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I am expecting a great lump of the brown stuff thrown from the fan to hit me in the face any day now [:(]

I always pass off cheval as boeuf when family visit, its so funny to hear them telling others how much tastier the beef is in France that I buy, they have bought some beef themselves in the supermarket to take back but been dissapointed (what a surprise!), I even once managed to order it for them by name in a restaurant without them twigging, they were so pre-occupied with trying to put me off my tripes by saying how disgusting I was to eat them [:D]

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For lack of any actual horsemeat news, BBC "News" today turned to the meat delivery and storage industry, managing to interview an anonymous whistle-blowing driver, who described in detail the condition of some of the products he delivered.

Reminded me of the large van which delivered meat to our local butchers in Spain.

When they opened the back doors to display uncovered carcasses stacked on the floor, and the inside of the doors splattered with blood, I imagined that they actually killed the cattle in the truck, and that they had put up a pretty good fight[:-))]

But we never had any problems from eating the meat there. Having lived in countries with far less, if any, food controls, we always cook food well.



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There is a side to all this, which you've touched on Nomoss.

I'm as guilty as anyone of making a bit of a joke about all this, but there is the animal welfare consideration.  Who knows what's been going on in Romania and wherever?

Christine Animal (and no doubt many others) has been extremely diplomatic in all this, but I'm sure that she's been suffering agonies.

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Even the mighty Tesco (or any one of the major supermarket chains) cannot, and will never be able to bring all their own brand production in-house, and neither will they ever be able to employ enough staff to ensure that outside suppliers and manufacturers are monitored daily to ensure they're not doing something they shouldn't. Probably the greatest sin in all this is that these big names are, in the name of the consumer, (spelt P R O F I T) trying to screw down suppliers' prices to the point where profit margins - if indeed they exist - are minute. And so corners are cut. And no-one is any the wiser until the excrement hits the fan.

I had this from Waitrose this week:

At Waitrose, the welfare of animals and quality of our fresh and frozen meat has always been of the highest priority. That is why we have just announced that in partnership with our dedicated beef supplier we will create a new facility; which in addition to supplying all of our fresh beef will also now produce a range of frozen Waitrose beef products. All the beef processed at this site will continue to be sourced from our known and trusted group of British farmers.

It looks as if they are making an effort.

BTW Our local butcher is very happy......[:)]

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As if the horsemeat wasn't bad enough, some companies want to start a new epidemic of their own!


Meanwhile Tesco are offering double points on petrol and burgers at the moment, it's called Only Fuel and Horses.

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