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Two of the actors you may have liked in the film are Jason Statham and Vinnie Jones. Below are their IMDB links with lists of other films they are in which you may find interesting. Before the links two Britsih films you may also like Layer Cake and The long Good Friday An American film of a similar type is Swordfish

Statham - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005458/

Jones - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005068/

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I watched up to the dog swallowing the diamond, and thought that was the best and funniest part of the film that I saw. The rest consisted of terrible stereotypes; badly directed and badly over acted. Vinnie Jones was one who I thought came over with his normal reasonable but limited performance. As for Mr Pitt, why he ever agreed to do this film beggars belief.

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Well of course you are entitled to your opinion and there are one or two others out there that may say the same. The bulk of people who have watched the film over the years think quite the opposite, some have also claimed it is the English version of Pulp Fiction although I persoanlly woud not go that far.

As for Guy Ritchie (director) well he is rated as the 7th best Director in the world, quite remarkable when you consider how many films he has actually made (not a lot) compared to those above him. So his peers obviously think he is quite a good director. In fairness however this was only his third film.

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Sorry but your man doesn't even get a mention, so it all depends where you look. Without discussing my private life on an open forum all I'm prepared to say is, I do have little knowledge of the industry. But fair does if you are willing to pay to see crap when there are so many wonderful Films made by very talented people, your money your choice.

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[quote user="Quillan"]Well thats your opinion as I said before and I personally disagree with it.[/quote] Not just my opinion it's there in black and white. So how do you disagree with that? Still I seem to remember you get all your info from the Daily Heil and the Jeremy Kyle show. So why am I surprised?
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Simple really because if you worked in the film industry you would know what at least one of my sources was. As to yours, well one is an American TV company, one is a site that reviews just about anything from a toothbrush upwards and both lists are those voted for by the American public which does not say an awful lot really. As for the Torygraph, well that is the opinion of eight people.

Still thats my opinion.

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I'm perfectly aware of both your sources, especially as they are the same one.

Both your "sources" don't mention your man who you believe is the seventh best director in the world. Your sources are about actors, It's my opinion that you deliberately waffle and probably confuse yourself. As for your opinions, I ignore them as I believe you make it up as you go along.

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[quote user="Quillan"]Well Jolly good for you. You sure answer a lot of my posts for somebody who ignores them. You can't kid a kidder can you. [;-)][/quote]

I ignore your opinions not your posts, but then I feel that it's my duty to expose BS, and you make the job a full time one. Still I like a challenge.

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Hollywood stars pretty much leave me cold, I tend to avoid watching what people say are "must see" films and I didnt really know much at all about Brad Pitt until I saw him in that movie, I was very very impressed, any American that can play the part of a doasyoulikey as well as he did gets my genuine respect.

I enjoyed the film for what it was, did you really think it wasnt worthy of Brad Pitt?

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I should have added that if the film wasnt worthy of Mr Pitt then I ought to watch some of his better performances, can you recommend any?

There are many iconic films that I never got to see simply because I have never been one to run with the crowd, all of the star wars films, ET etc, these I only ever saw on TV and have not seen most of the star wars ones, sometimes I watch a film on TV and realise that a certain star whose name I will have seen all over the media really is a good actor or actress and then I want to see more of them, I prefer to make my judgements that way rather tahn be guided by the media so to me it matters not one iota whether Guy Ritchie is rated first or last, I enjoyed one film so will watch others.

An actor that I found I liked as above was Russel Crowe in Master and Commander, what other good roles has he played?

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[quote user="Gardian"]

................. and I just thought that it was an entertaining film that some might not have seen. which is why I mentioned it in the first place.

Not a classic, not Oscar-worthy ............. just a bit of fun.

There we are.

[/quote] Exactly it is what it is and quite funny in parts. Films are like music and we all have different tastes. Just because one person does not like it does not make it bad film. People in the film industry call it 'art' the rest of us that watch the films call it entertainment and if it entertained you then it has done its job.
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