, isn't there?[:)]

Me, I'd deffo have had some bubbly to toast in the New Year!

I did laugh at the person saying they would have had mincepies; I mean, mincepies???  I WISH....


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Just thinking.... (assuming it was a large Intermarche)

Plug in TV with remote control to myself and added bonus of opening any DVD's that took my fancy !!

Then on to a nice big warm duvet all to myself (bliss!!) and then maybe a nice supper of cold cuts and fresh bread. Sounds good to me.
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[quote user="Nell"]Just thinking.... (assuming it was a large Intermarche) Plug in TV with remote control to myself and added bonus of opening any DVD's that took my fancy !! Then on to a nice big warm duvet all to myself (bliss!!) and then maybe a nice supper of cold cuts and fresh bread. Sounds good to me.[/quote]

LOL, Nell, how I laughed!

Then, the next morning, perhaps some Buck's Fizz and scrambled eggs with smoked salmon?

And, whilst you're at it, why don't you plug in one of their ovens and cook a proper roast dinner in it?  En plus, you could leave them the washing-up to do?

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I doubt that there was anyone at all there on new years day.

Not surprised that there was no response to the alarms, probably the same mentality at play, what does shock me is how these security weaknesses are published for all to read.

There was a cash in transit depot robbed a couple of years ago at Amiens Nord, a sort of securicor place, I recall when a similar one was done at Maidstone, it too was on an industrial area, o crack that one needed serious armed robbers that held the managers wife and children at gunpoint whilst they went to the depot with a gun in his back, he was forced to give out the correct verification code when the monitoring centre followed up the alarm signal, the rest of the staff were overpowered and incapacitated, the whole thing was meticulously planned and went off in under 15 minutes.

The one at Amiens was a Keystone cops job by comparison, they broke in during a holiday weekend and were undisturbed for 3 days, I think that it may even have been longer as it may have been a pont, it was reported that there was no alarm and that they removed the video recordings, I think the place was alarmed but it either wasnt set or responded to.

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Taking into account the points in the previous posts I wonder if this  incident actually happened or is it just another Urban Myth. Has it been reported in the french media? I have seen no other reports of it  in the UK so perhaps it was someone looking for an amusing space filler in the DM. Sounds a little like the song about Three Old Ladies locked in a lavatory They were there from Monday to Saturday Nobody knew they were there.


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