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Community service for Berlusconi


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The Press is carrying reports that the old rogue (who so reminds me of Norman!) is going to get away with a year's community service instead og gaol or house arrest for his sins. This would involve such edifying duties as picking up rubbish and cleaning toilets.

Perhaps there is an example here for the UK; politicians who break the rules concerning expenses or licence points might be made to do this rather than sitting in comfy open prisons for their very short sentences.

Or perhaps all politicians should have performed a couple of years community service before they are eligibl for office.

Imagine Red Ed getting his hands dirty!
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I think that he should look to another former prime minister for his inspiration: William Ewart Gladstone.

Gladstone considered it to be his mission to go into the murkier parts of London and to exhort fallen women to change their ways.

This, I feel, could actually be a true labour of love for Signor Berlusconi. After all, he probably knows most of them by name .... [6]

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[quote user="Clarkkent"]

I think that he should look to another former prime minister for his inspiration: William Ewart Gladstone.

Gladstone considered it to be his mission to go into the murkier parts of London and to exhort fallen women to change their ways.

This, I feel, could actually be a true labour of love for Signor Berlusconi. After all, he probably knows most of them by name .... [6]


[:D] [:D] [:D]



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He is going to be forced to be a surveillant at an all girls boarding school, let the punsihment suit the crime!!!

BTW can someone please tell me the name in English for a surveillant, one that is on night duty in an internat, I just cannot find the word, maybe their isnt one.

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My educational pedigree is not dissimilar to that of Dave Nick and Gideon, except that I was spared the Bullingdon bullies antics.

It struck me that should any of that terrible trio were required to serve the community instead of themselves one would be hard pressed to find  any thing they would be capable of doing......

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I thought of Matron but quickly dismissed it, I would still like an answer but perhaps should enlarge the question, I know of a few people that do this job in France and the UK, the ones in France are surveillants the ones in the Uk just explain what they do so perhaps there is not a name.

One "oversees" (best word I can think of) an internat of a lycee, another in an old folks home, another at a residential home for handicapped children, they are all basically nightwatchmen/women, on hand should the need arise, I think that they are all allowed to sleep on the job, so clearly nightwatchman is not the right term either.

Often for the lycée I am asked to translate terms, this was one of them that stumped me.

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Well in France it is a separate job, not really done by teachers who see their function as purely academic, so you can't translate it directly since it doesn't exisit as a job in England.

In the English system such things are done by teachers themselves in a rôle known as 'pastoral care'.

Nowadays there are also counsellors in some schools but they don't have the same 'hands-on' dealings with pupils as surveillants.

Some studies consider that this can lead to rôle conflict since the discipline which a teacher needs to assert over the class may clash with the more listening/understanding attitude of say a Head of  Year out of the classroom.

I tend to prefer the English system and feel that the separation of tasks goes some way to explaining the problems parents can have with 'unsympathetic' teachers here

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