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Fixed focus glasses


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Yes but Woolies got bad eyesight [:D]

I don't think it's right to only show one company as it implies bias lots of companies will sell glasses for reading and a huge number of retail outlets too.  No need for expensive eye tests that was always a con for reading glasses.


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I know plenty of people who get their reading glasses from the 1€ shop, or the equivalent. No good for me, as both eyes have different problems, but plenty seem OK with them.

I took my usual prescription to a local optician in England and got some reading glasses to suit both me and reading and they were only £20.

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I buy 'loupes' at my Pharmacie for 13.90 for two pairs.

They have then in various magnifications. which I try to see which suit


I would not suggest that they replace real specs, but I only use them occasionally to see the tiny things on my mobile phone screen..

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I have a left eye with a crystallin lens implant which was chosen for close work, its completely myopic hence useless for anything else but it does mean that I can work or type here albeit at 125% zoom without reading glasses.

For small print, in bad light or when i am tired I use £1 shop reading glasses for the right eye and I remove the glass from the left eye.

In normal daily routine without glasses the brain has adapted to having 2 different fields of vision, the left eye for close and the right for long, it was horrible and destabilising at first but now its second nature, so much so that when I was prescribed 2 lots of glasses for close and far vision (the right eye now has an astigmatism) I decided to cannibalise them and make a composite pair, the close lens for the left eye and the long for the right, it works so well that during my next visit I am going to ask that they give me just the one ordonnance and up the close one a bit more.

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