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Bankers: Cameron shows his true colours


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Instead of posting on here yesterday, I sat and wrote complaining bitterly to my MP about this, and a few other things.

I really do not like people just whingeing about anything, ............ unless [:D] they make an effort to do something about it.  I realise that my letter will not be taken seriously by my MP, but at least I have done something about it.

(NB: I also realise that a few posters are now defranchised and so have not got an MP to write to now, the case we were in when we lived in France. So they are a bit 'stuck' if they wanted to register their disapproval.)

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[quote user="woolybanana"][quote user="ebaynut"]

It seems crazy to me when the UK government can take so much in from bankers that they would even think of limiting their pay.

For some reason the government seem more keen in encouraging  Abdul the ex goat herder turned pizza delivery boy and his hoard of offspring from somewhere in Pi55holeistan into the country then keeping quality high earners who actually benefit the UK in a positive way.


[/quote] Better the dependent you can control rather than the freebooter you cant. Where are the Bransons of the future? UK has spent its wealth on uncontrolled benefits and an NHS which is far too big, rather than using that money to invest in the future. And remember that every administrator is a lifetime burden on the taxpayer.[/quote]

No, no, no Wooly how dare you attack the NHS, it is a heart of the fabric of UK society. Bigger is better and the NHS, whilst already the second biggest government organisation in the world after the Chinese Army needs to enlarge for enlarging it is creating jobs and the British public will no longer have to pay unemployment to the people it employs. It matters not that they end up paying twice or thrice the amount they paid them on unemployment benefits for that is not what it is all about. The NHS is the reincarnation of the Holy Grail. You can think these things but you must never, ever, say them in public. So put the naughty hat on and stand in the corner facing the wall for the next five minutes you naughty boy you.

There that told him. He will be having a go at the other public sector workers next if you don't stop him, damned disgraceful behavior, I expected better of him.

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[:D]Quillan Unchained! Good Mistress still away I take it, inhibitions in the cupboard? Well, the latest by-election result shows that the British are unwilling to face reality and have voted, like the Italians, for the clowns. Blame the EU for the UK's own failings, silly ruggers. Not that the EU is perfect by any means, but first look to the mess at home and clean that up.


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[quote user="woolybanana"]

[:D]Quillan Unchained! Good Mistress still away I take it, inhibitions in the cupboard? Well, the latest by-election result shows that the British are unwilling to face reality and have voted, like the Italians, for the clowns. Blame the EU for the UK's own failings, silly ruggers. Not that the EU is perfect by any means, but first look to the mess at home and clean that up.


I thought I would wait a couple of minutes to reply what with you still having a minute left in the naughty corner.

See your not getting the big picture here are you. UKIP came in a good second and come the next general election I suspect they will have an massive majority in the HoC and will immediately withdraw the UK form the EU. Yo need to understand that it is not the UK that is out of sync with the EU but rather the other way round. As to the Euro well good job the UK never joined that fiasco. I mean they can't even print money under their system but the UK can, in fact they can print £430bn worth, give it a flash name like "Quantitative Easing" which the public won't understand and watch inflation rise and the pound fall even against that useless currency called the Euro. You really need to pay more attention to some of the good old honest and factual tabloids like the Daily Mail, Express and the most learned of all tabloids, The Sun. [kiss]

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Yes, what a wonderful result in Eastleigh for UKIP, seems people are starting to wake up to what is happening in the UK what with immigration numbers getting worse by the day.

Their (UKIP) leader was correct in saying people are fed up with DC banging on about rights of the fairy boys and forgetting about the genuine UK populations rights.
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By UK population, do you mean nice, largely uncircumcized, white people?

UKIP is very close to the extreme right parties in what it wants, but it lacks the tattos, the shaven heads and the leathers.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

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The support for UKIP just proves the point that the british electorate are looking for something different . Different from the current middle of the road, timid, wishy washy policies from the "big 3".

It doesn't matter what they stand for, as long as they're different,

I wonder what the % turnout was? I bet it was higher than the usual  33%.

(can't google in the middle of a post or I lose the post. )

ps it was only 52%, and the lowest of any recent elections. [:$]

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

Yes, what a wonderful result in Eastleigh for UKIP, seems people are starting to wake up to what is happening in the UK what with immigration numbers getting worse by the day.

Their (UKIP) leader was correct in saying people are fed up with DC banging on about rights of the fairy boys and forgetting about the genuine UK populations rights.


Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="ebaynut"]

Yes, what a wonderful result in Eastleigh for UKIP, seems people are starting to wake up to what is happening in the UK what with immigration numbers getting worse by the day.

Their (UKIP) leader was correct in saying people are fed up with DC banging on about rights of the fairy boys and forgetting about the genuine UK populations rights.


Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...


Exactly so it's a little like the chicken and the egg, what came first the job or the immigrant. Going on what everyone seems to say it's the job so why are not 'British' unemployed people taking the jobs first?

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="ebaynut"]

Yes, what a wonderful result in Eastleigh for UKIP, seems people are starting to wake up to what is happening in the UK what with immigration numbers getting worse by the day.

Their (UKIP) leader was correct in saying people are fed up with DC banging on about rights of the fairy boys and forgetting about the genuine UK populations rights.


Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...


Yawn. I suppose that the report about the extent to which net migration is falling has passed you by, ebaynut. Along with much of the progress of the 21st century in terms of racial tolerance, I suspect. Immigration numbers have been falling now for some considerable time. Except in the UKIP manifesto and the Daily Mail, where they're increasing exponentially on an hourly basis, no doubt.

Still, on the plus side, at least UKIP did come second. Things could have been a lot worse.[:D][Www]

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Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...

Happily I don't know any immigrant, on the dole or otherwise.

 Anyway, what has claiming benefits got to do with anything?

The UK is overcrowded, we do not need anyone else entering thank you, working or not.

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Any political party that has the ability to attract the knuckledragging dregs of humanity whose politics were at more at home with the almost defunct BNP, is no cause for a party.

Can I put you down as a "maybe" for voting UKIP next time??  [:D]

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...

Happily I don't know any immigrant, on the dole or otherwise.

 Anyway, what has claiming benefits got to do with anything?

The UK is overcrowded, we do not need anyone else entering thank you, working or not.


Here you go again believing the rubbish that UKIP puts out. Try a bit of research of your own, you might actually be surprised to know that the comment is quite incorrect. Out of the 128 recognised countries in the world the UK rates 51st in the number of people per square kilometer. In Europe Holland, Belgium and France have higher densities.

Most immigrants in the UK either work or study. Current figures, probably from the same source that Betty was using, has shown a large drop in people coming to study. Seeing as they pay to study there is a big drop in income for universities with some now closing down courses. Those that work are paying tax and many fill critical jobs like in your beloved NHS for instance. Stop them from coming and things will soon start to crumble. They also contribute towards the lazy 'English' unemployed and contribute to state pension payments not to mention paying for the NHS and education.

As for your previous posts with such comments as "fairy boys" just shows you for the bigot you truly are. Personally with your comments in this and other threads in the past I would have thought that UKIP are little tame for you and perhaps a move to supporting the BNP would be more up your street.

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That is the exact same conversation I have to have with my Mil far too often. It is very frustrating, she blames immigrants for everything despite the fact she moves in a very white world,the only contact she has with foreigners is in the NHS or on some cheap UK holiday and she reluctantly sings their praises. Last time I decided to hit them with some facts but they actually told me that they prefer to go on their "gut instinct" and what they can see.

If they last that long they both plan on voting for the UK to leave the EU as if that is going to turn the clock back to 1950s Britain and with no thought as to how it might affect their very much European grandchildren.
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[quote user="ebaynut"]

Do you actually personally know any recent immigrants who are on the dole ? Most I know seem to have come here to work and get on, not struggle...

Happily I don't know any immigrant, on the dole or otherwise.

 Anyway, what has claiming benefits got to do with anything?

The UK is overcrowded, we do not need anyone else entering thank you, working or not.


Well maybe if you did you would think a lot harder about it.

My feeling is that historically we are a nation that has thrived on immigration.

Have you ever investigated your family tree?

Most people find that they have immigrant ancestors some where along the line...in our case my forebears came from Prussia to work in the leather trade and my husbands ancestors were Huguenots
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Well maybe if you did you would think a lot harder about it.
My feeling is that historically we are a nation that has thrived on immigration.
Have you ever investigated your family tree?
Most people find that they have immigrant ancestors some where along the line...in our case my forebears came from Prussia to work in the leather trade and my husbands ancestors were Huguenots


I have no doubt that Q could find a link somewhere to something in my distance past where a member of my family had sex with a goat trader in Outer Mongolia about 1000 years ago, so proving once and for all I was not truly English, but no, I have never found the need to check back. I knew my great grandfather and I have no need to worry about his genes. [:)]

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I just love the fact that it appears that most of the self proclaimed experts on the financial or political plight of the UK, are ex-pats living in France. Who when anybody from the UK speaks up for themselves and puts the case that probably most of the UK population would back, i.e less control from Europe, less immigration, are immediately accused of being members of the nasty party. FFS stick to letting out your Gites and B&B's and let the people of the UK do what suits them and if that includes voting for UKIP so be it.

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