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Complete France Forum

Hello All Xx

Just Katie

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Hello to all. I haven't posted on here for a while but have been looking through the posts at the old names.

Well I am now back in the UK and will be renovating my house in the Tarn next year and will therefore will become a nuisance on renovations over the next few months.

Hope all is well. Any gossip?
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Thank you all, nice to see some old faces. Norman so sad there have been losses, I have emailed you just in case I put my foot in it on the open forum. Hoddy and Russ, I am now back in the UK following a lovely experience of living in Paris. As said my next project is renovating a little summer house in the south so that should keep me busy.

Hey Wooly, who is the bird?
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Welcome back Katie. As you have probably noticed the forum is a lot quieter these days, no doubt due to the economic situation putting the dampers on people's dreams of a French home.

Also some regulars have gone back to the UK and as previously mentioned we have sadly lost some stalwarts such as Coops.
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Ah Hi Catalpa, yes Katie Kopy Kat but got called KKK which of course I had to change. Yes we had lots of fun on here didnt we? It seems very quiet now since the pre facebook days.

Paris was a wonderful opportunity, I know the city like the back of my hand now and had a great time there and met some lovely people. However, although our contracts finished, to be honest I was happy to come home after three years.

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Welcome back Katie, looking forward to hearing from you more often now. Lucky you spending so much time in Paris - I've only been there once and loved it.

As you say, perhaps it's Facebook which has lured away many people. I've managed to avoid it.

Do you still keep in touch with Twinkle?

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Welcome back, I had wondered what had become of you

Actually I was quite pleased when the small minority decided to move their, and I must choose my words carefully here, witterings from the forum to Facebook, I thought it was a very sensible decision and meant that the forum was not diluted with personal chatter.

That said it was only a few people and they still continued to contribute to the forum so I dont think that Facebook is responsible for the decline of the forum.

Certainly some have returned, I think a big difference is that new members are not moving to France like they were before, also some of members that have been banned were big contributors and their postings and sometimes active exchanges were interestingto follow.

I think that given the first 2 reasons for the decline it might be time to re-think the expulsion policy,  a car forum that I use which is very well behaved whereas others are usually the opposite operates a name and shame policy, every month the moderator lists the members that have been warned and placed in "time out" and also those who have been banned, in both cases citing the reason why, its reported every month even though most months there is never anything listed except the spammers whose accounts have been blocked, its a good feedback that lets you know the health of the forum.

Interestingly I have never seen a posting criticising the disciplining or banning of someone.

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Thank you all for the welcome back. Not as naughty as I was though lol. Yes Pat, I still keep in touch with Twinks, I was down the Tarn last weekend we had a great time. she has been a little bit poorly lately but as usual her spirits are very high. Of course the Welsh rugby win added to the situation.

I have told her that I have reposted so hopefully she will come on here.
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